Result found for “LOLINA”
GATEFOLD SLEEVE+OBI STRIP+JAPAN PRESSING/TOYOKASEI LTD.500- The ambiguity of the boundary between the ordinary and the extraordinary is philosophical, human, and cosmic, but it has existed as a troublesome problem in this world's life. You just came back here. Let's welcome it with a big round of applause. LOLINA, also known as INGA COPELAND, as Alina Astrova, entered the 2010s as a member of HYPE WILLIAMS. It is that will that makes us grow (and that will refers to the fact that we tried to catch up with her), so that we can treat the difficulties of times that are said to be difficult times as if they were human beings. It's a story about whether we're really living in the future people dreamed of, but i...[Read More]
Repetitive iterative collage collage Future past future past beyond that beyond that beyond that beyond that, and yesterday and today. The genius LOLINA has finally reached her destination.Limited edition from Dearhbomb ARC. It seems to be sold out immediately. One sheet per person, please.[Read More]
INGA COPELAND aka real name LOLINA, who no longer needs the explanation of former HYPE WILLIAMS, 2016 official full album. Five years ahead of the times, INGA COPELAND's solo album "BECAUSE I'M WORTH IT."・The music of God is here that will give it the meaning of electronic music...She is the most wonderful in the world I really think.[Read More]
Following the past masterpieces under the name of INGA COPELAND, "Face The Music", which was suddenly released digitally in 2022 and presented a new image of LOLINA, has finally been released on vinyl from his own label Relaxin. Free jazz, no wave, disco, funk, and the testimony of human beings An unshakable will will surely resound in the future, that is, in the present age. A song that comes. limited.[Read More]
Following the past masterpieces under the name of INGA COPELAND, "Face The Music", which was suddenly released digitally in 2022 and presented a new image of LOLINA, has finally been released on vinyl from his own label Relaxin. Free jazz, no wave, disco, funk, and the testimony of human beings An unshakable will will surely resound in the future, that is, in the present age. A song that comes. limited.[Read More]
A collaboration work by BRANDON JUHANS, who released works from Tri Angle under the name of HANZ with LOLINA's independent label Relaxin Records, former HYPE WILLIAMS INGA COPELAND. Experimental no jazz noise that can be heard from the other side. limited.[Read More]
グラスゴーのJessica HigginsとUpset! The Rhythmから作品を出していたVITAL IDLESのMatthew WalkerdineによるGUESTSの1stアルバム、2024。LOLINAことINGA COPELANDがYOUNG MARBLE GIANTSをイジったようなDIYポスト・パンク・スピリッツが脳打つベッドルーム・エレクトロニック秀作。
LOLINAのレーベルRelaxinの本命great areaによる2024年アルバムがついに初ヴァイナル2025。ダウナーな青春、キラメキ以上の憂鬱、誰にもわかってもらわなくて良いのに軽々しく差し伸べられた手を掴むいつもと同じ自己嫌悪。買ったか買わぬかで人生違う(自己責任)限定ヴァイナル。
The 112-track digital-only 2022 album "Sent from my Telephone" received praise from many music media outlets. VOICE ACTOR, a Dutch duo by Noa Kurzweil and Levi Lanser , finally releases vinyl in 2023. Are we awake or asleep? That's what life is like. I feel like I'm sleeping between LOLINA, TIRZAH and GROUPER, but I'm in a completely different place, like I'm standing in a narrow garden that continues on beyond, but I'm sure I'm sitting. 16 songs in total. It seems to be already sold out.[Read More]
The most important and most difficult thing is to continue, which means evolution for us as humans. As the 2010s began, LOLINA created the foundation for the next 10 years as a member of HYPE WILLIAMS, and as a solo artist, she was thrown various aspects of herself at us, and we had no choice but to accept them face to face, but LOLINA continues to keep a firm eye on the times, not only herself, but also the world and society. Before her solo album masterpiece "Because I'm Worth It" was released in 2014 on her own label Relaxin Records, INGA COPELAND's first and last album "Higher Powers", which was released only as data, was released on limited vinyl. After this, the one who laughed = the origin of the Nike cap that all human beings ...
There are solitary existences, but there are many peaks that are said to be solitary, and it is our job to identify them as such. The life that DEAN BLUNT stands there is probably different from that of the world, and you are happy. It was the fall of 2021 that the second installment of DEAN BLUNT's masterpiece album BLACK ALBUM, which existed with LOLINA as HYPE WILLIAMS, was no longer necessary. It's not a rap, it's not a pop song, it's not like a cloud, it's not like a radiohead, it's not a dirty sorrow, it's not a melancholic I think it's because we're human beings, but I know that I haven't explained everything, and it's not like I could have done it. Not only that, but after that, be careful and go home and pray that there won't be...[Read More]
2025年アルバム。ビートルズのメンバーやローリング・ストーンズのレコーディングに参加する名手JIM KELTNERはじめHAND HABITSことMEG DUFFY、SPARKSやST. VINCENTのアルバムに参加するPAT KELLY 、BIG THIEFのBUCK MEEKのバンドメンバーTIM KUHLなどが参加。
3rdアルバム「Cutouts」から2曲のリミックス・バージョン"Don't Get Me Started (James Holden Remix)"と"Instant Psalm (Robert Stillman Remix)"を収録した限定12インチ。[Read More]
L.I.E.S. 2019 Released.
L.I.E.S. 2014 Released.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
The Trilogy Tapes – TTT033。2015年 Released.
London Magazineなどで執筆する才女でありながらあのGOAT GIRLのHolly Mullineauxの後押しによりblackmidiやBLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROADなど若手バンドをサポートするプロデューサーDAN CAREYによるレーベルSpeedy WundergroundからデビューしChess Clubとサインし発表された2022年1stアルバム。
=BIG LOVE特典非売品ポスター=
カウンターはいつでも突然やってくる。ニューヨークの突然変異YHWH NAILGUN、待望の1stフル・アルバム、2025。乱れ飛ぶパーカッション、君の顔面に降りかかる唾、それはよだれ。叫びとダンスは激しく見えて実は君の顔面に打ち続けられるジャブジャブジャブジャブ。ただ的確なだけのジャブジャブジャブ。つまり奴らはショーン・ストリックランド。でも君は踊れ。ひとりで踊れ。友人とは君がそう思っているだけの他人だ。隣に寝ているガールフレンドだってその可能性は否定できない。そのクローゼットを開けてみろ。奥さんと娘さんの荷物が入ったスーツケースが見つかるはずだ。だから君はひとりで踊れ。他人の僕と一緒に。2025年ベスト候補。
LTD. Signed Inner Sleeve+Frosted Shadow Vinyl Edition.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
英国アーティストJermaine Francisによる映像作品「8001PID」のTONY BINTANAが手がけたサウンドトラックをJOAKIMとALEXIS LE TANによるデュオFULL CIRCLEとウクライナ出身のプロデューサーSHJVAが再構築したスペース・アシッド・エレクトロニック盤。