vinyl of the day
=BIG LOVE特典非売品ポスター=
カウンターはいつでも突然やってくる。ニューヨークの突然変異YHWH NAILGUN、待望の1stフル・アルバム、2025。乱れ飛ぶパーカッション、君の顔面に降りかかる唾、それはよだれ。叫びとダンスは激しく見えて実は君の顔面に打ち続けられるジャブジャブジャブジャブ。ただ的確なだけのジャブジャブジャブ。つまり奴らはショーン・ストリックランド。でも君は踊れ。ひとりで踊れ。友人とは君がそう思っているだけの他人だ。隣に寝ているガールフレンドだってその可能性は否定できない。そのクローゼットを開けてみろ。奥さんと娘さんの荷物が入ったスーツケースが見つかるはずだ。だから君はひとりで踊れ。他人の僕と一緒に。2025年ベスト候補。
僻み、妬み、恨み、肩こり...世の中の嫌なものはこのパーティ・アルバムを聴いて全て消え去る。JJULIUSの第三弾となるこのアルバムは確かにARTHUR RUSSELLのカミングアウトと The FALLのエクストリケイトがブレンドされて水蒸気となったかのような儚さがしっかりとある意味ポスト・パンクとした作品だがそうでないかもしれないとあやふやな状況こそがこのアルバムだと言い残して去っていったパートナーはもう君の元には戻ってこないといった意地悪をどうしても言ってしまう人間らしさも感じるだからこそ傑作だ。
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
For this item, we will take extra precautions and wrap it more thoroughly than usual with protective materials before shipping. Please note that we do not accept any claims for damage incurred during transit. By purchasing, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
JAPAN BIG LOVE EDITION : Obi Strip+Silver Vinyl+12 page booklet and More.
For this item, we will take extra precautions and wrap it more thoroughly than usual with protective materials before shipping. Please note that we do not accept any claims for damage incurred during transit. By purchasing, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.
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The inner sleeves may be creased or torn. Please be aware of this before making a purchase.
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Please note that customs duties or taxes may apply, and these must be paid by the recipient upon delivery.
Thank you for your support and for being a valued customer.
Exclusive Obi Strip+Light Blue Vinyl+Mini Poster
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
We thoroughly inspect damages on the items before shipping. Once shipped, please contact the shipping carriers for any damages or loss.
The inner sleeves may be creased or torn. Please be aware of this before making a purchase.
We do not accept any claims under any circumstances. Please be aware of this before making a purchase. By making a purchase, you agree to these terms. We appreciate your understanding.
Please note that customs duties or taxes may apply, and these must be paid by the recipient upon delivery.
Thank you for your support and for being a valued customer.
The special Jap...
Obi Strip+Blue & Purple Marble Vinyl+ Signed 100 Club Flyer
日本特別盤 イモータリティ・エディション 青紫大理石模様盤 サイン入り100クラブ・フライヤー封入 限定250枚
Obi Strip+Signed Art Print+Clear Vinyl
日本特別盤 サイン入りアートプリント封入
限定100枚 LTD.100
サイモン(ポール・サイモンの息子)によるバタフライ、初音源。限定3,000枚の内の?枚の日本盤仕様帯付き。180g重量盤レコード&極限まで音質を高めるプレス工程を採用+装丁はすべて手作業+超高品質テクスチャード・ ゲートフォールド・ジャケット。2 copies per person. -
LOLINAのレーベルRelaxinの本命great areaによる2024年アルバムがついに初ヴァイナル2025。ダウナーな青春、キラメキ以上の憂鬱、誰にもわかってもらわなくて良いのに軽々しく差し伸べられた手を掴むいつもと同じ自己嫌悪。買ったか買わぬかで人生違う(自己責任)限定ヴァイナル。
Japanese Obi Stip+Inner+Transparent Magenta Vinyl
限定110枚2010年代に世の中のカルチャーが培ったThe GardenやEyedressなど諸々のDIYスピリッツが妬みや僻みやいじけ根性なしで疾走するある意味星の下に生まれたのみ放てるだからこそズキュンバキュンと我々の各生命維持装置に致命的なラブ注入する全8曲。
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
We thoroughly inspect damages on the items before shipping. Once shipped, please contact the shipping carriers for any damages or loss.
We do not accept any claims under any circumstances. Please be aware of this before making a purchase. By making a purchase, you agree to these terms. We appreciate your understanding.
Thank you for your support and for being a valued customer.
Please note that customs duties or taxes may apply, and these must be paid by the recipient upon delivery.
パンク・ロックやポスト・パンクが本来持っていた反逆精神以上に止まることのできない若さとそのアイデアと行動力によりシューゲイズとサイケデリアと未確認のインディ、それはまるでSPACEMEN 3プロデュースによるVASELINESのような(と言っても罪の意識は芽生えない)。独自の解釈にて異質でありながら新時代の幕開けさえも感じる現代的なロックをフランス北東部アルザスにて奏でる3人組SINAÏVE、2024年全11曲収録フル・アルバム。
Japan Edition
Obi Strip+Clear Orange Smoke Vinyl+Signed Art Print
限定150枚 -
JOANNE ROBERTSON、ML BUCHそしてASTRID SONNEに続く新たなるシーンへMOLINA、2024年アルバムはそのML BUCHも参加した我々が待ち望む一枚に。KATE BUSHの姪っ子をDEAN BLUNTが天塩にかけたかのうような白日夢。限定。
Exclusive Obi Strip+Signed Art Print+Silver Vinyl
Spread your young blood as much as you enjoy it. THUS LOVE from Brattleboro, Vermont, will release their second album in 2024.
