スロウ・コア・シーンの世界的認知によりBUILT TO SPILLのJason Albertiniが在籍し'96年から2000年までに発表された二枚のスタジオ・アルバムの激レア化&再評価を受け完全復活したレジェンドDUSTER、2024年アルバム。
スロウ・コア・シーンの世界的認知によりBUILT TO SPILLのJason Albertiniが在籍し'96年から2000年までに発表された二枚のスタジオ・アルバムの激レア化&再評価を受け完全復活したレジェンドDUSTER、2024年アルバム。
ミニマル・ウェイブ・レジェンド・デュオXENO & OAKLANDERが2024年アルバム。
-LTD.FLUORESCENT GREEN CASSETTE- What a woman and what a person, PHOEBE BRIDGERS is in fact constantly thinking, which is why she completed this album. Melancholy is ultimately selfish and self-satisfied, and relies on the kindness of others. If that is the job of a musician, then there is no value in being an artist, but hers is a signpost from the darkness (which must be the past) to the future. It's darker than I thought, like this jacket, but don't miss it. You'll be fine, but you can't see it yet, but the bright future is right there, and you'll know that anxiety is something you've created yourself. What a positive melancholy suddenly sings about Kyoto in a pop style, as if sh...[Read More]
What a woman and what a person, PHOEBE BRIDGERS is in fact constantly thinking, which is why she completed this album. Melancholy is ultimately selfish and self-satisfied, and relies on the kindness of others. If that is the job of a musician, then there is no value in being an artist, but hers is a signpost from the darkness (probably the past) to the future. It's darker than I thought, like this jacket, but don't miss it. You'll be fine, but you can't see it yet, but the bright future is right there, and you'll know that your anxiety is something you created yourself. What a positive melancholy suddenly sings about Kyoto in a pop style, as if she had anticipated us being tossed around by COVID, but we know that pop music, rock, and ...
2011 2nd album.
Ethiopian super rare cult groove album reissued for the first time by Mississippi.[Read More]
Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru, an Ethiopian nun and pianist, recorded her vocal albums in the 1960s and 1970s in the islands, which are highly acclaimed among the Mississippi reissues, but this is a vocal album that she recorded at home on cassette. It is a total of eight songs that she had hoped to have released before her death in March 2023.[Read More]
SAM GENDEL, who brings alternative, pop, independent, and street realism for the modern age more than the jazz scene, this work is a ridiculously special album created with 11-year-old Miss Sitrinovic at the time. The two of them, who were at Gendel's Los Angeles home, happened to start working together one afternoon at the end of the summer. Genesis added a dubious pop record that his daughter sang, and sprinkled SADE-like blue-eyed new wave jazz of the 80's other than SADE.[Read More]
ジャズ・シーン以上に現代のためのオルタナティブとポップとインディペンデントとストリートをリアルするSAM GENDEL、本作は当時11歳シトリノビッチ嬢と作り上げたとんでもなく特別なアルバムである。Gendelのロサンゼルスの自宅にいたふたりが夏の終わりのある日の午後偶然に突然一緒に制作しはじめ完成した本作はまるで1980年代のCrepuscule Recordsで見かけたようなポスト・パンク・ジャズとPSYCHIC TVのGenesisが娘に歌わせた怪しげなポップ・レコードを足してSADE以外のSADEぽい80年代のブルー・アイド・ニューウェイブ・ジャズを振り掛けたように我々が素晴らしいと思うのに全方位型という奇跡盤。
Canadian boy MAC DEMARCO, part 2. He's a man who, as expected, will make you groan before you finish listening to it. Talented arrangements, pop sense beyond indie, yet independent, but more tears and future than mass. A masterpiece-worthy second album.
Released in 2014.
The 2015 album of MAC DEMARCO, the man who blended hentai, bi and pop music in the best quality in the last 20 years. The best pop music of the 2000s that doesn't need the word "wonderful" because it sounds more indie than indie.[Read More]
2017 studio second album.[Read More]
A highlight of the 7-inch split series that recorded on both sides a band from the NY label Famous Class and a band recommended by that band, TY SEGALL and its TY SEGALL recommended, and later signed with In The Red as MEATBODIES and popular. 7 inches in 2015 that recorded the first sound source of CHAD AND THE MEATBODIES that became.
