category: Back In
NetflixのDAVID LYNCH監督ショート・ムーヴィ作品「ジャックは一体何をした ?」の猿のJACK CRUZをフィーチャーした2020年 EP。
-LTD.BIG LOVE JAPAN EDITION- マービン・ゲイの「 What's Going On」とBEN WATTの「North Marine Drive」を足したような傑作を1995年くらいのGENESIS P-ORRIDGEが台無しにしたかのように素晴らしい2023年の名盤のひとつ。
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
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Please note that customs duties or taxes may apply, and these must be paid by the recipient upon delivery.
2020年RELEASED. hard edition of 1500, no re-press.
ベルグラードの工場を定年退職後の2012年から音楽制作発表を始めたABUL MOGARDによる2020年作品。LTD.300。廃盤。。[Read More]
2020年Released 2ndアルバム。
NENEH CHERRYとMASSIVE ATTACKやPORTISHEADを手がけたプロデューサーCameron McVeyの娘であり、メジャーフィールドで活躍するシンガーMABELの姉でありつまりDON CHERRYの姪であるTYSONによる限定12インチ扱いのアルバム。DEAN BLUNT、COBY SEYジャズの、EZRA COLLECTIVEとコラボレーション、JOY ORBISONのアルバム「Still Slipping vol. 1」にも参加。リードトラック"Grunge"にはWu-Lu(Warp Records)をフィーチャー。
コロンビアで生まれ12歳の頃からハードコア・バンドのドラマーとして活動。その後19歳でコロンビアを離れボストンの音楽大学に入学。卒業後はニューヨークのCritter & Guitariでシンセサイザーの設計と開発に携わっていたGabriela Jimeno CaldasことELA MINUSが自分の作品のサウンドはコンピュータでは作らないというルールを設け制作され評価を受けた1stアルバム「acts of rebellion」以来5年ぶり2025年アルバムはあえてのポップにそしてアッパーと振り切ったに違いないテンションとユーフォリックが隠し持つDIYスピリッツを武器にフロアと通勤通学を天国へと変えるであろう全10曲。
MAC DEMARCOバンドの元ギタリストでもありEYEDRESSなどとの共演など正しく支持受けるPeter SagarによるHOMESHAKE、2019年アルバム。
VANISHING TWIN、そしてRAIMEのMOINのドラマーVALENTINA MAGALETTIと同じくVANISHING TWINのメンバーでもあるでた!ZONGAMINことSusumu Mukai氏によるニュー・デュオその名もV/Z、AD93からの傑作LP以来の限定テープ。2024年年末に発売され即完。2025年のリプレス。
ジャズ・シーン以上に現代のためのオルタナティブとポップとインディペンデントとストリートをリアルするSAM GENDEL、本作は当時11歳シトリノビッチ嬢と作り上げたとんでもなく特別なアルバムである。Gendelのロサンゼルスの自宅にいたふたりが夏の終わりのある日の午後偶然に突然一緒に制作しはじめ完成した本作はまるで1980年代のCrepuscule Recordsで見かけたようなポスト・パンク・ジャズとPSYCHIC TVのGenesisが娘に歌わせた怪しげなポップ・レコードを足してSADE以外のSADEぽい80年代のブルー・アイド・ニューウェイブ・ジャズを振り掛けたように我々が素晴らしいと思うのに全方位型という奇跡盤。
2021 RELEASED. B-SIDE NEIL YOUNGのカヴァー‘Don't Let It Bring You Down’. ORANGE VINYL. LTD.1000
Japanese Obi Stip+Inner+Transparent Magenta Vinyl
限定110枚2010年代に世の中のカルチャーが培ったThe GardenやEyedressなど諸々のDIYスピリッツが妬みや僻みやいじけ根性なしで疾走するある意味星の下に生まれたのみ放てるだからこそズキュンバキュンと我々の各生命維持装置に致命的なラブ注入する全8曲。
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
We thoroughly inspect damages on the items before shipping. Once shipped, please contact the shipping carriers for any damages or loss.
We do not accept any claims under any circumstances. Please be aware of this before making a purchase. By making a purchase, you agree to these terms. We appreciate your understanding.
Thank you for your support and for being a valued customer.
Please note that customs duties or taxes may apply, and these must be paid by the recipient upon delivery.
現代と歴史を代表する人、LOLINA。本作はイタリアのHundebissから10年ぐらい前にグレイトなアルバムを発表していたPRIMITIVE ARTの片割れだったMatteo PitことDR. PITが自身のトラック"Vista Mare"とLOLINAの「Music Is The Drug」を合体再構築してしまったBURIALさえもカウンターする激美怪トラックとオリジナル"Vista Mare"を収録した限定ヴァイナル。
-DELUXE EDITION. LP+12"+CDx2- 山を越え谷を越え名声と金と友とその裏切りを越え、The xx 2016年3rdアルバム。JAMIE xxのフロアが大幅に導入された全方位型2010年代正義のポピュラー・アルバム誕生。
Originally released in 1992. repress.
4AD's BECKY AND THE BORDS full album 2024 by Sweden's Thea Gustafsson, who has been much talked about in the past.
Best Albums of 2017
4th album released in 2017.
2019 album.
Released in 1994, Repressed in 2017.
Vocalist Lila Ramani is (was?) a member of STADING ON THE CORNER, a collective that is said to have the strongest ability to transmit information from the underground to the majors in the current New York culture. We can feel the true beginning of the 2020s after the pandemic. The important thing is whether or not you can discover this work by CRUMB in a different aspect from the world, and it is a part that will affect future youth culture and even mass culture as a result of subculture. While hybridizing SORRY and KING KRULE across the sea from EARL SWEATSHIRT to ONYX COLLECTIVE and later STADING ON THE CORNER sense, it is extremely important that it was presented as a guitar band that is clear above all. Perfect counter. However, it i...[Read More]
The three consecutive EPs " Mid Spiral: Chaos", "Mid Spiral: Order" and "Mid Spiral: Growth" are compiled onto one disc.