They were the real deal. More historic than Aussie punk. The greatest work in the band's history, or rather the strongest album to be left in rock history, is born here. Amyl & the Sniffers' 2024 album, their first in three years.
* If you would like to purchase the promo poster that comes as a special bonus when you purchase it in store, please purchase the packaging materials here . They will be sent separately by Sagawa Express .
Obi Strip+Pink Vinyl+Fridge Magnet<...
Japan special edition: Signed lithograph print + S'more color version Limited to 150 copies
Zach Phillips, a genius who played in such great bands as BLANCHE BLANCHE BLANCHE and BIG FRENCH, formed a band with Belgian singer Ma Clément called FIEVEL IS GLAUQUE, and signed with Fat Possum to release the 2024 album. I thought it was a culmination of Zach's DIY and independent spirits, and even more so, fake jazz via indie, but that was all just my imagination, but the development and chorus work of the opening song "Hover" blew the mind of such a shallow know-it-all indie uncle, and he said this on his deathbed. "The way the chorus melodies of the other songs are decided is great too..." That's right, you shoul...
A double record with additional songs added to the 2024 album "Brat," which will shake up mainstream culture.
Charlie XCX "It's still Brat but it's not the same because there are 3 more songs" Japanese obi edition limited to 250 copies
From the evolution of hardcore to OASIS-like indie, Trainspotting, Youth and Misplaced London's HIGH VIS, who have finally established their originality with the kindness of Yankeeism as their weapon, will release their third album in 2024.
LTD.Japan Edition
Obi Strip+Signed Art Card+Green Vinyl
Mustafa "Dunya -A World Full of Flaws-"
Japan limited edition obi + signed art print + green vinyl limited to 100 copies -
Frederik Valentin, who was a key figure in the Copenhagen scene in Denmark, has collaborated with Hannes Norrvide of LUST FOR YOUTH on KYO and Loke Rahbek of Posh Isolation. And Yung Lean's alias jonatan leandoer96 will be appearing in 2023. He participated fully in the masterpiece "Sugar World" by . His first solo album in about nine years since Year0001 will be released in 2024. Only those who are willing to sleep with the times are given the right to play music. All will perish together with their fellows. The reality is cruel, but he realized it. The light does not shine on the passive. Everyone, listen to this positive melody and beat. Wonderful Life is here now.
=BACK IN= 1st Solo Studio Album released in 2015.[Read More]
Following the past masterpieces under the name of INGA COPELAND, "Face The Music", which was suddenly released digitally in 2022 and presented a new image of LOLINA, has finally been released on vinyl from his own label Relaxin. Free jazz, no wave, disco, funk, and the testimony of human beings An unshakable will will surely resound in the future, that is, in the present age. A song that comes. limited.[Read More]
The DIY music magazine "So Young Magazine", which drives the world's indie guitar bands from London, has finally appeared in a special Japanese issue. In addition to the first translations of the latest interviews with artists such as Black Midi, Black Country New Road, Wet Leg, Squid, Jockstrap, and Horsegirl, who have made waves in the music scene in 2022, as well as the recently released Sorley and Alex G. , Includes a special interview of dry cleaning recorded for this magazine.
Obi Strip+Signed Art Print+Red Vinyl
Japan special edition, signed art print included, red vinyl, limited to 150 copies
<From the label>Get your adrenaline pumping! Destroy your boredom! Fat Dog [Woof]. The extraordinary debut album from the charismatic mad dog who is driving a whole new underground movement!One of the most exciting and groundbreaking bands of recent years, with a live show as frenetic and wild as London's for years, Fat Dogg have finally completed their long-awaited debut album. -
Exclusive:Obi Strip+Olive Green Vinyl+Signed Art Print+Mini Poster/LTD.250
Japan Special Edition
Olive green vinyl + signed art print + mini poster included
A new dream and reality. A new development that boldly incorporates rap and emo by Toro Y Moi, who live forever in the present, while still being full of Toro y Moiism, this 2024 album features the most luxurious guests in history. "Madonna" features Don Toliver, "Heaven" by Kevin Abstract and Lev, founders of BROCKHAMPTON, Ben Gibbard of emo leader Death Cab for Cutie, LA rapper Duckwrth, and Elijah Kessler from Santa Monica, a direct descendant of TORO Y MOI from Santa Monica, as well as the even more notable Kenny Mason and the popular prince Glaive, and then Domino's Porches and Mary from Aussie EXEX, all 13 songs that feature the most indie-savvy of all.
This is the soundtrack album for "THE ITALIAN-AMERICAN MASTER," a documentary directed by Martin Scorsese and produced by the German TV station Arte TV.
=Japan special edition JAPAN EDITION =
Exclusive Obi Strip+Blue Vinyl+Signed Art Print
He should be a star. No, he should be a man who shines as a hope for everyone. Malice K's long-awaited debut album. Live! Kurt Cobain is no good. He's dead. Nirvana is for adults who have regrets, and if you're deceived by them from a young age, life will be difficult, right? Malice K is at least alive. And he will say this. You live. I live too, maybe, definitely, definitely, but maybe, definitely... I keep saying this, but in your mind full of fantasies and in your heart that is always beating fast at the world, with an eternally imperfect charm that seems to be packed with the bad parts of a punk who lives He's a genius who creates the most amazing melodies. But no one notices. So it's you who make him special. No Kurt Cobain needed. Because Maris K is here.