=BACK IN= JAMIE T limited mini-album 12 inch with 6 tracks. Three new songs, 'Magnolia Melancholia', 'Marilyn Monroe' and 'Riverbed'! I don't think there are many people who say that, but it includes covers of BRANVAN 3000's 'Mama Don't Smoke' and The REPLACEMENTS' 'Bastards Of Young'.[Read More]
A 2008 album released by DAVID SCOTT STONE, who was also a member of LCD SOUNDSYSTEM, just before joining LCD on CALI THORNHILL DEWITT's label Teenage Teardrops. NO AGE ~ The Smell Dome metal noise underground with LA soul directly descended from around. Limited to 521 pieces.[Read More]
-BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE LTD. 100 GLOWING ORANGE VINYL EDITION- BIG LOVE limited 100 orange vinyl The Canadian girl trio The COURTNEYS, featuring YOUNG BRAISED, a killer with a rap that has gone through as a complete indie counter that mixes the early BEASTIE BOYS street with the girl indie that appeared in late '10. B-side BOBBY DRAINO REMIX.[Read More]
Japanese title "It's okay, jump in" Japan limited 7 inch. B-side "Panama = Panama".[Read More]
BサイドDANIEL JOHNSTONのカヴァー'True Love Will Find You In The End'。
LIME GARDEN, a breakout candidate Brighton quartet from So Young Records, a record label established by So Young Magazine, which drives the independent music scene from London to the UK and the world, 2022 limited 7 inch single. New British potential to be young between BIG MOON and GOAT GIRL. Limited edition sold out.
2021 RELEASED. B-SIDE NEIL YOUNGのカヴァー‘Don't Let It Bring You Down’. ORANGE VINYL. LTD.1000
Another version of "Fourth Of July" from the album "Carrie & Lowell" released in 2015, 2022.[Read More]
RSD 2020. The Syd Barrett Tribute at the Barbican Center in London, on May 10th, 2007. One copy per person, please.
Awesome Tapes From Africaから10年前にReissueされ大きな話題を呼びベストセラーとなったたマリ共和国のシンガーNAHAWA DOUMBIAの声とアコースティックギターのみで構成された1982年発表アルバムがついにReissue。収録曲は「Sakoro Mery」「Demisen Kulu」「Ma I Ni Wula」「Jigi Yiri」の4曲。オリジナルリリース以来初の再発。
Awesome Tapes From Africaから10年前にReissueされ大きな話題を呼びベストセラーとなったたマリ共和国のシンガーNAHAWA DOUMBIAの声とアコースティックギターのみで構成された1982年発表アルバムがついにReissue。収録曲は「Sakoro Mery」「Demisen Kulu」「Ma I Ni Wula」「Jigi Yiri」の4曲。オリジナルリリース以来初の再発。
Singer-songwriter SAMPHA, who has received love calls from big names such as KENDRICK LAMAR, STORMZY, TRAVIS SCOTT, DRAKE, SOLANGE, FRANK OCEAN, BEYONCE, LIL WAYNE, etc., will release his second album in 2023, six years after his first album in 2017, which won the Mercury Prize. Featuring impressive guests such as YAEJI, Morgan Simpson of black midi, SHEILA MAURICE-GREY of KOKOROKO, YUSSEF DAYES, IBEYI, etc.
