Result found for “WAH WAH WINO”
=BACK IN Wah Wah Wino's popular work, repressed after 2 years.= With POWELL and HELM, you can go flat with the current UK indie, a precious now burning Irish buzz label Wah Wah Wino from Dublin, mysterious producer DAVY KEHOE's second 12-inch. . Dublin-raised DAVY KEHOE woke up in New Orleans in the South and really set out on a journey. Brooklyn-raised Alan Vega admired Southern Mississippi-born Elvis Presley Just like Suicide's mix of Dublin electronic and Southern mud rock'n'roll Organ, harmonica and dub vocals above the beat The Great Rockin' Trip Beat Long AB side that even early DIRTY BEACHES fans who love Bluesy Dubliner should go to immediately.[Read More]
アイルランドはダブリンのレーベルWah Wah Winoが約2年ぶり突然の復活リリースは2021年のEPが即完レア化していたドイツとアイルランドのデュオGOMBEEN & DOYGENによる世界各店舗おひとり様一枚状態で販売している限定12インチ・ヴァイナル。再び怪しさ全開ヴォイスによるAサイド、アラビアンとアフリカンがインダストリアル手前のホラーでミッドナイトクラブへ誘うBサイドは即キラー。
German Independent Electronic Tax Free's 7 inch donuts are a no-brainer. First vinyl release from project F§D by producer Ferdinand Domes, who seems to be based in Munich. Deep & Mystic Midnight Bedroom Romance indulges in a great A side and a mischievous punky indie dancehall dub on the B side Also great to listen to JOHN T. GAST and Wah Wah Wino A piece full of playfulness that you want to listen to across.[Read More]