Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru, an Ethiopian nun and pianist, recorded her vocal albums in the 1960s and 1970s in the islands, which are highly acclaimed among the Mississippi reissues, but this is a vocal album that she recorded at home on cassette. It is a total of eight songs that she had hoped to have released before her death in March 2023.[Read More]
This work is composed of unreleased or virtually unavailable songs, mainly from the album "Hymn of Jerusalem" released by Ethiopian nun and pianist EMAHOY TSEGE MARIAM GEBRU in 1972. Her recordings, which are based on Erik Satie, Debussy, liturgical music of the Coptic Ethiopian Church, and traditional Ethiopian music, were all donated to an orphanage in her home country.[Read More]
エチオピアの修道女でありピアニストでもあるEMAHOY TSEGE MARIAM GEBRUによるピアノ独奏曲集第1巻。エリック・サティ、ドビュッシー、コプト・エチオピア教会の典礼音楽、エチオピアの伝統音楽などをバックボーンに奏でた彼女の音源で得た収入は全て母国の孤児院へ寄付されていた。[Read More]