Result found for “SNAP! CLAP! CLUB”
Spanish guitar band KIWIS' 2020 debut album sold out in just 36 hours. This time, Repress 2021 is limited to a different jacket color. A sparkling guitar band album that no one can make fun of, showing the reason why a guitar band that should be youthful is nakedly pop. limited.[Read More]
A Spanish one comes up once in a while. Nice looks, Alicia, Asier, Júlia, and Sònia The 1st album in 2021 of ETERNA JOVENTUT, a Spanish guitar band following MELENAS, which has members who belonged to various bands. Run, run, run again. There's the right DIY and in-day spirits, as well as hearty pop and romantic. A total of 12 tracks, it is difficult to come across an album that correctly sounds the sound of licking each other's wounds without culture.[Read More]
All works sold out immediately ADIÓS AMORES, a female duo of Ana and Iman from Andalusia, Spain, 2021 second 7 inch. A lullaby level crying melody and Spanish surf guitar with a mysterious new wave and of course Spanish guitar popism. Everything is strange, but everything is correct. This is youth culture, a record with a unique Spanish cultural sense by two girls who have everything that we Japanese young people have forgotten. Both this work and the inner black and white photo are the best. This is also sold out immediately.[Read More]