- Japan Special Edition JAPAN EDITION-
Clear vinyl + signed art print included
Obi Strip+Clear Vinyl+Signed Art Card
Limited to 250 pieces / LTD.250
Fontaines DC, the world-conquering rock band from Dublin, Ireland, releases their fourth and most ambitious album yet. Producer: James Ford (Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz, Depeche Mode)
* If you would like to purchase the promo poster that comes as a special bonus when you purchase it in store, please purchase the packaging materials here . They will be sent separately by Sagawa Express .
Obi Strip+Signed Postcard+Translucent Electric Blue Vinyl
Beabadoobee "How to Move Tomorrow"
Fantastic Albums 2024
-JAPAN EDITION: Exclusive Obi Strip+Zine+Barber Color Vinyl-
LAST STOCK. Yellow/Clear Splatter Vinyl-
The anonymous (?) unit TURKEY, consisting of Fletcher Shears of The GARDEN〜PUZZLE and William Sipos, a video director who has worked on music videos for The GARDEN and others. The first vinyl release of the 2023 work, 2024. 9 great futuristic DIY synth beats.
Japan Edition: Obi Strip+Black Vinyl
Exclusive. LTD.200日本特別盤 おひとり様一枚
Exclusive: Obi+Purple Vinyl+Mini Poster
日本特別盤: 帯+パープル盤+ミニポスター封入
Debut Album. Japan Edition: Obi Strip+Pink Vinyl+Insert
Exclusive. LTD.250The GARDENのWyatt率いるニュー・バンドその名もROMEOS、デビューアルバム。パンク・スピリッツと平行線で疾走する青春ラプソディ45回転全8曲。
日本限定盤 おひとり様一枚でお願いします
The first solo album of 2020 signed with Colemine's rising star DURAND JONES & THE INDICATIONS lead singer AARON FRAZER and Dead Oceans. Produced by DAN AUERBACH of BLACK KEYS. 50's martini rock & soul & mellow pop collection with falsetto voice that will make not only independent soul fans but also KHRUANGBIN and LAST SHADOW PUPPETS fans of recent ARCTIC MONKEYS faint in agony. Night Hour BGM board.[Read More]
FRANK OCEAN's "Endless" and "Blonde", super rapper & R&B artists such as TRAVIS SCOTT and KALI UCHIS, contemporary jazz & electronic right-wing DUCVAL TIMOTHY, and recently our ETHAN P. FLYNN London who announced a collaboration. Newcomer pigbaby's debut EP from PLZ Make It Ruins, a label led by producer VEGYN. Sentimental chaos dream as if DANIEL JOHNSTON was produced by VEGYN. Limited to 500 pieces.[Read More]
VARG=VARG2TM by Jonas Rönnberg, appeared in Year0001. The masterpiece EP that has been so popular is finally available in physical form. GREEN vinyl from 1ST Pressing. GOLIN, whitearmor, and even a tear-jerking killer by BLADEE & ECOO2K. limited.
A1 : Demon Time : 600 Hästar (LSP Intro)
A2: Without Waves / Disappear (feat. Golin)
B1 : Smutskastad (feat. whitearmor)
B2 : DNA Play (feat. Bladee & Ecco2k) -
South London's overwhelming women GOAT GIRL, 2018 memorable 1st album. A mix of YOUNG MARBLE GIANTS, JESUS AND MARY CHAIN, and FAT WHITE FAMILY, produced by HYPE WILLIAMS, a wonderful new British indie, post-punk, and rock above all pop.[Read More]
Japan Special Edition: Obi Strip+Signed Art Card+White Vinyl
BRIGITTE FONTAINE and medieval chorus, church choir, CURRENT 93's 'Earth Covers Earth', COSEY FANNI TUTTI...but here comes a new original. Anastasia Coope, a Brooklyn woman who suddenly appeared alone. History is Don't miss her first album in 2024.
=BACK IN= -LTD.2ND EDITION. 2nd edition with both. And exclusive - VEGYN from 26-year-old London producer Joe Thornalley, who has worked with FRANK OCEAN and TRAVIS SCOTT, is special. It's SOPHIE, ARCA, and JEPEGMAFIA, and it's a fresh, special feeling, like a 2010's South London guitar band, so it's very special. If you think about it, the 2019 1st full album, which also features JPEGMAFIA, is as wonderful as I said earlier. The charming sound creation that completely eliminates ego seems to be a new weapon that only you will notice that someone will imitate in 5 years. ARTHUR, a member of Delphia's indie guitar band JOY AGAIN, has released a masterpiece solo album. There is nothing more special than that, and this record ...[Read More]
=BACK IN= AMEN DUNES by Damon McMahon, the only man standing alone in America and the world right now. Four years have passed since the masterpiece “Blue” that was needed in the early 2010s. He always appeared at ICEAGE's New York performances at their request, and Hollywood actress Katherine Waterston, who came to the store, bought two tickets. Now this man, as everyone knows him, is finally free. The sound is like The WAR ON DUGS and MARCHING CHURCH covering PLASTIC ONO BAND, and the singing voice that lights up your future, which is tomorrow. 2018's 4th studio album is a necessary piece in the late 2010s that will make you forget the past.[Read More]
LALA LALA's Emily Kempf, Eric McGrady and Jason Balla signed with DEHD and Fat Possum and released their 2024 2nd album following their 2022 best album "Blue Skies". Pop counters pop with gender culture in full swing, but even that doesn't matter, it's youth, independence, art, and probably critics would never admit it to death, but it's a high level of popular music that is pure yet complex under the guise of pop. You will discover this, but I don't really say it. This is the best music. 14 songs in total.[Read More]
Exclusive Obi Strip+Dark Green Vinyl+Inner(Japanese)
Even if you buy tens of thousands of records, there are probably only a few dozen albums that you're glad to have in your life, but this record is sure to be among them, a candidate for the best album of 2024.