8th album released in 2011. Reissued in 2024.
London-based ARLO PARKS debuted at the age of 19, and his 2019 work "Super Sad Generation" is his first album compilation of singles and other works.
Released in 2023.
Released in 2023.
Released in 2023.
Released in 2023.
Released in 2023.
Released in 2023.
2023 Album
-LTD. CLEAR VINYL EDITION- Released in 2004 Remastered Reissue in 2019 + Bonus Tracks. The first production limited vinyl edition includes a 3-disc set of clear vinyl + poster and liner notes by Tim Gain himself. In addition, a scratch card is also included and the winner will receive a limited 12 inch.[Read More]
-LTD. CLEAR VINYL EDITION- Released in 2004 Remastered Reissue in 2019 + Bonus Tracks. The first production limited vinyl edition includes a 3-disc set of clear vinyl + poster and liner notes by Tim Gain himself. In addition, a scratch card is also included and the winner will receive a limited 12 inch.[Read More]
-LTD. CLEAR VINYL EDITION- Released in 2004 Remastered Reissue in 2019 + Bonus Tracks. The first production limited vinyl edition includes a 3-disc set of clear vinyl + poster and liner notes by Tim Gain himself. In addition, a scratch card is also included and the winner will receive a limited 12 inch.[Read More]
-LTD. CLEAR VINYL EDITION- Released in 2004 Remastered Reissue in 2019 + Bonus Tracks. The first production limited vinyl edition includes a 3-disc set of clear vinyl + poster and liner notes by Tim Gain himself. In addition, a scratch card is also included and the winner will receive a limited 12 inch.[Read More]
5th ALBUM released in 2001. 2016 Repress 2LP.[Read More]
4th studio album released in 2000. 2016 reissue Gatefold edition.[Read More]
=BACK IN= CAPTURED TRACKS, a newcomer with the greatest sense of capture among many newcomers, MAC DEMARCO from Canada, a complete album while being treated as an EP. DIRTY BEACHES and PART TIME unit backed up by BEACH FOSSILS. man. Includes 12 songs including 2 songs from the 7" single.[Read More]
Alan Lomax, a folk music researcher and director of the Library of Congress who had a great influence on the folk music movement all over the world, recorded a phantom session by Tennessee country blues singer FRED MCDOWELL in 1959. A 2011 masterpiece board that recorded the sound source. Long-lasting repress including cover songs. Pitchfork gave it an 8.5 at the time.[Read More]
Alan Lomax, a folk music researcher and director of the Library of Congress who had a great influence on the folk music movement all over the world, recorded a phantom session by Tennessee country blues singer FRED MCDOWELL in 1959. A 2011 masterpiece board that recorded the sound source. Long-lasting repress including cover songs. Pitchfork gave it an 8.5 at the time.[Read More]
Alan Lomax, a folk music researcher and director of the Library of Congress who had a great influence on the folk music movement all over the world, recorded a phantom session by Tennessee country blues singer FRED MCDOWELL in 1959. A 2011 masterpiece board that recorded the sound source. Long-lasting repress including cover songs. Pitchfork gave it an 8.5 at the time.[Read More]
=BACK IN= The 2017 album by MAC DEMARCO, the first man to take over the indie world. A total of 13 songs that make a man who was born to sing pop on the street sing pop songs and cry without ambitions in stupid directions.[Read More]
The 2015 album of MAC DEMARCO, the man who blended hentai, bi and pop music in the best quality in the last 20 years. The best pop music of the 2000s that doesn't need the word "wonderful" because it sounds more indie than indie.[Read More]
=BACK IN= The 2017 album by MAC DEMARCO, the first man to take over the indie world. A total of 13 songs that make a man who was born to sing pop on the street sing pop songs and cry without ambitions in stupid directions.[Read More]
=BACK IN= The 2017 album by MAC DEMARCO, the first man to take over the indie world. A total of 13 songs that make a man who was born to sing pop on the street sing pop songs and cry without ambitions in stupid directions.[Read More]
CANADIAN BOY MAC DEMARCO, PART 2. Before he finishes listening, he groans, with a talented arrangement, a pop sense that goes beyond indie, but independent, but more tears and future than mass. The famous second album to go to the masterpiece.[Read More]
First album released in 1993. 2016 reissue.[Read More]
= Poster signed by BIG LOVE bonus members (image is MORE IMAGES) = CUMGIRL8, who has a wonderful band name that lost 100 friends the moment it was said, signed by 4AD, who challenged and exploded their souls. In 2016, Veronika Vilim, a model who suddenly appeared in campaigns for Saint Laurent and Marc Jacobs with Hedi Slimane, became a hot topic. Hedi Slimane also came from a future star formed by Lida Fox, who attracted attention as the leader of a creative group such as Zine production with model and musician friends, and Chase Noelle, who was active as a drummer in LA's garage band. correct creatures. KLEENEX/LILIPUT with more sense of fuck you than RIOTGRRRLS ~ Dolly Mixture-like DIY pre-grunge just like early 1990'...[Read More]
= Poster signed by BIG LOVE bonus members (image is MORE IMAGES) = CUMGIRL8, who has a wonderful band name that lost 100 friends the moment it was said, signed by 4AD, who challenged and exploded their souls. In 2016, Veronika Vilim, a model who suddenly appeared in campaigns for Saint Laurent and Marc Jacobs with Hedi Slimane, became a hot topic. Hedi Slimane also came from a future star formed by Lida Fox, who attracted attention as the leader of a creative group such as Zine production with model and musician friends, and Chase Noelle, who was active as a drummer in LA's garage band. correct creatures. KLEENEX/LILIPUT with more sense of fuck you than RIOTGRRRLS ~ Dolly Mixture-like DIY pre-grunge just like early 1990's grunge ~ X-GIRL and 1 Supreme culture of the late 90's coalesces into the near future. If you say CUMGIRL8, which is a collection of SDGs and MeToo that seems to have just happened, a total of 6 songs that are likely to lead to world peace.[Read More]
4th Studio Album released in 1996. Repress Edition.[Read More]
Steve Albini. Released in 1986, reissued in 2015.
