Result found for “famous class”
FAMOUS CLASS, LA LUZ in the split series, and SCULLY, the band they recommend. The album is uncollected. limited.
=BACK IN= -LTD.OPAQUE BLUE VINYL- New York's RVNG INTL., which continues to be a free-minded masterpiece, has superband BSCBR, who will have a new work from Famous Class next month, former UNIFORM drummers, and Zs members who are known to those in the know. The latest album from GREG FOX, a rare individual with a range of swings from ground hardcore to overground. It's true that PHARMAKON's noise-industrial origins are faintly felt, but the sound of free jazz and the feel of gothic metal drums are present here. After all, the artwork that connects such people is with a big guarantee of EMMA KOHLMANN. It says one press only.[Read More]
=BACK IN= A whopping 12 inch by KEVIN MORBY released from his own label Mare under Woodsist. That PEAKING LIGHTS turns all versions of the famous songs from the debut album into 10-minute class long drip dub & drug dub disco tracks. Limited to 1,000 pieces that are likely to become rare the moment they are gone.[Read More]
-LTD. BLUE VINYL WITH 3D GLASSES- Released in 2015, this is a limited 2-disc 7-inch red + blue colored vinyl version with 3D glasses. Translucent Red (A/B) + Blue (C/D) Colored Vinyl + Mr. Face 3D Glasses.[Read More]
-NEON GREEN VINYL, which probably isn't distributed in shops around the world. Current musicians who release the best works in the world and number one on human charts, we are always complaining and actually do nothing. WASTED SHIRT teamed up with senior LIGHTNING BOLT drummer Black Pus, Brian Chippendale, debut album in 2020. Brain, acid, noise, psycho rock, just as mentioned above.[Read More]
There are many filmmakers and performers who play music in Japan and around the world, but most of them are sabotaging their own culture and existence, and they are doing so shamelessly and arrogantly, proving that the industry is a mess. VINCENT GALO was right. I was so surprised that it was really VINCENT GALO. And the person that the world and the world should be aware of more than him is CALEB LANDRY JONES, who became a famous actor in the movie "X-Men: First Class" and the TV drama "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri", and met JIM JARMUSCH, who introduced him to release music from Sacred Bones. His first album "The Mother Stone", released in 2020, makes you think that he is the person he appears in, which proves that he is a ...[Read More]
-CASSETTE EDITION- Cassette version of the 2016 single containing all 4 songs. The cassette is transparent in two colors, red and blue, and the 3D glasses are properly enclosed. + Mr. Face 3D Glasses. LTD.500.[Read More]
-Limited edition splatter vinyl not available in regular distribution-
Upchuck, an Atlanta punk band that enjoys a rare reputation for their past works and is currently unparalleled in the music, will be releasing their second album in 2023. The album was mixed and produced entirely by TY SEGALL, and it is a superb album that will get your adrenaline pumping and make you feel like they are the only ones who can compete with AMYL AND THE SNIFFERS.
A highlight of the 7-inch split series that recorded on both sides a band from the NY label Famous Class and a band recommended by that band, TY SEGALL and its TY SEGALL recommended, and later signed with In The Red as MEATBODIES and popular. 7 inches in 2015 that recorded the first sound source of CHAD AND THE MEATBODIES that became.