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Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week.
All orders will be canceled if multiple copies are made from the same email address, even if the shipping address, room numbers, names and phone numbers are different.
All orders using different email addresses with a same shipping address will be cancele... -
Only one is wonderful. Only I know what it is, but it is called God Only Knows. What I want to convey more than saying that I am God is When the phrase "God Only Knows" is used, it is usually for something that is considered a masterpiece, and is the type of person who doesn't want to tell people about it, so in other words, everything I wanted to say has been said. Well, not everything, because if I said everything, it would cause conflict and war, and being too honest would be no good, and lying would be even worse, and society may be something that pursues balance forever. However, humans are not always like that, and sometimes we can love those who are a little off. And I've been talking about STILL HOUSE PLA...
=BACK IN= Australian new star KIRIN J CALLINAN's debut album was released when Terrible signed with TERRIBLE, who released KINDNESS and HORRID RED. The modern dance after DAVID BOWIE that PATRICK WOLF did not reach, surpasses it with the juice of NICK CAVE soul of his home country and ROWLAND D. HOWARD, pop songs that cannot be classified by gender and genre that the times should stretch out and welcome. It's ugly to notice KING KRULE and not notice him. Comes with a download code.[Read More]
=BACK IN= And the 2010s were them. Is a human who can't think of it really an android? FAT WHITE FAMILY, the first album after transferring to Domino in 2019, the 3rd album in total. In a place where BIG AUDIO DYNAMITE could never reach, they completed the first masterpiece of the 21st century with dub, glam and soul in this Blade Runner era. This downer rock album, which creates the illusion that the small floor of this pub consisting of all 10 tracks is the center of the world, makes us acknowledge the fact that the King of Kings can only be born in the UK, and what kind of painting. It will make you more human than any movie or novel.[Read More]
Nathan Jenkins, also known as BULLION, has established himself as a producer, but now he has come up with something unexpected... For example, what PHOENIX lost as they grew older and became major is firmly present here, and it is due to a determination that those who cling to electronic or dance music do not have. Yes, those who notice have already confirmed that the thorny path chosen by young people like SUZANNE KRAFT and AVARON EMERSON is the right one, and as a producer, he proves this with this collection of super pop music. CHARLOTTE ADIGERY, PANDA BEAR and CARLY RAE JEPSEN participate on vocals.[Read More]
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Response to order inquiries can take more than a week.
All orders will be canceled if multiple copies are made from the same email address, even if the shipping address, room numbers, names and phone numbers are different.All orders using different email addresses with a same shipping address will be canceled.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason.
Chanel Beads "Someday Something Good Will Happen"
Signed art print + obi + red vinyl + commentary (Shutaro Tsujimoto)
Limited to 100 copies. Please limit one per person.
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Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week.
All orders will be canceled if multiple copies are made from the same email address, even if the shipping address, room numbers, names and phone numbers are different.
All orders using different email addresses with a same shipping address will be canceled.Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason.
BIG LOVE RECORDS 2023 Best Album of the Year No.2.
A panoramic hill view appears in your eyes as you soak in the sun bathtub. Have you made up your mind? ML Books, 2023 album.
One per person.
Japanese special edition, obi, autographed art print, commentary book
It's really difficult to always keep up with the times, and the more time passes, the more impossible it becomes, like fighting the Hyuuga virus. But they won. MOUNT KIMBIE, don't care about public opinion, this is our best album to date. Candidate for best album of 2024.
We thoroughly inspect damages on the items before shipping. Once shipped, please contact the shipping carriers for any damages or loss.
Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week.
All orders will be canceled if multiple copies are made from the same email address, even if the shipping address, room numbers, names and phone numbers are different.
All orders using different email addresses with a same shipping address will be canceled.Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason.
-1ST PRESSING- YUNG LEAN's band DÖD MARK, an album released digitally in 2023, will be released on vinyl in 2024. I can't think of anything other than a dream scene where YUNG LEAN, the man who changed the times, sings when DEAN BLUNT interrupts a collaboration between ICEAGE and THE TOUGH ALLIANCE. This is one of the masterpieces of the 2020s that I will take to my grave. Produced by Carl-Mikael Berlander, aka GUD, who has been involved in YUNG LEAN's work since its early days, who has just released a collaborative album under the name AAMU KUU and with RX PAPU.[Read More]
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Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week.
All orders will be canceled if multiple copies are made from the same email address, even if the shipping address, room numbers, names and phone numbers are different. All orders using different email addresses with a same shipping address will be canceled.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason.
Billy Woods & Kenny Segal "Map" Japan Special Edition Marble Color Vinyl
Limited to 292 pieces
The UK is London, the last stronghold FAT DOG, the 2024 bomb that will take over the world. Limited 7 inch. B-side ' Land Before Time'.
First-come-first-served bonus: Signed artist photo
The 10 tracks in total feature vocal melodies layered with the Yamaha CS-60 synth, with ideas that emanate from experimental music but also exist as clear pop music.
Exclusive Japan Edition // Obi Strip+Violet Vinyl // LTD.250
Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason!
Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week.
We thoroughly inspect damages on the items before shipping. Once shipped, please contact the shipping carriers for any damages or loss.
No replacement, no refund policy:
Please... -
Exclusive Japan Edition Obi Strip+Maroon Vinyl + Signed Art Print+Insert. LTD.250
Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason!
Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week.
We thoroughly inspect damages on the items before shipping. Once shipped, please contact the shipping carriers for any damages or loss.
