Result found for “moon glyph”
ボルティモアとオーストラリアからのメンバーによるSMOKE BELOWが2022年から2023年にかけてボルティモアの自宅で制作された4枚目にしてラストだというアルバムはESG ~ ESSENTIAL LOGIC直系の変速ファンクビートとひねくれギターどちらも気合いのセンス見え隠れしてしまうポスト・パンクにPHILIP GLASS ~ STEVE REICH影響下による現代音楽エッセンスが散りばめられた全9曲。
This is crazy. The artist, who wishes to remain anonymous due to his association with a little-known religious group that believes in unidentified flying objects and aliens, released a demo called UFOm. Take me back to space quickly, UFO. Yes, the lowercase m in UFOm is the m of the UFO that doesn't hesitate. Or the m of the UFO that hesitates to land in a tangerine orchard. Or the m of the UFO that checks the nape of a widow. Or the UFO that comes to Earth to tell humanity that most of the people close to us are the culprits. Or... Religious Synth 2023.[Read More]