Result found for “LET'S EAT GRANDMA”
-Limited 7-inch vinyl -The two women that SOPHIE loved, LET'S EAT GRANDMA, will release their 3rd album in 2022 with STRAWBERRY SWITCHBLADE, a serious underground (also called secret punk spirit) that spreads pop and dreams. The best pop album of 2022, which adds BANANARAMA and, of course, injects SOPHIE's soul into a monopoly.[Read More]
=BACK IN= Backed by BIG MOON, the leading female guitar band from the UK, the folk girls who took the lead in feminist indie stars from the UK quickly jumped over even UK indies, and even CHRISTINE & THE QUEEN have their own unique battles. 2019 3rd album to challenge the world and society. Produced by David Wrench of audiobooks, who worked on FRANK OCEAN, The xx and LET'S EAT GRANDMA.[Read More]