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AD93からリリースされたLORAINE JAMESとの共演盤を発表していたロンドンNervous Horizon主宰TSVIと同じくAD93よりANUNAKUとの共演盤を発表していたオーストラリアはメルボルンのDJ PLEADの共演盤on AD93。
Australian-born London DJ SURUSINGHE appears on AD93. This alien bass music bomb includes the already club hit "Bop."
Scottish producer LORD OF THE ISLES returns to AD93. His previous work, released in 2020 when the label was still in the Whities era, is extremely rare. Why does the level go up about 8 levels on AD93 (seriously)? This new work is even more dreamy than the previous one, and he has once again teamed up with ELLEN RENTON's poetry...a dream vinyl that you can take to the afterlife as it is. A masterpiece.
MARTHA SKYE MURPHY, who performed impressive choruses on SQUID's album "Bright Green Field", will release her studio debut album, 2024, produced entirely by ETHAN P. FLYNN on AD93. ROY MONTGOMERY and CLAIRE ROUSAY also participate.
COBY SEY, a central figure in London's most important team, who is a direct friend of MICA LEVI, participated in DEAN BLUNT's BABYFATHER, is a regular on TIRZAH's albums, and his brother is KWES of Yung ~ Wapr, has released an album from AD93 in 2022. It is already out of print.
裏切らないAD93よりロンドンのCafe OTO周辺を拠点に活動するポーランド出身のプロデューサーWOJCIECH RUSINによる錬金術三部作を完結させる3枚目の作品が素晴らしい。中世 ~ ルネサンスそしてモダニズムをベースにした1980年初頭から中頃にかけての4ADのTHIS MORTAL COILそしてLE MYSTERE DES VOIX BULGARESの世界観を踏襲するかのようなメランコリック・ダークネス。全10曲。
The Bristol four-piece QUADE will finally release their debut album on AD93 in 2023. Their management is the same person who manages FOLLY GROUP and they highly recommended it. It's a dub solo core that hits the spot like Rough Trade's Caroline and EXEK mixed with Bristol. They were in charge of the music for Dior's fall/winter show.
This 2021 work by the mysterious British African female composer VENUS EX MACHINA, who will be making her debut from AD93, is a requiem (a mass for the dead) for a world suffering from environmental change.
VANISHING TWIN、そしてRAIMEのMOINのドラマーVALENTINA MAGALETTIと同じくVANISHING TWINのメンバーでもあるでた!ZONGAMINことSusumu Mukai氏によるニュー・デュオその名もV/Z、AD93からの傑作LP以来の限定テープ。2024年年末に発売され即完。2025年のリプレス。
Angus Finlayson, also known as MINOR SCIENCE, a Berlin-based producer from the UK, has a different taste than anything else. Following his killer album from AD93, he released a custom-made album made from hundreds of junks made in his studio from 20...
Evangelia VS, ABYSS X, finally releases a physical album in 2023 from AD93. This special edition, produced in a studio between his bedroom in Berlin and a studio near the Mayan jungle in Mexico, is a terrifying and modern album that feels like a love letter from an alien, as if YVES TUMOR had produced the bands EARTHEATER and CHERRY GLAZERR. Limited edition.[Read More]A1 - Ascend
A2 - A Chew
A3 - Torture Grove
A4 - Oceans of Heat
A5 - Vacuum (feat. Julian...AVALON EMERSON, who has established himself as an electronic producer and DJ while also having a face as a software developer, established his own label, Another Dove, under the AD93 umbrella, burying all dream pop bands from guitar bands with microphones and singing. It's like leaving FRAZIER CHORUS, the early 90's band that moved from 4AD to Virgin (it's hard to say, but seriously) and 2nd Summer of Love. Although it landed as a top 10 best album in 2023, the world will be surprised in the future.[Read More]One piece that was also selected as the top of the Year0001 biweekly playlist. German DJ and low-profile producer VIVIAN KOCH, who has released albums from Mojuba's artless, will release his second album in 2021 from AD 93. The RYUICHI SAKAMOTO line, which is not just post-classical, is very emotional with sharpened, delicate and glittering synth work. + Outstanding ideas A downtempo UK-based hard beat snuggles up to Year 0001~Pan, which guides you to a visionary worldview and opens you up. Includes song.[Read More]デュオRAIMEとVANISHING TWINのメンバーでもあるパーカッショニストValentina MagalettiによるトリオMOINによる本作2024年アルバムはポスト・ロックでもないスロウ・コアでもないポスト・パンクでもインダストリアルでもないさらなる現代へ向け完全完璧にアタックしてしまった怒りと感謝と戦争と融和が進化の結果SONIC YOUTHとSLINTとMICA LEVIとKING KRULEがスイッチが見当たらない深夜の部屋へ集合してしまったかのようなまさかの過去最高傑作。
We should overwhelmingly support PAVEL MILYAKOV, a Russian who fought openly against Russian power and who was a central figure in the Russian music scene and fashion culture scene that emerged after the 2010s. is. Is the light beyond that a tragedy, the end, or the radiance of hope? and I murmur A soundtrack for me, the world, and the future. A total of 9 songs produced between 2016 and 2021 before the war, including the masterpiece "202 days of summer" that is positive yet has an inner aggression. From AD093.[Read More]CHRISTOPH DE BABALON, who created the era in the 90's with ATARI TEENAGE RIOT, was undetectable in Digital Hardcore, and sent out the most ferocious world from the deepest darkness. I'm starting to get it, but it's one of the guarantees from AD 03, which is rare for all works. Gothic and punk are rightly intertwined, this is the reward for the present age, a digital hardcore goosebumps Drum & Bass 12 inch has been released. There is no word to say that it will fade, and it is an art electronic that can only be taken off by this sharp attitude, and it contains 6 songs that are the most exciting nosebleed drumming must-have album that quietly burns up the dark floor.[Read More]=BIG LOVE特典非売品ポスター=
カウンターはいつでも突然やってくる。ニューヨークの突然変異YHWH NAILGUN、待望の1stフル・アルバム、2025。乱れ飛ぶパーカッション、君の顔面に降りかかる唾、それはよだれ。叫びとダンスは激しく見えて実は君の顔面に打ち続けられるジャブジャブジャブジャブ。ただ的確なだけのジャブジャブジャブ。つまり奴らはショーン・ストリックランド。でも君は踊れ。ひとりで踊れ。友人とは君がそう思っているだけの他人だ。隣に寝ているガールフレンドだってその可能性は否定できない。そのクローゼットを開けてみろ。奥さんと娘さんの荷物が入ったスーツケースが見つかるはずだ。だから君はひとりで踊れ。他人の僕と一緒に。2025年ベスト候補。
Miracle project 2022 by ANUNAKU and AVALON EMERSON on AD93.
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