Result found for “LICE”
=BACK IN= -SPECIAL. It's already burning as art more than rock. Bristol LICE following big brother IDLES, the long-awaited first full album in 2021. 1980's post-punk groove with PIL feeling and STRAITJACKET FITS feeling to make you wonder if there was an attack from this direction. REVOLTING COCKS ~ Wax Trax! The acid house floor is passed through by the 2020s psychedelic guitar and electronic, resulting in a new acid rock funk sounding in this new world, GIRL BAND, SQUID, and IDLES 2021 counterculture. board. 11 songs in total.[Read More]
LILACS & CHAMPAGNE of Mexican Summer, members of the metal band OM and members of WATTER, instrumental rock band GRAILS belonging to Temporary Residence Limited's 6th album in 2017 for the first time in 6 years. A total of 11 songs in a 2-disc set, where the magnificent yet dark world is dropped with a special feeling, as if BURIAL formed a kraut psychedelic rock band.[Read More]
=Japan special edition JAPAN EDITION =
Exclusive Obi Strip+Blue Vinyl+Signed Art Print
He should be a star. No, he should be a man who shines as a hope for everyone. Malice K's long-awaited debut album. Live! Kurt Cobain is no good. He's dead. Nirvana is for adults who have regrets, and if you're deceived by them from a young age, life will be difficult, right? Malice K is at least alive. And he will say this. You live. I live too, maybe, definitely, definitely, but maybe, definitely... I keep saying this, but in your mind full of fantasies and in your heart that is always beating fast at the world, with an eternally imperfect charm that seems to be packed with the bad parts of a punk who lives He's a genius who creates the most amazing melodies. But no one notices. So it's you who make him special. No Kurt Cobain needed. Because Maris K is here.
=BACK IN= 2nd album in 2017. The power to explode in the stadium while going the royal road of UK indie rock. This is a record that will definitely appear when talking about UK rock in the 2010s, as if it was completed as much as possible to become a band that represents the UK.[Read More]
=BACK IN= From Wharf Cat, Brooklyn A notable new band PUBLIC PRACTICE by Drew Citron, who formed a duo BEVERLY with Sam York and FRANKIE ROSE, the 1st 12" single in 2018. Post・A sense of escaping from the curse of punk more than WALL has come to the 99 Records ~ ZE Records floor, and a solid late 90's alternative feeling is also injected.4 songs in total.Limited[Read More]
5th album in 2018.[Read More]
The first release of the sub-label Anxious started by NIGHT SCHOOL. Glasgow newcomer PUBLIC SERVICE, 2019 1st EP. Directly descended from BANSHEES, the line of sexual and budgie drum sprinting is outstanding, and the punk-hardcore goth that has come out so far in the 2010s has a sharp edge that is different. A band you want as soon as possible. this is cool All 3 songs, limited to 300 copies.[Read More]
=BACK IN= -LTD. RED VINYL- From Brooklyn Wharf Cat Formed a duo BEVERLY with WALL's vocalist Sam York and FRANKIE ROSE. The long-awaited first album in 2020 after the band PUBLIC PRACTICE by Drew Citron, etc., released in 2018 with 12" single. Priests, who unfortunately disbanded, will release a post-punk disco floor like 99 Records ~ ZE Records. 12 songs in total.[Read More]
-LTD. BIG LOVE special benefits Officially licensed special acrylic key chain 3.5x3.5mm that is not a key chain made by snapping it on -The world has not yet realized the correctness of GRIMES. 2020's 5th album since 2015's "Art Angels". I can see the future. Why is she giving birth to Elon Musk's child? And why did Elon Musk choose Grimes? This is what geniuses and people with a chosen sense should do in their lives. It is a choice for humanity as a result.In a sense, it goes beyond music and culture, but there is more music and culture than any other industry. is shown. And she doesn't carelessly dabble in the latest rap and electronic stuff. Because there is no future there. From the...[Read More]
The 1st full album, 2022, released by AIDEN AYERS, a man who lives in Vancouver, Canada, whose 1st single was probably supported only in our shop in the world. It's not just going to eat breakfast. I even put up with the orange juice I couldn't drink to say hello to that girl who works at the diner. Is there anyone in the world who can't drink orange juice? It was my father, mother, brother and sister who laughed at me. My dog, Gilmour, also barked. Is not being able to drink orange juice such a sin in this world? Tomato juice is easy to accept, and grapefruit juice is somewhat acceptable, but if you can't drink orange juice, you'll end up being laughed at by your biological parents. cut ties. At the age of five, he voluntarily cut ties ...[Read More]
2025年アルバム。ビートルズのメンバーやローリング・ストーンズのレコーディングに参加する名手JIM KELTNERはじめHAND HABITSことMEG DUFFY、SPARKSやST. VINCENTのアルバムに参加するPAT KELLY 、BIG THIEFのBUCK MEEKのバンドメンバーTIM KUHLなどが参加。
3rdアルバム「Cutouts」から2曲のリミックス・バージョン"Don't Get Me Started (James Holden Remix)"と"Instant Psalm (Robert Stillman Remix)"を収録した限定12インチ。[Read More]
L.I.E.S. 2019 Released.
L.I.E.S. 2014 Released.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
The Trilogy Tapes – TTT033。2015年 Released.
London Magazineなどで執筆する才女でありながらあのGOAT GIRLのHolly Mullineauxの後押しによりblackmidiやBLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROADなど若手バンドをサポートするプロデューサーDAN CAREYによるレーベルSpeedy WundergroundからデビューしChess Clubとサインし発表された2022年1stアルバム。
=BIG LOVE特典非売品ポスター=
カウンターはいつでも突然やってくる。ニューヨークの突然変異YHWH NAILGUN、待望の1stフル・アルバム、2025。乱れ飛ぶパーカッション、君の顔面に降りかかる唾、それはよだれ。叫びとダンスは激しく見えて実は君の顔面に打ち続けられるジャブジャブジャブジャブ。ただ的確なだけのジャブジャブジャブ。つまり奴らはショーン・ストリックランド。でも君は踊れ。ひとりで踊れ。友人とは君がそう思っているだけの他人だ。隣に寝ているガールフレンドだってその可能性は否定できない。そのクローゼットを開けてみろ。奥さんと娘さんの荷物が入ったスーツケースが見つかるはずだ。だから君はひとりで踊れ。他人の僕と一緒に。2025年ベスト候補。
LTD. Signed Inner Sleeve+Frosted Shadow Vinyl Edition.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
英国アーティストJermaine Francisによる映像作品「8001PID」のTONY BINTANAが手がけたサウンドトラックをJOAKIMとALEXIS LE TANによるデュオFULL CIRCLEとウクライナ出身のプロデューサーSHJVAが再構築したスペース・アシッド・エレクトロニック盤。