Appeared in the late 2000s and released works from Captured Tracks and Kill Rock Stars. Raven Mahon, who was a member of GRASS WIDOW, a female trio that had a unique worldview among many guitar bands, hit it off with the members of TOTAL CONTROL after the band broke up and moved to Australia. The GREEN CHILD is a duo formed with MIKEY YOUNG, who is currently the No. 1 popular producer and mastering engineer in the world, while also working as a support member of TOTAL CONTROL. 2020 album. Just like YOUNG MARBLE GIANTS ~ LAURIE ANDERSON ~ STRAWBERRY SWITCHBLADE 80's DIY synth post punk dream like J. McFARLANE'S REALITY GUEST in which MIKEY YOUNG also participated ANDY to the world as the near future created by TOTAL CONTROL A total of 10 ...