Yard Act "Looking for Utopia" Japan Special Limited Edition Maroon Vinyl + Signed Art Card + Commentary Included Limited to 250 copies-2 COPIES PER PERSON. Up to 2 copies per person-
Exclusive Japan Edition Obi Strip+Faye Blue vinyl+Signed Art Card. LTD.150
Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason!
Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week.
We thoroughly inspect damages on the items before shipping. Once shipped, please contact the shipping carriers for any damages or loss.
Faye Webster: 'Too casual for classics'
Japanese special edition with obi, Faye Blue vinyl and signed art card included Limited to 150 copies-Limit 1 per person-
A collaboration between EARL SWEATSHIRT and THE ALCHEMIST, 2024. Featuring MIKE and VINCE STAPLES.
Japan special edition: White vinyl + autographed art card included
Limited to 100 pieces
The Whistling Woman. Also known as the Human Theremin. An invitation to Cafe Molly from Molly Lewis, a rare whistler performer in the world.
Guests: Nick Hakim, Hoje, Leland Whitty & Chester Hansen (BadBadNotGood), The Sacred Souls, Marco Benevento, Leon Michels (El Michels Affair)
Obi Strip+White Vinyl+Singed Art Card. LTD.100.
We are a small independent record shop. We are trying our best to handle your order as fast as possible, but please read below and place an order upon understanding.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason.
Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week. -
They attack the world unguarded, using their Asian identity as their greatest weapon, as if it were a double-edged sword. The long-awaited second album in 2024 from TZUSING, a solitary presence in the world of electronic, techno, neo-industrial, and more.
Exclusive Japan Edition
Obi Strip+Oxblood Vinyl+Signed Art Card / LTD.250
The Last Dinner Party "Prelude to Ecstasy". The London five-piece's historic debut album, 2024.
Japanese special edition: Obi + Oxblood vinyl + signed art card included
Limited to 250 copies.
Obi Strip+ Gate Fold 2LP + Dark Green Vinyl LTD.280 ONE COPY PER PERSON
Mike 'Burning Desire - Japan Special Edition' Wrapping Band + Gatefold Jacket 2-Disc Set + Dark Green Disc Limited to 280 copies , please limit one per person
This is crazy. When I say it's crazy, I'm only appealing to 8 people in the world, so you can ignore it right now, but this person from the Netherlands and the Czech Republic MARIA, a trio consisting of Rickle, Katerina and Bjorn, has released a record of the works they have been recording since 2016, titled "Best Of". This work is as amazing as a gift given to the early 2020s by the Nouvelle Vague Pop movement in the early 1990s, which was a mix of pop that people who didn't know what to do and couldn't become the goths of punk that was less than neo-acoustic, such as the early Rough Trade and Cherry Red releases in the early 1980s, but were simply playing o...[Read More]
HETHER, a group of artists including KALI UCHIS, EL MICHELS AFFAIR from Big Crown, BENNY SINGS from Stones Throw, BLUE IVERSON produced by DEAN BLUNT, and LA guitarist and producer Paul Castelluzo, who also participated in PAUL McCARTNEY's "McCartney III Imagine", have finally released their first album digitally in 2021 on vinyl. This little-known album, which we can call the best for us, is as special as EYEDRESS, ARRON FRAZER, and KING GIZZARD, which make us wonder if they know what they're doing, and is as special as your hidden perverted sexuality, and there are only 200 copies left.[Read More]
There was a girl in the 2010s. You will come to realize that she was one of them. SHITKID is an underground super icon born in Sweden. She suddenly dropped her name, said she was going to America, and disappeared (really). This is the phantom studio version of her now legendary debut album "Fish". Please limit this to one per person.
We are a small independent record shop. We are trying our best to handle your order as fast as possible, but please read below and place an order upon understanding.
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Due to high deman... -
The counter to ourselves . The first vinyl album by MOCK MEDIA, a super group for us, newly formed by members of POTTERY, who are from the same hometown as CRACK CLOUD, a Canadian band that has had a major influence on the guitar band scene since the 2010s (although the world doesn't know that). What is this? A total of 10 songs that are the crystallization of the DIY spirit that will inspire you to take a step towards tomorrow, as if CRACK CLOUD had been seriously injected with the power of The CLASH's "Combat Rock". Limited to 300 copies.[Read More]
-BIG LOVE bonus A2 poster not for sale-
There is definitely a future ahead of it. TIRZAH's 2023 album will be released by Smoke. LAUREL HALO's 2023 work "Atlas" will be equipped with the long-range missile ATACMS. MICA LEVI stopped the arm that made DEAN BLUNT press the launch button. I shed tears thinking that world peace is ultimately in the hands of music like this. A masterpiece produced by the genius MICA LEVI.
*If you would like to send the poster by mail without folding it, please purchase the packaging material [Read More]
-3LP CRYSTAL CLEAR VINYL DELUXE EDITION- A 2023 album from ACTRESS, a true genius of the UK electronic scene who stands alongside APHEX TWIN and BURIAL. A shining light on the culture and future that exists under the gloomy, cloudy skies of the UK. 19 years since debut Honestly, I think he's the only musician who keeps getting better with each passing year. Every album is his best, which means his best ever.
For an artist to be an artist, he must be influenced by anything and everything, admire it, and think, "I want to be like that!" Moreover, it is something new, especially something younger. A collaboration of confusion and mayhem that developed from watching Lil Peep's documentary film and covering "Walk Away as the Door Slams". Nick Rattigan's Current Joys' greatest work to date, which was further reconstructed and completed from the destructive yet sacred idea that was born from that.
