Result found for “FAERYBABYY”
LAST STOCK LA's new icon FAERYBABYY, self-produced cassette. The DIY spirits of The Garden, Eyedress, and other artists cultivated by the world's culture in the 2010s run without jealousy, envy, or sulkiness, and in a sense, only those born under the stars can release them, and they inject fatal love into each of our life support systems. Please limit this to one per person for now.
Japanese Obi Stip+Inner+Transparent Magenta Vinyl
限定110枚2010年代に世の中のカルチャーが培ったThe GardenやEyedressなど諸々のDIYスピリッツが妬みや僻みやいじけ根性なしで疾走するある意味星の下に生まれたのみ放てるだからこそズキュンバキュンと我々の各生命維持装置に致命的なラブ注入する全8曲。
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