-DELUXE EDITION. LP+12"+CDx2- 山を越え谷を越え名声と金と友とその裏切りを越え、The xx 2016年3rdアルバム。JAMIE xxのフロアが大幅に導入された全方位型2010年代正義のポピュラー・アルバム誕生。
2025カレンダージン 最大12ヶ月赤の他人と過ごす1年
パンク・ロックやポスト・パンクが本来持っていた反逆精神以上に止まることのできない若さとそのアイデアと行動力によりシューゲイズとサイケデリアと未確認のインディ、それはまるでSPACEMEN 3プロデュースによるVASELINESのような(と言っても罪の意識は芽生えない)。独自の解釈にて異質でありながら新時代の幕開けさえも感じる現代的なロックをフランス北東部アルザスにて奏でる3人組SINAÏVE、2024年全11曲収録フル・アルバム。
時代を作ったと私が宣言するML BUCHが2020年にデジタルのみで発表したデビュー・アルバム「Skinned」、限定ヴァイナル化。ポップ・ミュージックでありながら溶ける。それはポスト・パンクやニューウェイブがその先にきっと目指した場所。限定。おひとり様一枚でお願いします。ONE COPY PER PERSON
ボルティモアとオーストラリアからのメンバーによるSMOKE BELOWが2022年から2023年にかけてボルティモアの自宅で制作された4枚目にしてラストだというアルバムはESG ~ ESSENTIAL LOGIC直系の変速ファンクビートとひねくれギターどちらも気合いのセンス見え隠れしてしまうポスト・パンクにPHILIP GLASS ~ STEVE REICH影響下による現代音楽エッセンスが散りばめられた全9曲。
デトロイト出身のデュオGiovanna LenskiとChristian MolikによるCLINIC STARS、1stフル・アルバム。COCTEAU TWINS直系の耽美ギター&ウィスパー気味のヴォイスとスロウ・コア的ダウナーにシューゲイズの現代的融合でありながらGROUPERが所属するKrankyならではのドリームとポップには意地でも落ちない立ち位置がナイスといった存在は実はあまりいなくハマる2024年作品。
ブリストルのYOUNG ECHOのAmos ChildsとヴォーカリストJasmine ButtにAlex Rendalの3人によるJABUのデモカセットがヴァイナル化。限定。
Frederik Valentin, who was a key figure in the Copenhagen scene in Denmark, has collaborated with Hannes Norrvide of LUST FOR YOUTH on KYO and Loke Rahbek of Posh Isolation. And Yung Lean's alias jonatan leandoer96 will be appearing in 2023. He participated fully in the masterpiece "Sugar World" by . His first solo album in about nine years since Year0001 will be released in 2024. Only those who are willing to sleep with the times are given the right to play music. All will perish together with their fellows. The reality is cruel, but he realized it. The light does not shine on the passive. Everyone, listen to this positive melody and beat. Wonderful Life is here now.
The 2014 film " Under the Skin: Species Predation Soundtrack by MICA LEVI.
A dream, not a dream, not an ambient one either. And it invites you to a unique world where you don't stop thinking. It's a dream, but a dream that's different from a dream. GROUPER, 2018 album.[Read More]
GROUPER by Liz Harris , 9th album released in 2013.
A 2014 work composed mainly of piano accompaniment and vocals.[Read More]
"Alien Observer" 2019 Reissue, one of the two types of masterpiece "AIA" released simultaneously in 2011, which was out of print.[Read More]
``Dream Loss'' 2019 Reissue, one of the 2 types of masterpiece ``AIA'' released simultaneously in 2011, which was out of print.[Read More]
The GARDEN, I don't care about the road or the means. They made many mistakes, but they were right more than anyone else. So the 2018 album is a masterpiece no matter what anyone says. These Los Angeles twins have a lot of friends and I don't think they understand the ABCs of music, but if you're young, you already know that the truth is meaningless even to humans hundreds of years ago. They're real punks, not cool punks. Action power that has no time to lick each other's wounds. That they're real all the time, as long as they don't stop. So all songs are anthems.[Read More]
This masterpiece 12-inch was released in 2012, before he was discovered in America and before his first album and worldwide breakthrough. Contains 5 songs.
Japan Edition
Obi Strip+Clear Orange Smoke Vinyl+Signed Art Print
限定150枚 -
RSD RELEASE. +2 Bonus songs
RSD RELEASE. 初ヴァイナル化。
RSD RELEASE. GUTS (spilled)のアートワークをフィーチャーしたパープル・スリーブのゲートフォールド・ジャケット+赤とパープルのマーブル盤の特別仕様盤。
It's been several years since the world suddenly realized this. KING KRULE, 2017 2nd album. This work, which was created with an understanding of his own situation, is a daring low-fi and straight arrangement that seems to bow down to the world with that expression, and goes beyond the technique of hitting the core layer firmly and satisfying all directions, as if the will has been made a reality and it goes out to the street. It is a fighting music that sounds like the reality of blues and the passion of post-punk are sounded together, so we will fight too, but we are told to fight without being in a group, and it sounds like it is sounding like it is. 19 songs in total, 2 CDs.
Released 2nd album in 1968. Reissued in 2024.[Read More]
=BACK IN= TY SEGALL is a new song that will end 2018 without stopping. A. Fanny Original Demo, B1. Acoustic San Diego, B2. Fanny Sketch.[Read More]