Result found for “蜂巢精神”
In the history of rock, less than 1% of bands have been able to respond correctly to crises that have come to them, and that is the weakness of the culture. For example, if you are a company president, even if you are in a situation where you should hang yourself, you will take a puff of a cigarette and blame others, the world, society, or God. Therefore, The SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE has easily created a work that will be considered a masterpiece even in 20 years' time, which is overwhelmingly the best masterpiece ever, and in fact, it is the first time that you have come across a record that is 100 times better than the previous one, even in this COVID-19 pandemic. In this modern age, and especially for a band, the fewer the number of p...
Less than 1% of rock bands have been able to respond correctly to the crisis that has come to them in the past, and that is the weakness of the culture. For example, if you're a business owner, even in a situation where you have to hang yourself, you'll puff on a cigarette and blame others, the world, society, or God. Therefore, The SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE can easily be said to be the best record ever, even in this corona disaster, and realistically, it's the first time I've come across a record that's 100 times better than the previous one. He created a work that can be called a masterpiece. In this day and age, the band must have been so lucky that they became a trio, and they must have laughed at that, wondering what the hell they were doing. This work is influenced by MY BLOODY VALENTINE, and the 1st album of ROCKETSHIP, which existed in the USA in the 90's, was produced by the early AVALANCHES and ARIEL PINK. It's a miracle even for those who rolled it up.[Read More]
The SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, which released a masterpiece album in 2021 that seems to be the best ever, no, the past, and the momentum is unstoppable. It's as if DEAN BLUNT picked up the 1st demo of the 90's band ROCKETSHIP influenced by MY BLOODY VALENTINE produced by early AVALANCHES and ARIEL PINK and messed it up. Teru 2 songs.[Read More]
Less than 1% of rock bands have been able to respond correctly to the crisis that has come to them in the past, and that is the weakness of the culture. For example, if you're a business owner, even in a situation where you have to hang yourself, you'll puff on a cigarette and blame others, the world, society, or God. Therefore, The SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE can easily be said to be the best record ever, even in this corona disaster, and realistically, it's the first time I've come across a record that's 100 times better than the previous one. He created a work that can be called a masterpiece. In this day and age, the band must have been so lucky that they became a trio, and they must have laughed at that, wondering what the hell they were doing. This work is influenced by MY BLOODY VALENTINE, and the 1st album of ROCKETSHIP, which existed in the USA in the 90's, was produced by the early AVALANCHES and ARIEL PINK. It's a miracle even for those who rolled it up.[Read More]