Steve Albini. 1987, reissued in 2018.
Frederik Valentin, who was a key figure in the Copenhagen scene in Denmark, has collaborated with Hannes Norrvide of LUST FOR YOUTH on KYO and Loke Rahbek of Posh Isolation. And Yung Lean's alias jonatan leandoer96 will be appearing in 2023. He participated fully in the masterpiece "Sugar World" by . His first solo album in about nine years since Year0001 will be released in 2024. Only those who are willing to sleep with the times are given the right to play music. All will perish together with their fellows. The reality is cruel, but he realized it. The light does not shine on the passive. Everyone, listen to this positive melody and beat. Wonderful Life is here now.
BLADEE is a star designer, director and singer who is on par with YEARN LEAN, a member of YEAR0001, a Scandinavian band that created a new era. The first vinyl release of his first album in 2016 will be released in 2023.
-with Purple Outer PVC Sleeve Special hard vinyl sleeve included
BLADEE is a star designer, director and singer who is on par with YEARN LEAN, a member of YEAR0001, a Scandinavian band that created a new era. Released in 2016, this is the first vinyl of 2023.
1998 Released 1st Studio Album.
The first album in 2023 by DJ FINALE, a member of the hybrid human-powered band FULU MIZIKI BAND, who plays with musical instruments made from recycled garbage that has impacted our way of life. Playing with an electronic device that I picked up somewhere and repaired But you must be someone who understands with your iPhone even if you're on the other side of the world African contemporary electronic music that explodes with mysterious pops, beats and guitar melodies.[Read More]
The first album in 2023 by DJ FINALE, a member of the hybrid human-powered band FULU MIZIKI BAND, who plays with musical instruments made from recycled garbage that has impacted our way of life. Playing with an electronic device that I picked up somewhere and repaired But you must be someone who understands with your iPhone even if you're on the other side of the world African contemporary electronic music that explodes with mysterious pops, beats and guitar melodies.[Read More]
The first album in 2023 by DJ FINALE, a member of the hybrid human-powered band FULU MIZIKI BAND, who plays with musical instruments made from recycled garbage that has impacted our way of life. Playing with an electronic device that I picked up somewhere and repaired But you must be someone who understands with your iPhone even if you're on the other side of the world African contemporary electronic music that explodes with mysterious pops, beats and guitar melodies.[Read More]
The first album in 2023 by DJ FINALE, a member of the hybrid human-powered band FULU MIZIKI BAND, who plays with musical instruments made from recycled garbage that has impacted our way of life. Playing with an electronic device that I picked up somewhere and repaired But you must be someone who understands with your iPhone even if you're on the other side of the world African contemporary electronic music that explodes with mysterious pops, beats and guitar melodies.[Read More]
=BACK IN= Contrary to West Africa such as Sahel Sounds, the debut album of OTIM ALPHA, a pioneer of electronic music from the Acholi tribe of northern Uganda, from the label Nyege Nyge Tapes in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. A neo-African floor 2-disc set with 11 tracks, which is slightly different from Shangaan, which was completed by electronically reconstructing Larakaraka, the traditional music of Acholi weddings.[Read More]
=BACK IN= Contrary to West Africa such as Sahel Sounds, the debut album of OTIM ALPHA, a pioneer of electronic music from the Acholi tribe of northern Uganda, from the label Nyege Nyge Tapes in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. A neo-African floor 2-disc set with 11 tracks, which is slightly different from Shangaan, which was completed by electronically reconstructing Larakaraka, the traditional music of Acholi weddings.[Read More]
=BACK IN= Contrary to West Africa such as Sahel Sounds, the debut album of OTIM ALPHA, a pioneer of electronic music from the Acholi tribe of northern Uganda, from the label Nyege Nyge Tapes in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. A neo-African floor 2-disc set with 11 tracks, which is slightly different from Shangaan, which was completed by electronically reconstructing Larakaraka, the traditional music of Acholi weddings.[Read More]
=BACK IN= Contrary to West Africa such as Sahel Sounds, the debut album of OTIM ALPHA, a pioneer of electronic music from the Acholi tribe of northern Uganda, from the label Nyege Nyge Tapes in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. A neo-African floor 2-disc set with 11 tracks, which is slightly different from Shangaan, which was completed by electronically reconstructing Larakaraka, the traditional music of Acholi weddings.[Read More]
Singer-songwriter SAMPHA, who has received love calls from big names such as KENDRICK LAMAR, STORMZY, TRAVIS SCOTT, DRAKE, SOLANGE, FRANK OCEAN, BEYONCE, LIL WAYNE, and more, released his first album in 2017, which won the Mercury Prize.
Obi Strip+Signed Art Print with Japanese-Translated Lyrics on The Back
+ Keychain
WEDNESDAY guitarist MJ LENDERMAN's 2024 album.
