=BACK IN= If I happen to see something erotic, I will turn my eyes away for a moment. Otherwise, I would be in flames as a criminal immediately, and everyone in the world would surely be plotting to punish me someday. LOU REBECCA must have missed me. At the point when Oshiba and Friends are mixed, it can only be thought of as an angel since Kaoru Kuroki. If you can't call this erotic, black is white, Shigeru Matsuzaki, Cromartie, and Saburo are all Shiro! ...and the space-time is distorted and everything pops, but now, LOU REBECCA is also modern, 2019. Italians Do It Better's boss JOHNNY JEWEL is guaranteed to fall in love, pop and cuteness directly descended from 80's Belgian Synth Post Punk Pop, and the most necessary for humans...