The 2023 album by Australia's EXEK is a masterpiece that only you know (not that you should). Seriously good...Dub and post-punk have been something that everyone has thought of and tried for the past 40 years, but in that case, the sense is mostly forgotten and there is no point in calling it post-punk or dub, but in the case of EXEK, the sense of each melody and song melody on top is perfect. This alone is enough to tell you what they look like. So even if it's a bit of a rough image, like mixing CRACK CLOUD, PHOENIX, BLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROAD and METAL BOX, it's more than good.
-One copy per person.
Finally, the UK's biggest and strongest new band FAT DOG from London has released their first vinyl.
What's great about Year0001 is that they release bands like them without questioning their own sense, regardless of profit or loss. This is the long-awaited masterpiece album of 2023, following the excellent 1st album of 2021 from Los Angeles' dark horse PROVOKER. It's a perfect counter, or rather an upper punch, as if EYEDRESS, CRAMPS and BLACK MARBLE had done Hal Hartley.
-Limited edition splatter vinyl not available in regular distribution-
Upchuck, an Atlanta punk band that enjoys a rare reputation for their past works and is currently unparalleled in the music, will be releasing their second album in 2023. The album was mixed and produced entirely by TY SEGALL, and it is a superb album that will get your adrenaline pumping and make you feel like they are the only ones who can compete with AMYL AND THE SNIFFERS.
-First come, first served original sticker-
There are geniuses in the world who are not recognized as geniuses. And the moment some genius declares that he or she is a genius, everyone suddenly worships him or her or others. And I, too, have never been called a genius by anyone. I am one of them . And I say that ETHAN P. FLYNN is a genius. But in this case, as you may have noticed, a pattern of "unnoticed genius" has been born. For you, it's a situation where there are no geniuses anywhere. In other words , there is only one problem ...
While being featured in works by such powerhouses as TYLER THE CREATOR and DEATH GRIPS, they are a true and charismatic force that has stood tall in the LA guitar band scene with a firm will and should captivate the world. CHERRY GLAZERR by Clementine Creevy, a masterpiece bum born in 2023.
Year0001's Yung Lean has released a duo with LUST FOR YOUTH frontman Hannes Norrvide called KYO, and Posh Isolation boss LOKE TAHBEK. He has also collaborated with Fredrik Valentin, a leading figure in Copenhagen, Denmark, to create a masterpiece under the alias JONATAN LEANDOER96. 2022 album 2023 vinyl 1ST PRESSING. A true masterpiece, like MARCHING CHURCH turned into The PASTELS.
Scottish producer LORD OF THE ISLES returns to AD93. His previous work, released in 2020 when the label was still in the Whities era, is extremely rare. Why does the level go up about 8 levels on AD93 (seriously)? This new work is even more dreamy than the previous one, and he has once again teamed up with ELLEN RENTON's poetry...a dream vinyl that you can take to the afterlife as it is. A masterpiece.
Evangelia VS, ABYSS X, finally releases a physical album in 2023 from AD93. This special edition, produced in a studio between his bedroom in Berlin and a studio near the Mayan jungle in Mexico, is a terrifying and modern album that feels like a love letter from an alien, as if YVES TUMOR had produced the bands EARTHEATER and CHERRY GLAZERR. Limited edition.[Read More]A1 - Ascend
A2 - A Chew
A3 - Torture Grove
A4 - Oceans of Heat
A5 - Vacuum (feat. Julian...The one and only CRACK CLOUD from Vancouver, Canada, who must have had a lot of influence on the current UK guitar band scene, will be performing in London in October 2022. A gatefold jacket with obi featuring a pattern performed by a band of 17 people including strings at Evolutionary Arts Hackney. Live album included in a 2-disc set. Limited to 1,000 pieces, sold only at limited stores worldwide.
-Bonus original sticker- Even if London Burning in the latter half of the 2010s ended without realizing their dreams, they were definitely there. The latest So Young Black MIDI, the memorable 1st album of 2019. It's a repetitive, edgy runaway with a ridiculous bloodiness that makes it seem like a young MARK E. SMITH, a young JOHN LYDON, a young TALKING HEADS, and a young JOSEF K fucked a ridiculously lame math rock, which is more than we can imagine, and the reason why THOM YORK is so jealous is directly connected to that idea, and the rumor that for some reason, old men are screaming and going wild in the front row of their live shows is because they know real punk,...
2022 best rookie band HORSEGIRL, signed with Matador and announced 2022 7 inches. Co-produced by John Agnello, producer of DINOSAUR JR. and SONIC YOUTH.[Read More]DISQ, the masterpiece band that the world missed the most due to Corona, is the 2nd album in 2022 for an instant masterpiece that has revealed its evolution, nature, talent and sense, not losing to such a world or Corona. TEENAGE FANCLUB and SONIC YOUTH are blended with the culture of the movie Ghost World, Napoleon Dynamite, and Little Miss Sunshine, and on top of that, the arrangement work and melody that are realistic today (as if cross-counting while linking to British SORRY etc. A total of 12 songs that slam down your cheeks and heart with a double character of youth.[Read More]Singer GEORGE RILEY, who has been active in the so-called South London jazz scene with ANZ and JOE ARMON-JONES, has finally released her first vinyl album with 8 tracks from VEGYN's label PLZ Make It Ruins. Her pop yet somewhat sad R&B melodies are perfectly matched with VEGYN's nostalgic synth arrangements, making this the perfect album we've been looking for.
