Result found for “TONY JAY”
I don't have friends. I have people to talk to, but I'm not really into that. To be honest, I don't know what friends are, or if I really need friends, but I want to be in a band. They are my friends. They're my bandmates. But I can say for sure that I don't have friends. My friends are far away. Probably. Maybe I just want to say that I don't have friends. I admire black metal, but when I look at them, I feel like they're a group of people I really want to hang out with, so I can't do it. So I just put on makeup. I took the plunge and went to the nearest bus stop with this face. "Oh, isn't it Tony." Seriously. How could I tell right away? Aunt Maggie has been nice to me since I was little...but above all else, why would I meet Aunt M...
She talks to anyone and everything right away. She's not so much a talkative girl as she is a girl who can't make such judgments. She can't read the atmosphere. That's why she lost many friends. She doesn't mean any harm. She's the kind of girl who doesn't even realize that people around her start to dislike her. So before I knew it, I was the only friend she had. Cathy is a friend. We both have jobs these days, and childhood friends don't meet that often when you become an adult, so we haven't talked in months, but Cathy is a friend. I'm fine with her even if we don't talk or see each other. Yes, Cathy is my distant friend... No, but I can't. Abs...
CINDYやTONY JAYそしてCRUEL SUMMERなどの作品にも参加するAndy Pastalaniec率いるCHIME SCHOOL、ベイイエリアのギター・ポップ・ミュージック・シーンにて一歩抜けた評価を受けた1stアルバムに続くジャングリーもシューゲイズもネオアコひとまとめで面倒見る2024年2ndアルバム。