Result found for “CHESS CLUB”
London Magazineなどで執筆する才女でありながらあのGOAT GIRLのHolly Mullineauxの後押しによりblackmidiやBLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROADなど若手バンドをサポートするプロデューサーDAN CAREYによるレーベルSpeedy WundergroundからデビューしChess Clubとサインし発表された2022年1stアルバム。
=BACK IN= A talented woman who writes for London Magazine, etc., and with the support of Holly Mullineaux of GOAT GIRL, she debuted from the label Speedy Wunderground by producer DAN CAREY, who supports young bands such as blackmidi, BLACK COUNTRY, and NEW ROAD. SINEAD O'BRIEN has signed with Chess Club, which also produces hits. Moreover, while those two works have become rare without realizing it, the only limited 10-inch EP in 2020. MARK E. SMITH's daughter followed by BLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROAD, produced by ONO YOKO, threw her own poems on the cover of VELVET UNDERGROUND and NEU![Read More]