Japan special edition Signed art print (back: bilingual lyrics) and keychain included Limited to 77 copies
The 2014 film " Under the Skin: Species Predation Soundtrack by MICA LEVI.
London's HIGH VIS, who have evolved from hardcore to originals with an indie youthfulness reminiscent of OASIS, will release their second album in 2022.
-Limited color vinyl- Released in the US in 2019. Released in Japan in 2020. Soundtrack of zombie comedy movie "The Dead Don't Die" directed by JIM JARMUSCH. "Dialogue..." by actors such as Bill Murray and Chloë Sevigny is recorded between songs by JIM JARMUSCH's band SQÜRL. Starring Bill Murray, Chloe Sevigny, Steve Buscemi, Selena Gomez, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits, Adam Driver, Tilda Swinton, Danny Glover, Caleb Landry Jones, Rosie Perez, Sarah Driver, RZA, Carol Kane, Austin Butler, Esther Balint etc.[Read More]
SAMPA THE GREAT, a tour support band for popular artists such as KENDRICK LAMAR, THUNDERCAT, and JOEY BADA$$, will release their 2019 album.
The long-awaited physical release of the 2019 first album by perfect, gloomy, shoegaze, Swedish guy WEATHERDAY. It's a good analogy, but it's like GOLDEN DAWN was on Sarah Records in the late 1980s and was emotional, like he was alone and had no friends, and it's a touching album that will get you pumped and tell everyone that it was the right decision.
The long-awaited physical release of the 2019 first album by perfect, gloomy, shoegaze, Swedish guy WEATHERDAY. It's a good analogy, but it's like GOLDEN DAWN, who was on Sarah Records in the late 1980s, was alone and emotional, and had no friends. This is a touching and exciting album that will teach everyone that this is the right answer.
From the Canadian DIY label Telephone Explosion, which seems to have released a series of works that have been accumulating at once, it is the first release by producer and drummer JAHMAL PADMORE, who has been supporting MSTRKRFT and other local bands. solo album. Afro blue-eyed soul with post-punk spirits, like an underground collaboration between Copenhagen's LISS and the back-to-back WEEKND. ·album. Plus, the mix was handled by Louis Cremades of House Of Balloons, who handles The WEEKND's work. The work that fell into this position is not serious. Limited as usual.[Read More]
1984 REleased. LTD.YELLOW VINYL Reissue.
KeiyaA, who has been praised by SOLANGE, JAY-Z, EARL SWEATSHIRT, BLOOD ORANGE, MOSES SUMNEY, and others , released his debut album in 2020, which instantly garnered enthusiasm and sold out in an instant, and will be reissued by XL in 2024.
Released in 1993, Reissued in 2019.[Read More]
Announced in 1999, 2018 Reissue.
Announced in 1999, 2018 Reissue.
2022 album.[Read More]
LAST STOCK. Yellow/Clear Splatter Vinyl-
The anonymous (?) unit TURKEY, consisting of Fletcher Shears of The GARDEN〜PUZZLE and William Sipos, a video director who has worked on music videos for The GARDEN and others. The first vinyl release of the 2023 work, 2024. 9 great futuristic DIY synth beats.
LEE HAZEWOOD ~ LINK WRAY ~ A Mississippi song that excites Sun Records lovers. Sheet.[Read More]
エチオピアの修道女でありピアニストでもあるEMAHOY TSEGE MARIAM GEBRUによるピアノ独奏曲集第1巻。エリック・サティ、ドビュッシー、コプト・エチオピア教会の典礼音楽、エチオピアの伝統音楽などをバックボーンに奏でた彼女の音源で得た収入は全て母国の孤児院へ寄付されていた。[Read More]
-LTD. WHITE VINYL + FLEXI SPECIAL EDITION Unreleased track recorded on white vinyl with flexi disc + BIG LOVE bonus: long (63x23mm) super cool official black acrylic key holder included - Don't be spoiled by KING KRULE. Just FRANK OCEAN is enough. Because he was a true punk evolution. Don't owe anything to adults other than your parents, hate everything that adults praise even if it's about yourself, have friends but don't crowd, you're lonely but why you don't have to choose. It's a punk and youth way that all modern people have forgotten, but KING KRULE pushes you out. Post-punk, dub, jazz, chaos, a strong will, your slightly heavy love, those guys who just laugh, unforgettable hate, hate that should be ...[Read More]
MITSKI, who did not think that he would hold out here and go further, has gone to a ridiculous place, 2018 3rd studio album. Equipped with the fighting power that only women of PJ HARVEY and ST. VINCENT can possess, and 99% of Japanese people who tried to drop it into the present age, it is a solid thing of the Japan 80's city pop element that has become a joke. Oops, moreover, in this match, the place where you want to make the song longer is the one where you hold back and don't prolong it. The birth of a masterpiece.[Read More]
The 1st album in 2019 by STELLA DONNELLY, the hottest Australian girl signed by the independent Don label Secretly Canadian. A total of 13 songs that welcome the young melancholy soul, who suddenly reveals the finest melody without relying on Dreamy, to the overground with the tension of Japan pops, which is neither cute nor feminist.[Read More]
BIG THIEFのADRIANNE LENKER、共同プロデュースは前作「Songs And Instrumentals」に引き続きPhilip Weinrobe、さらにBIG THIEF結成以前から交流のあるNICK HAKIM、TWAINのMat Davidson、Josefin Runsteenがと共に制作された2024年アルバム。
In the 1950s, Tanzania was completely beaten by the one and only Mississippi, who established a unique world from record stores and gained fans all over the world in reissue culture. A compilation of songs recorded by a young man, Frank Joseph Humplick, who lived in a city called Moshi, together with his two sisters. In 1959, he released a 2-track 10-inch made for a radio station. A total of 12 songs that naturally bring happiness to the thought that there is calypso that resonates so purely.[Read More]
1976年に公開禁止となったイランのクィア・ゴシック級ホラー・ムーヴィ『Chess of The Wind、幻のサウンドトラックがMississipiよりヴァイナルReissue、2024。
1985 2nd Album 2024 New Mastering Reissue.
