Result found for “SAM GENDEL”
2020年RELEASED. hard edition of 1500, no re-press.
A collaboration album with visual artist MARCELLA CYTRYNOWICZ.[Read More]
A collaboration album with visual artist MARCELLA CYTRYNOWICZ.[Read More]
A collaboration between SAM GENDEL and UGNĖ UMA, 2023.[Read More]
ジャズ・シーン以上に現代のためのオルタナティブとポップとインディペンデントとストリートをリアルするSAM GENDEL、本作は当時11歳シトリノビッチ嬢と作り上げたとんでもなく特別なアルバムである。Gendelのロサンゼルスの自宅にいたふたりが夏の終わりのある日の午後偶然に突然一緒に制作しはじめ完成した本作はまるで1980年代のCrepuscule Recordsで見かけたようなポスト・パンク・ジャズとPSYCHIC TVのGenesisが娘に歌わせた怪しげなポップ・レコードを足してSADE以外のSADEぽい80年代のブルー・アイド・ニューウェイブ・ジャズを振り掛けたように我々が素晴らしいと思うのに全方位型という奇跡盤。
Recorded in Japan. 2024 RELEASED.
Recorded in Japan. 2024 RELEASED.
Limited repress arrival of 2021 works that were sold out immediately. It seems that the press minutes are sold out immediately. SAM GENDEL originally participated in Inc. during the 4AD era, and his 1st album was released on the same label as KIRIN J. KALLIAN. Should be a contemporary artist. And this work is certainly a compilation of small works that use a lot of loops, etc., but rather than his playfulness, it was presented in the street sense that overflows with the desire for art, but that is limited to the present age. It may not be the case, but I think it's close to the way and form of expression of post-punk music seen in the late 1970s and early 2010s. The melancholic way of expression in the songwriting will surely gain strong...[Read More]
SAM GENDEL, who brings alternative, pop, independent, and street realism for the modern age more than the jazz scene, this work is a ridiculously special album created with 11-year-old Miss Sitrinovic at the time. The two of them, who were at Gendel's Los Angeles home, happened to start working together one afternoon at the end of the summer. Genesis added a dubious pop record that his daughter sang, and sprinkled SADE-like blue-eyed new wave jazz of the 80's other than SADE.[Read More]
USA singer-songwriter BLAKE MILLS and SYLVAN ESSO's AMELIA MEATH, who had an amazing session with SAM GENDAL, and a wonderful saxophone cover of the same song by SAM GENDAL on the B-side.[Read More]
A remix album of the wonderful 2021 album "Eau De Bonjourno" by Canadian BERNICE, also called "Bonjourno My Friends" from Telephone Explotion. Anti-'s YVES JARVIS, popular explosion SAM GENDEL, KALBELLS whose NNA Tapes album was also a masterpiece, jazz pianist ANJA LAUVDAL who released works from Smalltown Supersound, Toronto's NEW CHANCE, and other 7 songs in total.[Read More]