AVALON EMERSON, who has established himself as an electronic producer and DJ while also having a face as a software developer, established his own label, Another Dove, under the AD93 umbrella, burying all dream pop bands from guitar bands with microphones and singing. It's like leaving FRAZIER CHORUS, the early 90's band that moved from 4AD to Virgin (it's hard to say, but seriously) and 2nd Summer of Love. Although it landed as a top 10 best album in 2023, the world will be surprised in the future.[Read More]LA PRIEST, the 3rd album in 2023 by Sam Dust, who was the frontman of LATE OF THE PIER, one of the most underrated UK guitar bands of the 2000s. The pop and popularity gained through the masterpiece unit SOFT HAIR with CONNAN MOCKASIN cannot be changed, and the rebellious spirit and perverted nature from a child are like Haruomi Hosono sitting on the tier of Breaking Down. A masterpiece of tropical fuck city pop that sounds in the city destroyed by the desire of the world.[Read More]-Red vinyl limited edition with different jacket -British new hero SLOWTHAI, one shot in 2023. Our ETHAN P. FLYNN, JOCKSTRAP's Taylor Skye, BEABADOOBEE's guitarist Jacob Bugden and drummer Liam Toon, and FONTAINES DC.[Read More]- Comes with a special bonus poster on a first-come, first-served basis - Come here... After the pandemic, the anger of the working-class brothers explodes. A 2023 album that feels like the best masterpiece ever. * Posters will be folded for shipping. If you would like to round it up and send it separately, please indicate so in the comment section. We will send it by mail for an additional 500 yen. They often don't fit together. note that.[Read More]Debuted as a noise duo in 2009 and gradually expanded into a large family group of 50 people in their hometown of Martha's Vineyard. The 2023 album seems to be the last of the CONSTANT SMILES trilogy, which has become a cult, such as being traded at . RADIO DEPT. and BLACK MARBLE are added, and the melancholic pinnacle board that cannot be listened to without tears, as if the early The CURE had a young man with zero experience. Produced by Jonathan Schenke, who worked on PARQUET COURTS and Yamato Nanami.[Read More]What is youth? Yes, yours is over. Remember, it's over. what? You didn't have youth? Even so, nothing better will happen to you than at that time when you may have had your youth. That's why that period was your youth. Disappointing. That's right, you're a disappointment Because you are an adult who is too accustomed to being given. In those days, it was said that everything was just given to me by my youth, but I had a pretty easygoing life. You are disappointed after all. But today you are about to be given to DAVID WEST, also known as RAT COLUMNS. I don't think so. He's still trying to make youth, and he's struggling and struggling for your sake, so today he's making this record his youth. Furthermore, he has no interest in the result...[Read More]-LTD.150. Japanese version. Includes obi + white vinyl + lyric booklet + translated lyric sheet - *Please limit one to one per person. HOTEL LUX, the most anticipated band from NICE SWAN, which led the UK guitar band scene in the 2010s, finally releases their first album in 2023. The fact that they were used alongside NICK CAVE and PJ HARVEY in the popular Netflix drama series "Peaky Blinders" gave him a big thumbs up, just like the bands featured in the soundtrack, and many guitar bands will be envious of them adding their fingers. This is a British band that sits between MODERN LOVERS, FALL, shame, and ICEAGE, with one hand in their coat pocket and a pint of beer raised high in t...[Read More]What a woman and what a person, PHOEBE BRIDGERS is in fact constantly thinking, which is why she completed this album. Melancholy is ultimately selfish and self-satisfied, and relies on the kindness of others. If that is the job of a musician, then there is no value in being an artist, but hers is a signpost from the darkness (probably the past) to the future. It's darker than I thought, like this jacket, but don't miss it. You'll be fine, but you can't see it yet, but the bright future is right there, and you'll know that your anxiety is something you created yourself. What a positive melancholy suddenly sings about Kyoto in a pop style, as if she had anticipated us being tossed around by COVID, but we know that pop music, rock, and ...
A woman who can whistle not only a small bird, but even Putin. Do you know it? I know. Let me introduce MOLLY LEWIS, No. 1 in the world whistling competition. I never heard her voice. Because it's all whistling. Thank you for your support, he said with a really grateful face, "Fufufufufufufufufuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu fromum from that. You're making fun of me because I'm an Asian guy. I was about to say something I didn't mean to say, but yes she is the best whistling woman in the world. Whistling is the norm. However, when I whispered "fufufufi (delicious!)" while stuffing my mouth with Ginza Kyubey's sushi, I panicked. I...[Read More]-Limited Pink Vinyl + Unreleased "MEGAMIX II" Download Code + Unreleased Song "A Hate Supreme" Enclosed in Flexi Disc Japan Special Edition Ta. Miraculous young men born from West Yorkshire. WORKING MEN'S CLUB, the 2nd album in 2022 that will remain in history.[Read More]Repetitive iterative collage collage Future past future past beyond that beyond that beyond that beyond that, and yesterday and today. The genius LOLINA has finally reached her destination.Limited edition from Dearhbomb ARC. It seems to be sold out immediately. One sheet per person, please.[Read More]The DIY music magazine "So Young Magazine", which drives the world's indie guitar bands from London, has finally appeared in a special Japanese issue. In addition to the first translations of the latest interviews with artists such as Black Midi, Black Country New Road, Wet Leg, Squid, Jockstrap, and Horsegirl, who have made waves in the music scene in 2022, as well as the recently released Sorley and Alex G. , Includes a special interview of dry cleaning recorded for this magazine.