FAYE WEBSTER, who is the only white woman (and photographer) in Awful Records, led by FARTHER, the leader of the Atlanta hip-hop scene to which ABRA and TOMMY GENESIS belong, is finally here. With leeway born from upbringing, a little talent, 5 times more effort than you, and 200 times more energy, you can perfectly create your own pop sounds from Hawaiian to folk and romance, and also make DIY spirits exist. People may dismiss Indy as usual and not notice her, but clearly she is something special. Furthermore, if you put it in front of this jacket, the honest sound doesn't matter, but the sound is ridiculous. That's the way it is. The 1st album of 2019, consisting of 10 songs, at a level that you don't have to do next.[Read More]
In 2020, Richard Russell happened to be listening to Samantha Morton's BBC Radio 4 show "Desert Island Discs" (a show where guests select the music they would take to a desert island), and was amazed by the quality of her song selection. He contacted her to try making music together, and this was the first album under the name of Sam Morton, 2024. The world view is similar to that of PORTISHEAD ~ KNIFE ~ DAVID LYNCH, and there is a strange street feel beyond that. It features ALABASTER DEPLUME, LAURA GROVES, who has also released albums under the name BLUE ROSES on XL Recordings, JACK PENATE, who also supported the label in the late 2000s and is now active as a producer, and UB40's Ali Campbell participates.
Released in 2021 9songs. inc.' Kingslayer' with BABYMETAL.
2020 4th Studio Album.[Read More]
2006 album.[Read More]
A masterpiece album released in 2015 by ABRA, the youngest daughter of Awful Records, a label that has led the way in this field in the 2010s. ///more///
NOURISHED BY TIME, who was selected as the support act for DRY CLEANING, remixed "Gary Ashby", and was featured on XL's new album YAEJI, and whose 2023 album was also great, has signed with XL and released their first work, a limited 12-inch. The 1980s R&B that you can't find even if you want to meet it, but which is incomprehensible with a UK indie feel, has been turned into a total of 5 songs that are so authentic that they can fool the world with the power of XL.
CHARLOTTE DAY WILSON, a Canadian singer-songwriter, signed with XL and released her second album in 2024. Drake, John Mayer and others sampled her song, and Patti Smith even covered her song, "Work."
-LTD. TRANSPARENT BLUE VINYL. The first press is sold out immediately- CONTAINER Ren Schofield, Editions Mego, Spectrum Spools, and HELM's Alter, the 2020 explosive album has arrived. With only Roland MC-909 and 4-track Portastudio, I can fight you, the world, and Corona. . Exclusive Transparent Blue Vinyl w/ insert.[Read More]
OUTKAST's André 3000 will release his first solo album in 17 years since OUTKAST's last album, "Idlewild," in a shocking 2023 triple vinyl set.
=BACK IN= -LTD. ORANGE COLORED VINYL- BLOOD ORANGE, DEVONTE HYNES, 2018 4th album. My dog died, my old friend died too. But I live Even in the same black, KENDRICK LAMAR and D'ANGELO sang about love in a different way, betrayed love and were saved by love, and learned about love. Ultimately, no one can save you. But I sing So if there is a god of romance, people all over the world must be convinced to smile at him. His unflattering eye for the era, injecting even more soul into it, is proof that he's not a bad guy, and his unwavering vocals and melodies form contemporary pop music that symbolizes the 2010s. 16 songs in total, 49 minutes. At least for the time being, it will save you and your ne...[Read More]
=BACK IN= And the 2010s were them. Is a human who can't think of it really an android? FAT WHITE FAMILY, the first album after transferring to Domino in 2019, the 3rd album in total. In a place where BIG AUDIO DYNAMITE could never reach, they completed the first masterpiece of the 21st century with dub, glam and soul in this Blade Runner era. This downer rock album, which creates the illusion that the small floor of this pub consisting of all 10 tracks is the center of the world, makes us acknowledge the fact that the King of Kings can only be born in the UK, and what kind of painting. It will make you more human than any movie or novel.[Read More]
A new song recorded at Spacebomb Studios with a 24-member orchestra. And a 2022 limited work that reconstructs the already released songs with a wonderful musical-soundtrack-like arrangement.[Read More]
The next hooligan British guitar band ITALIA 90, following Shame, the spearhead of the emerging label Brace Yourself Records, and Hotel Lux and Courting, will release their 1st album in 2023.[Read More]
This work is composed of unreleased or virtually unavailable songs, mainly from the album "Hymn of Jerusalem" released by Ethiopian nun and pianist EMAHOY TSEGE MARIAM GEBRU in 1972. Her recordings, which are based on Erik Satie, Debussy, liturgical music of the Coptic Ethiopian Church, and traditional Ethiopian music, were all donated to an orphanage in her home country.[Read More]
YUNG LEAN alias number 2. JONATAN LEANDOER127's first vinyl, created with my Danish friend Fredrik Valentin. This music is like a cover of SEBADOH and DINOSAUR JR, who were ignored by the senior team LUST FOR YOUTH, with a guitar stolen from the studio of the senior team MARCHING CHURCH, who had been borrowing sax, trumpet and rap from the senior team MARCHING CHURCH in the neighboring country. It is a music that combines the young ideas and spirits that gave birth to black metal, as well as the core conditions of a new culture , and contains a total of 9 songs that will illuminate your future. -3RD PRESSING BLUE VNYL. Already sold out-
2023 reissue of the 1987 compilation album. Compiled from "An Ideal For Living", "A Factory Sample", "Earcom 2" and "Licht Und Blindheit". Includes "Atmosphere", "Love Will Tear Us Apart" and more. All 12 tracks are newly remastered.
