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In 2003, Alabama's non-profit arts group The COLEMAN CENTER welcomed artist STUART HYATT to record with local citizens, social groups and school children, and asked HYATT's grandparents to help assemble the package (and the jacket was The CD-R work announced in 2005 was discovered by DFA and was titled "The CLOUD". ”In the name of the gatefold of seriously gorgeous craft stock, lyrics, liner notes, and a tip-in foldout with photos are attached. It will be officially released in 2022 with the specification of "Nde". Great content. Those who know the true charm of SUFJAN STEVENS, and those who really have a DIY punk spirit, will be blown away, and there is also a ridiculous piano song "No, You Can't Take Them". 7 songs in total. Limited to...[Read More]
= Only the amount brought by Dean himself of NO AGE = A collaboration between RANDY RANDALL of NO AGE and photographer AARON FARLEY dedicated to the freeways of Southern California from sunrise to sunset, synth music for driving BGM, Never Press of LA. PRINT ZINE VERSION BY. Limited to 100 copies.[Read More]
Aussie DEAF WISH, MOON RITUALS, OPALS member Sarah Hardiman's Aussie punk band BRICK HEAD, 2020 cassette. MIKEY YOUNG of TOTAL CONTROL, of course mastered with outstanding lo-fi sense.
Appeared in the late 2000s and released works from Captured Tracks and Kill Rock Stars. Raven Mahon, who was a member of GRASS WIDOW, a female trio that had a unique worldview among many guitar bands, hit it off with the members of TOTAL CONTROL after the band broke up and moved to Australia. The GREEN CHILD is a duo formed with MIKEY YOUNG, who is currently the No. 1 popular producer and mastering engineer in the world, while also working as a support member of TOTAL CONTROL. 2020 album. Just like YOUNG MARBLE GIANTS ~ LAURIE ANDERSON ~ STRAWBERRY SWITCHBLADE 80's DIY synth post punk dream like J. McFARLANE'S REALITY GUEST in which MIKEY YOUNG also participated ANDY to the world as the near future created by TOTAL CONTROL A total of 10 ...[Read More]
=BACK IN= Project 808s AND GREATEST HITS by Skube Burnell in Melbourne, 1st 7" vinyl. MAC DEMARCO Vacation pop from hentai that will appeal to both those who love it and those who don't like it. Mastering is Mikey Young. Last stock.[Read More]
=BACK IN= UK underground female band NO.1 without anyone knowing, WETDOG 3rd album. In England, there are bands like them, and there are bands like The xx. The boss of SHOPPING is British street rock, punk and indie. Currently supporting The FALL. Mastered by TOTAL CONTROL's Eddy Current, Mikey Young.[Read More]
FREAK GENES, 2021 album by Charlie Murphy of INTERNAL CREDIT / ISOLATION and Andrew Anderson of PROTO IDIOT / KATE? WIRE ~ DEVO ~ DFA ~ A total of 12 songs by a new punk duo that sounds the attack feeling of NINTENDO analog synth disco beats in a place where this kind of band can't reach. Mastered by TOTAL CONTROL's Mikey Young.[Read More]
=BACK IN= This guy is finally here. I can dare to say that it's probably the best-selling album in the world (because it's not something that's respected for some reason...) RAT COLUMNS vocalist David West's solo project LIBERATION, the first album. There is nothing more terrifying than a brain-filled pure who exists in both the Aussie Indie garage and the industrial world. Once again we and they are an electronic indie that combines the early days of SHOCKING PINKS and TOTAL CONTROL. The mix is of course TOTAL CONTROL's Mikey Young. And limited to 500 pieces.[Read More]
The work was released on Beats In Space, Efficient Space, Growing Bin and Mexican Summer. Andras from Melbourne, Australia under the name of AR WILSON This work is set against the backdrop of the Gold Rush in Victoria, Australia from 1850 to 1861. A human pattern that happened in the past, a success danced by fakes, a quest filled with self-pity, a fool's fear of hunger and a machine sound. resulting loneliness. And, like the folk music of the Middle Ages that resounds from there, it's acoustic, but it's not only healing, but also a gloomy inorganic texture like a new wave that resonates with us. This work is finished in the work that I want to evaluate most among his past works. Mastered by MIKEY YUNG. Evoked by , almost unchanged from ...[Read More]
デジタル配信がメインとなった以降コンピレーションが売れない時代となったのは納得の中、発掘&選曲センスにて唯一無二のレーベルとなっているオーストラリアはメルボルンのレーベルEfficient Spaceより今作はなんとEDDY CURRENTのメンバーでエンジニアとして超多数の現行ギターバンドを手掛けるMIKEY YOUNGによる愛、喪失、救世主をテーマに70年代を中心にマイナーフォークソングを集めた作品。フォークソングといってもEfficient Spaceのメランコリック・カラーで覆われたそれは80年代のバブルの裏側のパンクスピリッツ溢れたセンチメンタルなども醸す極上&入手不可能な全17曲2枚組レコード。