Result found for “ESCHO”
-LTD.1000. Escho edition from Denmark - ICEAGE has influenced the music scene in the UK and the world from Copenhagen, Denmark. I was convinced that they would continue to become big names, but this 5th album in 2021, produced by Pete Kember, aka SONIC BOOM of SPACEMEN 3, turned out to be their best work to date. The chorus and big chorus development that sounds in a new realm, the arrangement work that seems to be influenced by the early 1990's UK scene such as PRIMAL SCREAM and HAPPY MONDAYS, and above all, all the songs are five times better than previous works, and even the ballads are not pushed by atmosphere alone as in the past, and there are upper tunes that have never been thro...[Read More]
-DENMARK ESCHO EDITION Limited to 500 copies Special jacket Denmark edition- The revolution of Copenhagen continues to be passed down and produces new things. The super-sized LISS is finally signed with XL. However, this is a 12-inch single released in a limited edition of 500 copies by Escho in their home country. They are a new young scene that belongs to Escho, one of the labels that produced ICEAGE and LOWER, but are in a different scene from them. They were first discovered by DEAN BLUNT, ex-HYPE WILLIAMS, who came to Copenhagen when they were 16 years old (or 17 years old). It's like adding Prince and Jamiroquai to the white soul wave that sounds on the horizontal line of FIRST HATE, and iTunes Rad...[Read More]
(¥900) Limited edition of 100 avant-free jazz works by Christian Kyhl, Peter Friis Nielsen and Claus Bøje from Copenhagen headquarter Escho, which produces ICEAGE, COMMUNIONS and LISS.
WHEN SAINTS GO MACHINE, who has been leading the Danish scene since debuting from major EMi in 2008, released a 2019 album from Copenhagen's most important label, Escho, which produces ICEAGE, LOWER, LISS, and more.[Read More]
BONA FIDE, a male-female duo consisting of Sofia Luna and Emil Palme, will release their first album in 2020 on Escho, the home label of ICEAGE, which gave birth to and led the Copenhagen scene. Although the style is different, this European gothic folk brings to mind nostalgia reminiscent of The CARETAKER. Limited edition.[Read More]
ICEAGE, the birth and driving force of the Copenhagen scene, from the home label Escho. ICEAGE is a synth-industrial pop dream duo consisting of Joakim Nørgaard and Anton Falck Gansted, following LUST FOR YOUTH, FIRST HATE, 2017 1st. album.[Read More]
-Limited edition of 100 pieces with an inner sleeve with a scent branding stamp made for this album by KLARA RAVAT, an olfactory artist from Smell Lab in Berlin (I heard it for the first time...) The moment you open it, it smells like something really special.) - KH MARIE by new face Marie Højlund from Escho, Copenhagen, Denmark, the home label of ICEAGE and SMERZ, is nice. GEORGIA and SMERZ are blended, and PIXX's sense is added. Synth-pop that seems to have passed YEAR 0001 between mass, alternative, and culture. Limited edition of 300 (of which 100 are limited edition).[Read More]
-UK XL EDITION- The land that became prosperous quickly decays and becomes history. They were the ones who saved her. All of the singles that debuted from ICEAGE's home label Escho are rare. Also, the single signed with XL is instantly rare. From the innovative new generation of R&B electronic, they become moon fairies and offer a decisive light to the modern world where BJORK has wandered around. SMERZ, 2021 debut album. RIHANNA, who was in the midst of her youth and had no interest in electronics, met DEAN BLUNT and YVES TUMOR, and as ARCA played out the story of the near future, I turned around from a Western-style house looking up at the girls in a Nordic forest in 1922. watching the play. Who are they? A masterpiece that makes y...[Read More]
What a sheet music of SMERZ's masterpiece debut album. Almost art limited 300 books. "Contains sheet music and lyrics for all songs from Smerz's album 'Believer'. Comes with downloadable sheet music for each instrument. The sheet music can be played in ensembles or solos, continuing the classical tradition of distributing music as musical notes. ”[Read More]
ICEAGEのフロントマン、生まれ持ってのヒーローELIAS RØNNENFELTによる2024年1STソロ・アルバム。1st Edition.
JOANNE ROBERTSON、ML BUCHそしてASTRID SONNEに続く新たなるシーンへMOLINA、2024年アルバムはそのML BUCHも参加した我々が待ち望む一枚に。KATE BUSHの姪っ子をDEAN BLUNTが天塩にかけたかのうような白日夢。限定。