Result found for “BEDROOM SUCK”
Label most right-wing PEAK TWINS first album from Aussie indie Bedroom Suck. A total of 9 songs that seem to be a ballad with a garage bad feeling injected into Flying Nun's direct Aussie pop in REAL ESTATE.[Read More]
FAIR MAIDEN first album by Miss Ellen Carey who was active in Aussie underground bands JEMIMA JEMIMA, BIRTH GLOW and CLUE TO KALO from Aussie indie Bedroom Suck. A pastoral soft indie rock album with Stephanie Crase of HIT THE JACKPOT, Liam Kenny of BITCH PREFECT, PEACK TWINS, and Joel Carey of WOLF & CUB, PEACK TWINS as backing members. A piece that seems to be a masterpiece later.[Read More]
=BACK IN= Australia will play in the band The RANGOONS with ELA STILES, who has released a solo from Bedroom Suck in Sydney. Jay Cruikshank and LOW LIFE, a band from the same country as us, and the masterpiece neo-psychedelic band ORION. New duo JAY AND YUTA by Japanese YUTA, a member of JAY AND YUTA, 1st album in 2020. SUICIDE ~ CHROME ~ NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS ~ CURRENT 93ism that came down from heaven with analog synths.[Read More]
オージーBedroom Sucksより2015年の隠れた一枚。
Brisbane THIGH MASTER's 1st album, which has erased its presence with pop and action that is a little out of the Aussie band scene such as RIP Society and Bedroom Sucks. A total of 13 songs that make you feel youthful with a sense of speed, evil glue, 90's feeling and DIY feeling.[Read More]
=BACK IN= SCOTT & CHARLENE'S WEDDING, one of Aussie big three along with OTAL CONTROL and ROYAL HEADACHE by members of SPIDER VOMIT, LOST ANIMAL, LOVE OF DIAGRAMS and PANEL OF JUDGES. The rebellious spirit cultivated by RIP SOCIETY and BEDROOM SUCKS is an Aussie indie must-have band that gathers all the underground popism from FLYING NUN to PASTELS, which is sometimes called DIY.[Read More]