Result found for “GOOD MORNING TAPES”
A great compilation from Good Morning Tapes. Featuring JONNINE from HTRK, FULL CIRCLE, GI GI, RESSET'S TAPES, E RUSCHA V, SHAKALI, and KIKI KUDO, Haruka Hirata from BIG LOVE sings songs that are effective for crime prevention, warding off evil, and treating insect bites. Limited to 300 copies.[Read More]
Good Morning Tapesより1970年代半ばから1990年代半ばまでのアンダーグラウンド・アンビエント、ミニマル、プログレッシブ・エレクトロニック、ニューエイジの世界的なディガー/コレクターMark Griffeyが彼の膨大なコレクションから選曲されたミックス・テープ。Ambient Mix Tape by NYC New Age archivist Mark Griffey aka Ultravillage.
Good Morning Tapesより。おひとり様一本でお願いします
Good Morning TapesよりノルウェイのVERA DVALEによるラヴァーズ〜ロックステディ〜ダブを極上したミックス・テープ。
A 12-inch with 4 tracks from UK synth aesthetic craftsman XVARR, including 2 tracks from a cassette released last year by Good Morning Tapes, which is becoming rare and difficult to find. Dark synth music as beautiful as if GROUPER and JOHNNY JEWEL had produced it at a depression meetup. Artwork by Egypt Erotique.[Read More]
To be honest, I really want to go to all Safe dist works, all at once. This is the Swedish Balearic & rock-feeling label Sunken Rock. A collection of bedroom ambient and Balearic dub acid by QUDA's track maker MOUNT ANALOGUE. A piece that anticipates the feeling of DK from Good Morning Tapes.[Read More]
The Mediterranean is an album by Mallorcan producer NUEEN from Good Morning Tapes. This is a great ambient album where TEREKKE, who has been exposed to the warm climate of the Mediterranean Sea, longed for Toshifumi Hinata and Joe Hisaishi and blew a nostalgic whistle. Mastering guaranteed, KRIKOR KOUCHAIN.[Read More]
TTT's latest work is KIKI KUDO, a Japanese producer who is also active as CHI-SO-NYC , a famous vegan bento box in NY. ANTHONY NAPLES's label Incienso, German Hall of Fame Workshop, and French Good Morning Tapes, following the releases that are too good, and the latest 12-inch. First of all, the A-side "Plotlined", which has a must-see MV by the genius GEORGIA's Brian Close, is the best until the development with a new floor feeling. And the B-side, “Space Planar,” has a three-dimensional effect that is very comfortable with the mix and panning play, and it is the best TTT song that I have heard twice in a row. Both sides, and the artwork are all contemporary and pop, an original now elec...[Read More]