The champion BURIAL, a long track with 5 songs, a full-length work in 2020. Sadly, we can't find any more moving moments in life than this, but these 43 minutes and 30 seconds are what we need.[Read More]
1st album released in 1976. Reissued in 2016.[Read More]
Comes with a bonus artist photo that is apparently no longer available
A 2-disc album released in 1986 in collaboration with HAROLD BUDD. Reissued in 2024. A masterpiece.
-First-come-first-served bonus promo poster -
FABIANA PALLADINO, who has received love calls from famous musicians such as JESSIE WARE from JAI PAUL's label Paul Institute (supported by XL), the genius of the century since PRINCE, has released her long-awaited first studio album. R&B funk such as CHIC and PATRICE RUSHEN, AOR like duet songs by PATTI LaBELLE and MICHAEL McDONALD. Inspiration from mid-80's big studio productions of R&B, soul, pop, and disco is sublimated into modern superb pop with perfect performances by JAI PAUL, his father and legendary bassist Pino Palladino, and his brother and bassist Rocco Palladino of YUSSEF DAYS. -
-LTD.ALT.COVER 2 x VINYL. Limited edition alternative color 2-disc set-
2024 album.
He is the best actor and musician this world has ever produced, but the world doesn't notice. That's always the way it is. Important people and important things are always put off. It's unfortunate, but I think that's probably because humans are not meant to evolve all at once. But we'll let it go all at once. Today and tomorrow, we'll leave humanity behind. CALEB LANDRY JONES' music is the best. It takes the best parts of punk and glam rock, lands firmly in the art world, and the barrier to entry is not high. That's what street music is, and if it's not street music, it has no meaning. It's the same as saying that you don't have time to think about what happens after you die, so people who don't get along with you might not think so, bu...[Read More]
A 2024 album by DRAHLA, a twisted post-punk trio from Leeds, England.[Read More]
Something common to those who have created an era and will create one in the future. Don't be afraid of being laughed at by others, no, I have fear and embarrassment just like you. But I did it. That's all. YUNG LEAN, who saved and guided the youth of Sweden and the world in the 2010s, 2020 album. ARIEL PINK participates. This record teaches us many important things, whether it's rap or not. That's the record that should be a record. 16 songs in total.[Read More]
Released 2nd album in 1968. Reissued in 2024.[Read More]
-1ST PRESSING- YUNG LEAN's band DÖD MARK, an album released digitally in 2023, will be released on vinyl in 2024. I can't think of anything other than a dream scene where YUNG LEAN, the man who changed the times, sings when DEAN BLUNT interrupts a collaboration between ICEAGE and THE TOUGH ALLIANCE. This is one of the masterpieces of the 2020s that I will take to my grave. Produced by Carl-Mikael Berlander, aka GUD, who has been involved in YUNG LEAN's work since its early days, who has just released a collaborative album under the name AAMU KUU and with RX PAPU.[Read More]
Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru, an Ethiopian nun and pianist, recorded her vocal albums in the 1960s and 1970s in the islands, which are highly acclaimed among the Mississippi reissues, but this is a vocal album that she recorded at home on cassette. It is a total of eight songs that she had hoped to have released before her death in March 2023.[Read More]
A cassette-only collection of unreleased songs by MORT GARSON, a psychedelic sci-fi new age composer active since the late 60s.[Read More]
-LTD.RED GEL SLEEVE. Last Copy- Fever Ray, a solo album by Karin Dreijer, a former member of KNIFE, released her second album in nine years in 2018. This is a magical pop album that takes the perversion she played in KNIFE and pushes it even further with a genius pop sense that doesn't fall into the underground.[Read More]
A great 2022 album.[Read More]
A compilation album released in 2000, now on vinyl.[Read More]
2022 album.[Read More]
2022 album.[Read More]
2021 album.[Read More]
2022 is the miraculous second album by KAMIKAZE PALM TREE, a duo led by Dylan Hadley, the drummer of Tim Presley's White Fence and Cate Le Bon. You might think that they are influenced by avant-garde and junk from the 80s and 90s, and even more so by the late 2000s USA experimental lineage, but the reason they have a completely different appeal from self-satisfied alternative bands around the world is that they follow their predecessors while building their art, "similar but completely different." This album is as nice as if the early 80s Belgian bands Factory Benelux and Crammed Disc had backed up post-punk and Cate Le Bon.[Read More]
GROUPER by Liz Harris , 9th album released in 2013.
Liz Harris ' 12th album, released in 2021.[Read More]
2024 album.[Read More]
3rd album released in 2019.
JOY ORBISON, a London-based producer, DJ, and founder of the label Hinge Finger, who has gained a position as one of the representatives of the current UK bass scene, has released his first full-length mixtape from XL. While firmly accepting the traditions of the UK floor scene, he has sharpened and updated his style to an original one, and the album also takes an approach to the pop side. This London bass album is very cool and accurately expresses the soul of the UK streets in 2021. It contains 14 songs that are sure to be the best album of the year. The cover photo is by London's up-and-coming artist Rosie Marks.
The second studio album released in 2013.
3rd album released in 2013.
Japan special edition: White vinyl + autographed art card included
Limited to 100 pieces
The Whistling Woman. Also known as the Human Theremin. An invitation to Cafe Molly from Molly Lewis, a rare whistler performer in the world.
