Result found for “public possession”
From BABA STILTS, WORLD GYM, and Public Possession, an electronic and other label with a nice, kinky taste in Munich, Germany, these five tracks are as crazy as the cover suggests, like a minimal house version of Right Fred Said by JOHN HEAVEN from Barcelona, Spain.[Read More]
ハンブルグのクラブGolden Pudel ClubのレジデントでもあるDJプロデューサーSPECKMANによるフル・アルバム。まさにドイツの悪いところを詰め込んだようなフロアにてめえの好きなインディ・ロック感覚を丸出しで冒頭から2000年代初頭のM83とANNIEのキラーをパクってなんとなく今風に仕上げたかと思えばまさにジャーマン節のいらないポップ感でまくりのシンセ・ポップに俺もやっぱり歌いたいとマイク持つその図々しさがハッキリ言ってこのエコ時代にありえない無駄満載で最高と結局世界にディスられてもわたしだけは褒めたいさすがのPublic Possessionといった2025年ヴァイナル。
LUST FOR YOUTH, PET SHOP BOYS, and K-POP, this synth-pop that seems to have been injected with love is a nice album of German fake spirits that seems to be heard only in Berlin in modern times.[Read More]
I'm sure they thought they would never have a second one. I'll say it straight. It's all thanks to me, you know? No matter how big the world or the earth is, I'm the only one who appreciates drunks like you guys. What is this again? A musician friend of mine told me, "I like this song lately," and I vaguely remembered "Pearl" by CHAPTERHOUSE and sang it before my friend, "Let's drink from noon." All you want to say is about alcohol and women. That's a one-hit wonder in today's world. Don't you know what LGBTQ is, you idiots? To begin with, you guys have never been into new wave or UK rock. You only watched MTV. Among them, you loved songs that you could sing at karaoke in a bar. The B-side was just a mix of your eternal heroes, Rod St...
The 2024 album by RIP SWIRL, a young man from Berlin, Germany, is as if a child attending BIG LOVE remotely tried to make his dreams come true by expressing the present with determination. The fact that it was possible to feature MARIA SOMERVILLE, who will finally release an album from 4AD, TANUKICHAN, who will release a work from TORO Y MOI's label Company, shoegaze WINTER, who debuted from Burger and is currently at Bar/None, singer Alias Error of the masterpiece duo ASO with TORNADO WALLACE, and new face untitled (halo) from LA, a follower of bar italia whose debut work is eagerly awaited, is more than anything wonderful. All 11 songs that I want to love like a shoegaze band formed by EYEDRESS and JOANNE ROBERTSON's nephew and ni...
A Swedish producer who has produced tracks for Yung Lean, released singles on The Trilogy Tape, SAMO's Born Free and even XL. BABA STILTZ has since become a folk singer. He's a genius. And his album "Paid Testimony" is a masterpiece. This work, which he has worked on while betraying his listeners in the past, is a soundtrack for a Swedish movie. And whether it's true or false, it will be awarded the Best Feature Film Soundtrack of 2024 in his home country. Apparently he won a Golden Beetle . Are you the no-good Scandinavian Vincent Gallo?
The 1st full album, 2022, released by AIDEN AYERS, a man who lives in Vancouver, Canada, whose 1st single was probably supported only in our shop in the world. It's not just going to eat breakfast. I even put up with the orange juice I couldn't drink to say hello to that girl who works at the diner. Is there anyone in the world who can't drink orange juice? It was my father, mother, brother and sister who laughed at me. My dog, Gilmour, also barked. Is not being able to drink orange juice such a sin in this world? Tomato juice is easy to accept, and grapefruit juice is somewhat acceptable, but if you can't drink orange juice, you'll end up being laughed at by your biological parents. cut ties. At the age of five, he voluntarily cut ties ...[Read More]
Sweden is Stockholm's really useless men WORLD GYM. I've seen something, but I'll try not to remember. Anyway, CURE's good points are ruined by being soaked in beer, and there's no purpose other than GIRLSEEKER, a genius band that existed in Copenhagen a long time ago. I want to go to the bathroom, you say you don't have to tell me how to go to the bathroom, let's go together, what is it? It's not like that, why do you go to the bathroom with your wife? Are you not going? Let's go to the bathroom together. It's leaking, so go and go to the bathroom by yourself Okay, okay, I'm going to the bathroom with this guy, I'm definitely going to add fish and chips, okay? OK, can I go to the bathroom? It's a record like that, so definitely buy it. ...[Read More]