A certain friendship is something that can be obtained in the future through an uncertain present. Unwavering will and unwavering youth, in a sense, how many bands, including them, can be said to represent the UK as a guitar band? BIG MOON, 3rd album in 2022 without question. *Please take one photo per person.[Read More]-LTD.JAPAN EDITION -DRY CLEANING, a four-piece band that countered London from the right diagonal with even more color, is the second album from 4AD in 2022, following the first album that was selected as the best album of 2021 by many media. Florence Shaw, who became a musician while earning a master's degree at the Royal College of Art, would want to come back and say, "Hey, I'm good enough for you now," even though he was the world's most eccentric genius, and his voice melody has been further refined, and Lewis Maynard and other members quickly understood their position, eliminated waste, and came to fight only with sounds that pierce the heart. The super FELT guitar riff of A2 "Kwenchy Kups" is a masterpiece. And al...[Read More]-BIG LOVE original bonus with the best acrylic key chain- The last big favorite of UK Burning, PVA, BLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROAD, also from Ninja Tune, will finally release their 1st full studio album in 2022. DFA and GIGOLO, who have dived into the floor and stage as if to surpass the grunge of the early 90's and the early 00's, and the electronic punk spirits called electroclash are triple-dyed with 2020's So Young Alternative Spirits. A shocking youth attack. Goose bumps from "Untethered" at the beginning.[Read More]Geniuses born in this world, especially in pop music and the underground, are only discovered after death, and of course they cannot be evaluated. This is the result of efforts to gain peace of mind for shallow people and enthusiasts who want to make a business out of pop music, but perhaps they simply do not have a sense. Such sense, which cannot be quantified like science or medicine, will probably become a very important item for society and the economy along with philosophy in 100 years, or surprisingly sooner, in about 50 years, with the help of AI. I spoke about this world in a very irresponsible and appropriate way, but the greatness of TIRZAH is still a matter of sense, and even I don't know how to convey it at all. Sense is d...
-BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE JAPAN EDITION.LTD.200. Limited to BIG LOVE. One photo per person, please-[Read More]
As a guitar band, a real real that will bring about a quiet revolution on the streets of London. SORRY, 2nd album in 2022 beyond everything. The UK revived the So Young scene with a London guitar band and himself sounds new rock and alternative pop. It is a revolutionary song hidden in the shadow of a love story told by the ongoing punk spirit, which is caused by sorrow, joy, everyday life, the future one step ahead, the positivity beyond the cloudy sky of London and the jet blackness of the universe. 13 songs in total.Elin Engström was a member of LIECHTENSTEIN, a Swedish girl band with a great sense of style that has been active since the late 2000s. Yes, she is one half of MONOKULTUR, the last cult duo in Scandinavia, together with JJ Ulius. It's like GROUPER and NICO's cover of YOUNG MARBLE GIANTS and DEAN BLUNT turned it into Naked Rallys, and it's one of a kind. Limited to 60 copies. One per person please.[Read More]-LTD.BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE JAPAN OBI+BLUE VINYL EDITION. LTD.300- Even if the world can't change, it changed you. From Canada to you all over the world, CRACK CLOUD, who spends his youth and life, the excitement and excitement of rebirth, and the pounding and unstoppable fuck and peace that makes love and war come all at once. Hedi Slimane, who first fell in love with them, should fall in love again with a 10-song historical record, 2022, that sounds barbaric dance and pure rock or punk with a refracted heart.[Read More]-Wrapband + postcard + white vinyl Japanese edition specification BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE EDITION. LTD. Produced by JAMIE XX. Participated in BRONSKI BEAT/The COMMUNARDS JIMMY SOMERVILLE.[Read More]-LTD.JAPAN EDITION.Wrapped obi + red vinyl Japanese edition specification BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE EDITION. LTD.150. Please buy one per person- JERKCURB, aka Jacob Bread, on vocals + guitar, Theo McCabe on vocals + keyboards, his childhood friend KING KRULE's younger brother Jack Marshall, and George Bass on bass and drums, are four-member band HORSEY, and they have finally released their first full album on vinyl in 2021. Indeed, in the late 2000s, a new British post-punk was born from a community of young people who liked punk and jazz living in a housing estate in the UK, and gave birth to the monster KING KRULE. Jacob Bread, w...
SAULT caused a mysterious revolution from London to the world. Another shock. This work is completely different from the albums so far, and although it looks like a classic soundtrack work composed only of orchestra and chorus, it is just like SAULT, a wonderful one-piece or two-piece set. Only a limited number of copies are distributed to special stores.[Read More]As a guitar band, a real real that will bring about a quiet revolution on the streets of London. SORRY, a 7-inch limited lead single from the long-awaited 2nd album. An ongoing punk spirit created by positivity beyond sorrow. B side "15'4". As usual, it's over in one go. Please hurry.[Read More]As I have pointed out for a long time, the electronic musicians of the world will probably be able to live on doing the same thing for another 10 years. Grab the future and culture only. After the pandemic, some of the people who "know" have taken action and released great works, and Mood Hut. To be honest, I personally thought that I would just soak in the warm water and drown, but it would be from the local DIY spirit. I have found it completely. And JACK J, who should be the main character, released his first full-length in 2022, a dream that puts everything on last year's SUZANNE CRAFT's amazing album and makes it your own. A light running feeling that Neo Acoustic Zombie can't do, a dangerous voice that could prick a finger from a r...[Read More]thought 14-year-old THOM YORKE. I want to be a black midi. Unlike the usual me in the classroom, I don't look down and stick my head out on the stage. Then, he proudly peers into the audience through his sunglasses. While looking down a little. It doesn't mean great. I just want to do it for a little while. Because of my small pocket money as usual, I listened to only jazz, musicals, and TV show soundtrack records from my father's collection, so I think I'm repeating difficult phrases in my head, but please forgive me. Even so, I'd like you to refrain from the sighs of the homeroom teacher who warns you about poor extortion. "What are you laughing about?" Even we, children, can be somewhat considerate, but why don't adults notice anythin...[Read More]
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