Result found for “DANIEL JOHNSTON”
1994 Release masterpiece. 2021 Reissue.[Read More]
Went there a few times in April 2000 DAT recording of the New York performance A live album discovered and remastered by Kramer .
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- 1988年から95年にかけて録音された入手困難な音源やVELVET UNDERGROUNDやDANIEL JOHNSTON、RAMONESなどのカバーなどの未発表曲を2時間以上収録した1996年発表アルバムの2025年REISSUE。
=BACK IN= Traveled from Paris to London and participated in recordings around creation. The previous work was produced by Brendan Lynch, recorded by Andrew Innes of Primal, mixed by Kevin of Mibra, and Charlotte Marionneau, aka LE VOLUME COURBE, with the participation of Martin Duffy, the former Felt, the current Primal, 2020 limited 10 inch. Noel from Oasis, Specials, and Terry Hall from Fun Boy Three participated in the same song (Daniel Johnston's cover). Brendan Lynch, of course.[Read More]
Mondo, one of the top film music labels that can be said to have caused the soundtrack boom, has been modified with the line "feels good man" released by Pepe, the main character of Matt Furie's cult cartoon "Boy's Club". During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, right-wingers spread Pepe with a racist image on SNS, and it was certified as a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and played a role in the birth of President Trump. TEXAS' "Some Things Last A Long Time" by SHARON VAN ETTEN, and DANIEL A limited edition 7 inch cover of JOHNSTON's "Let Go".[Read More]
BサイドDANIEL JOHNSTONのカヴァー'True Love Will Find You In The End'。
FRANK OCEAN's "Endless" and "Blonde", super rapper & R&B artists such as TRAVIS SCOTT and KALI UCHIS, contemporary jazz & electronic right-wing DUCVAL TIMOTHY, and recently our ETHAN P. FLYNN London who announced a collaboration. Newcomer pigbaby's debut EP from PLZ Make It Ruins, a label led by producer VEGYN. Sentimental chaos dream as if DANIEL JOHNSTON was produced by VEGYN. Limited to 500 pieces.[Read More]