Result found for “VITAL IDLES”
New band VITAL IDLES by members of former GOLDEN GRRRLS from Glasgow, which has recently appeared again with high quality, limited EP in 2019. Warranty to us from Upset The Rhythm. SIOUXIE SUE meets VERONICA FALLS Jungle and darkness cool female post-punk, all 4 songs. Limited to 400 pieces.[Read More]
グラスゴーのJessica HigginsとUpset! The Rhythmから作品を出していたVITAL IDLESのMatthew WalkerdineによるGUESTSの1stアルバム、2024。LOLINAことINGA COPELANDがYOUNG MARBLE GIANTSをイジったようなDIYポスト・パンク・スピリッツが脳打つベッドルーム・エレクトロニック秀作。