Result found for “STAR PARTY”
Seattle duo STAR PARTY from Tough Love, 2022 album. Sarah Reocrds appeared after C86 in the 1980s, SHOP ASSISTANTS ~ TALULAH GOSH ~ STRAWBERRY STORY, which appeared around 1986~1990. Jungle guitar pop bands that existed in the underground side of the shoegaze scene probably influenced them. A total of 8 songs that explode with sprinting, feedback, and memories of youth.[Read More]
The second album released in 2017 signed by New Zealand female SSW, ALDOUS HARDING, and 4AD from the moment it came out. KATE BUSH meets SCOTT WALKER, a total of 10 songs that will give you goosebumps like JOHN PARRISH, who is familiar with PJ HARVEY, as a producer. Moreover, New York's gay star PERFUME GENIUS, who will save the world, will participate in vocals for two songs.[Read More]