Guests: Nick Hakim, Hoje, Leland Whitty & Chester Hansen (BadBadNotGood), The Sacred Souls, Marco Benevento, Leon Michels (El Michels Affair)
Obi Strip+White Vinyl+Singed Art Card. LTD.100.
We are a small independent record shop. We are trying our best to handle your order as fast as possible, but please read below and place an order upon understanding.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be canceled for any reason.
Due to high demand, it may take a while for delivery. Response to order inquiries can take more than a week. -
This is too nice. There is no peace or kindness, there is only fool's love. Country-wired new age pop.[Read More]
2nd album released in 2021. Reissue in 2023.[Read More]
1st album released in 2020. Reissue in 2023.[Read More]
LTD. RED vinyl. Debut Studio Album released in 2001. LTD. RED vinyl Reissue in 2024.
2023 album.[Read More]
The SMILE by RADIOHEAD's Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood and Tom Skinner. 2nd album in 2024.
Limited stock, no distribution. 1st album released by DEAN BLUNT's World Music in 2020, Last Chance. Self-produced LTD. Reissue 2023.
Small worries can kill you or start a revolution. Girl Band, aka Gira Band, 2022 album.[Read More]
-LTD.CLEAR VINYL- God finally gives her the era. Caroline Polachek, 2023 album.
Montreal male and female duo BLUE HAWAII suddenly explodes. This mixtape is finally available physically, with a disco-like feel that says, "Dance is the only thing you can do in this corona pandemic," and a killer mixtape with diva vocals.
The 2022 USA cassette version of the first album released in 2021 by KËKHT ARÄKH, a solo black metal artist based in Ukraine who is a masterpiece just for his existence via cloud rap.[Read More]
This is the cassette version of the second album "Sacred Bones" released in 2021 by KËKHT ARÄKH, a solo black metal artist based in Ukraine who is a masterpiece just by existing.[Read More]
Montreal's FEELING FIGURES' first album in 2023 from Perenni, a subsidiary of K. A great collection of 10 songs that somehow gives off a more artistic feel than a geeky feel, as if they were born in Canada, via the punk spirit of the 2010s, from the early Creation bands JASMIN MINKS and BIFF BANG POW! around 1985, to 1990s USA indie bands such as Calvin Johnson's The GO TEAM and BRILLIANT COLORS from the late 2000s when Captured Tracks first appeared.
The second miraculous collaboration, KHRUANGBIN and LEON BRIDGES strong tag single from Texas to the world and the future.[Read More]
3rd studio album in 2021.
1st album released in 2014.
2022 album. Featuring LIL UZI VERT, SHYGIRL, slowthi, CHANNEL TRES, ERIKA DE CASIER, etc.
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- 2023 album.
Influenced by Thai funk and Southeast Asian pop music, the one and only mellow funk garage band KHRUANGBIN is on its way to the top of the world with their unique position. Their first album in 2016.
This is crazy. When I say it's crazy, I'm only appealing to 8 people in the world, so you can ignore it right now, but this person from the Netherlands and the Czech Republic MARIA, a trio consisting of Rickle, Katerina and Bjorn, has released a record of the works they have been recording since 2016, titled "Best Of". This work is as amazing as a gift given to the early 2020s by the Nouvelle Vague Pop movement in the early 1990s, which was a mix of pop that people who didn't know what to do and couldn't become the goths of punk that was less than neo-acoustic, such as the early Rough Trade and Cherry Red releases in the early 1980s, but were simply playing o...[Read More]
Vancouver-based Chinese producer YU SU's memorable 2021 album 2023 Reissue.[Read More]
Issue 44, Fall 2023, of So Young Magazine, a DIY music magazine based in London that leads the world of indie guitar bands. Cover/Front page: The Last Dinner Party, Squid, Cardinals, Mandy, Indiana, Floodlights, Nabihah Iqbal, Not From England, Snõõper, Lifeguard, bdrmm and others
The 2023 album, released under the name MALONE 1 and signed with Warp, is an incredible masterpiece by SUN RA, produced by TAYLOR SKYE of KING KRULE and JOCKSTRAP and ONEOHTRIX POINT NEVER .
Another highlight from Awesome Tapes From Africa. A mix of hip-hop and early Chicago house, released only on cassette in 1994, and Ghanaian pervert electronic music that was very natural and hard-working in the artist's bedroom.
A candidate for the best album of the year 2022. DEHD, a 2022 album by Emily Kempf and Eric McGrady of LALA LALA, who released a collaborative song with PORIDGE RADIO, and Jason Balla, signed with Fat Possum. This album, which shows punk music and independent style in the most confusing way in 2022 while countering gender culture, will surely be discovered by young people 30 years from now, but DEHD will scold them like this. "Listen to DEHD of your time." 13 songs including the anthem "Bad Love" (probably a buzz on TikTok and 3 million plays on Spotify).
What she arrived at was ambient music. Is this music for the minds of those of us who live in this world, something we can never say? And while she insists that there is no boundary between this world and the afterlife, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration that seems contradictory, but I still feel that she has a heart because of her immaturity. I don't care about what's going on in my mind yet, and I'll enjoy it instead of sentimental pop music for the short time I'm in this world, so this is a masterpiece of 2023 that I'll take out of my record shelf and put back again and again.[Read More]
I love my wife and my kids. But I'm in space. KING KRULE plays 15 songs with tears from the future beyond the universe, as if to fill the distance between eternal rebellion and the opposing peacefulness. This 2023 album is seriously the best one yet.[Read More]
GEORGE RILEY, who debuted from VEGYN's PLZ Make It Ruins, has signed with Ninja Tune and released a 12-inch with 6 songs in 2023. Limited edition.[Read More]
-LTD.CLEAR VINYL 1ST EDITION -The 2023 debut album of the New York four-piece MODEL/ACTRIZ. They definitely have few friends in the New York band scene, as they had TZUSING do the remix. Their fashion sense and music sense have improved since their pre-ChatGPT days, and although they are quite London-oriented, they are discovering a new breath of New York. It's like adding GILLA BAND, HMLTD, and BLAWAN together and dividing them by NINE INCH NAILS.
