Result found for “CRACK CLOUD”
The one and only CRACK CLOUD from Vancouver, Canada, who must have had a lot of influence on the current UK guitar band scene, will be performing in London in October 2022. A gatefold jacket with obi featuring a pattern performed by a band of 17 people including strings at Evolutionary Arts Hackney. Live album included in a 2-disc set. Limited to 1,000 pieces, sold only at limited stores worldwide.
-LTD.BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE JAPAN OBI+BLUE VINYL EDITION. LTD.300- Even if the world can't change, it changed you. From Canada to you all over the world, CRACK CLOUD, who spends his youth and life, the excitement and excitement of rebirth, and the pounding and unstoppable fuck and peace that makes love and war come all at once. Hedi Slimane, who first fell in love with them, should fall in love again with a 10-song historical record, 2022, that sounds barbaric dance and pure rock or punk with a refracted heart.[Read More]
自分達へのザ・カウンター。2010年代以降のギター・バンド・シーンに大きく影響を与えた(ということは世界は知らない)カナダのCRACK CLOUDと同郷のあのPOTTERYのメンバーが新たに結成した我々にとってのスーパー・グループMOCK MEDIA、初ヴァイナル・アルバム。なんだこれは。CRACK CLOUDにThe CLASH「Combat Rock」パワーをマジ注入したかのような感動的に明日への一歩を踏み出させてくれるDIYスピリッツの結晶でもある全10曲。限定300枚。[Read More]
DELILUH, which Tin Angel, who sends out CRACK CLOUD, will definitely recommend as a separate Canadian division, and the 2022 album will shoot out like a javelin gun from the frozen side while the frozen people are frozen in ice, that's PSYCHIC TV and CHRIS AND COSEY and DAVID SYLVIAN. Best band ever. limited.[Read More]
=BACK IN= UK Burning, a tornado that not only follows black midi but surpasses it. SQUID debuted from that Speedy Wunderground, a limited 10-inch released signed with Warp. Between CRACK CLOUD and IDLES! ! ! In other words, rock in the near future with avant, kraut, alternative and disco. All 2 songs, limited 10 inches. It's already in stock for short. One copy per person, please.[Read More]
The first 7-inch series of ARTHUR RUSSELL covers has arrived from Tin Angel, a label that covers everything from CRACK CLOUD's Meat Machine to singer-songwriters such as NICHOLAS KRGOVICH. It was recorded at the beginning of the 1986 album "World Of Echo" in collaboration with PETER ZUMMO, a New York trombonist who participated in many of his works, and PETER BRODERICK, who released works on Type and Erased Tapes. Includes a wonderful cover of the song "Tone Bone Kone" in which ZUMMO participated and "All-Boy All-Girl" from the same work (this one is by PETER BRODERICK and cellist MABE FRATTI). Limited to 200 pieces.[Read More]
PEACE CHORD, 2021 album by Daniel Roberson, a member of the Canadian team CRACK CLOUD that revolutionized the times in an instant. We can understand once again that they weren't greeted by the times, but confirmed the times and started fighting, from that nostalgic curse that CARETAKER taught us, he is the reality of the 2020s where we live. Because he will come back and sympathize with me. Experimental ambient music and unexpectedly solid ROBERT WYATT are challenging as a pop music ballad for the underground that was about to arrive. Be fashionable. That's not to say, but the fact that Hedi Slimane has used the last track from this collection once again, well, again, as Celine's music still makes us heartbeat. , A total of 7 songs that ...[Read More]
-LTD. GREEN VINYL + Autographed BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE Approximately 30x30cm art print encloses a brown envelope with a band logo stamp + deluxe booklet first-come-first-served benefits - 5 formed while attending university in Brighton to sublimate UK burning to 2020's 2021 1st album announced by the human group SQUID signed with that Warp. Jazz like black midi, progressive like BLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROAD, and hybrid ideas like CRACK CLOUD under the name of contemporaneity... I'm still shocked by what I've heard so far. Because it's like a 70's funk late 70's post-punk, a provocative DIY that was seriously trying to change the world, expressing 2001 A Space Odyssey. It's spread out before your eyes. BLACK COUNT...[Read More]
=BACK IN= LA trio BEHAVIOR, 2019 album. It's not the society, society, politics, or adults that are to blame, but the young man who hates complaints and SNS the most knows about ICEAGE. I want to say from the bottom of my heart that the reason why people don't notice music that's more punk and modern than this punk that the three of us played in the garage is that society, society, politics, and adults are all at fault, but I won't say it. Because I know music isn't something that's meant to be shared with someone else, and that's where the world and punks tend to get it wrong, but I'll save that for the next life, but whatever. It's not that I won't say anything, I'll just say it. Because, in other words, just buying this record ...[Read More]
オーストラリアのEXEKの2023年作はあなたしか知らない(なはずないけど)名盤だ。マジ良い...ダブとポストパンクなんてことは40年前から誰もが思いつきやってみることだがその際センスってものをだいたい忘れてしまいポストパンクであったりダブであったりする意味さえなくなるのだがこのEXEKの場合その上の各メロと歌メロがセンス完璧。これだけでルックスさえわかるほどだ。だからCRACK CLOUDとPHOENIXとBLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROADとMETAL BOXを混ぜてなどと乱暴気味なイメージでも良い以上に良い。