HETHER, a group of artists including KALI UCHIS, EL MICHELS AFFAIR from Big Crown, BENNY SINGS from Stones Throw, BLUE IVERSON produced by DEAN BLUNT, and LA guitarist and producer Paul Castelluzo, who also participated in PAUL McCARTNEY's "McCartney III Imagine", have finally released their first album digitally in 2021 on vinyl. This little-known album, which we can call the best for us, is as special as EYEDRESS, ARRON FRAZER, and KING GIZZARD, which make us wonder if they know what they're doing, and is as special as your hidden perverted sexuality, and there are only 200 copies left.[Read More]
This is the first vinyl compilation of DE SCHUURMAN's late 2000s music, a staple of the Afro-diaspora club scene that emerged over the decades after a young DJ accidentally dropped a dancehall track at 45 RPM instead of 33 RPM in a club in The Hague. Ltd.500
A two-disc live album recorded at the Sydney Opera House.
The Bristol four-piece QUADE will finally release their debut album on AD93 in 2023. Their management is the same person who manages FOLLY GROUP and they highly recommended it. It's a dub solo core that hits the spot like Rough Trade's Caroline and EXEK mixed with Bristol. They were in charge of the music for Dior's fall/winter show.
Released 1995. Reissued 2021.
Released in 1975. Reissued in 2021.
Released in 1975. Reissued in 2019.
WOMBO, a trio with a mysterious sense who could become the hidden main character of Fire Talk, releases their 2022 album. The 12 songs are the only ones who could compete with CRUMB, who shine with their ability to combine less-than-avant-garde post-punk with dream pop melodies.
2023 released.[Read More]
Released in 2014.
COBY SEY, a central figure in London's most important team, who is a direct friend of MICA LEVI, participated in DEAN BLUNT's BABYFATHER, is a regular on TIRZAH's albums, and his brother is KWES of Yung ~ Wapr, has released an album from AD93 in 2022. It is already out of print.
The Mercury Prize-nominated album "I Love You Jennifer B." has been remixed in its entirety by band member Taylor Skye, resulting in a complete album that goes beyond the usual remix works and approaches the original. ///split/ //
EVIAN CHRIST, a producer who debuted from Tri Angle during the witch house movement and was praised by Kanye West, Travis Scott, Danny Brown, and others, finally signed with Warp in 2020, has released his long-awaited 1st album in 2023. The Year 0001 team, including Baldee and Merelly, participated in the album. The LP is a limited edition with an initial production of only 1000 copies, and the LP in an inner sleeve and a double-sided printed poster are enclosed in a screen-printed outer bag.[Read More]Mysterious BAR ITALIA in London, to the world. Debuted from VEGYN's PLZ Make It Ruins, and with the full support of DEAN BLUNT, in a moment of genius, NICO's daughter and son took over early PAVEMENT, and when you hear the relay vocals of three men and women, like a SALEM-like cover of PULP, you'll seriously think that they've surpassed everything, past and future.[Read More]-Deluxe Edition- 5th album released in 2017.[Read More]BOYGENIUS, a special unit formed by JULIEN BAKER, LUCY DACUS and PHOEBE BRIDGERS, will release their commemorative first album of 2023 from Matador.
Singer-songwriter SAMPHA, who has received love calls from big names such as KENDRICK LAMAR, STORMZY, TRAVIS SCOTT, DRAKE, SOLANGE, FRANK OCEAN, BEYONCE, LIL WAYNE, etc., will release his second album in 2023, six years after his first album in 2017, which won the Mercury Prize. Featuring impressive guests such as YAEJI, Morgan Simpson of black midi, SHEILA MAURICE-GREY of KOKOROKO, YUSSEF DAYES, IBEYI, etc.
DJ TRYSTERO, owner of the cult Japanese label City 2 ST. Giga, which has released many great and rare albums by BUTTECHNO, BURAGO, ANTHONY NAPLES, and others, has released a full-length album from NATHONY NAPLES' label Incienso.[Read More]Based in Los Angeles New icon YEULE from Singapore has signed with Ninja Tune and released his 2023 album. Produced by fellow Singaporean KIN LENNON and working with YVES TUMOR. Chris Greatti, and MURA MASA participated fully, including playing instruments.[Read More]2nd album in 2023.[Read More]The 2019 debut album of the hero duo of the era, 100 GECS, was sold only on their own website and was once priced at over $300. Repressed in 2023.[Read More]Since the birth of punk music in British rock history, it has surpassed even OASIS. The third chapter of a never ending youth story of a group of young people who, after being mocked for their half-naked, candid appeal to the world of their UK guitar band spirit, won a one-of-a-kind stage. 2023 3rd album.[Read More]-First come, first served original sticker-
There are geniuses in the world who are not recognized as geniuses. And the moment some genius declares that he or she is a genius, everyone suddenly worships him or her or others. And I, too, have never been called a genius by anyone. I am one of them . And I say that ETHAN P. FLYNN is a genius. But in this case, as you may have noticed, a pattern of "unnoticed genius" has been born. For you, it's a situation where there are no geniuses anywhere. In other words , there is only one problem ...
1st album released in 2013, reissued in 2023.
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