September 2023 Archive
TYLER THE CREATORやDEATH GRIPSなどの各方面の強者たちの作品にフィーチャーされえながら確固とした意志によりL.A.ギター・バンド・シーンに仁王立ちする本気のカリスマとして世界が魅了されるべきClementine CreevyによるCHERRY GLAZERR、2023年傑作あるバム誕生。
スコットランドのプロデューサーLORD OF THE ISLES、AD93へ帰還。同レーベルがWhities時代にからリリースされた2020年の前作は激レア。なぜAD93だとレベルが8段階くらいあがるのだ(マジ)。再びといった本作は再びELLEN RENTONのポエトリーとタッグを組み前作以上の夢ドリーム...このままあの世まで持っていっても良いドリーム・ヴァイナル。傑作。
JOHN T. GASTがYOUNG DRUID名義で2017年に150枚のみ制作した激レア作品が2023年ついに限定ヴァイナル化。VEGYN ~ PLZ MAKE IT RUINS好きもイチコロDIYネオ・シンセ・エレクトロニック盤。どれだけ作ってるかはわかりません。[Read More]
ONEOHTRIX POINT NEVER、前作から一転歌物なしファンへ世間へ世界へ本気で応え本気でその期待も本気で超えてきた2023年アルバム。
これはやばい。未確認飛行物体と宇宙人を信じる知名度の低い宗教団体との関わりから匿名を希望するアーティストがデモとして発表したその名もUFOm。早く私を宇宙に連れ戻してUFO。そう、UFOmの小文字のmはもじもじしないでUFOのm。もしくはみかん畑に着陸するのを躊躇するUFOのm。もしくは未亡人のうなじを確認するUFOのm。もしくは身近な奴がだいたい犯人と人類に教えたくて地球にきてるUFOm。もしくは...な宗教シンセ2023。[Read More]
XLよりPEGGY GOU、ド・ヒット盤。おひとりさま一枚でお願いします。
Fire TalkよりニューヨークのバンドSTRANGE RANGER2023年アルバム。いきなりPREFAB SPROUT ~ FRAZIER CHORUSラインのメランコリック・ナンバーでKOしながらエレポップとシューゲイズの間を見事にドリームする90'S初期感が唯一無二の秀作。
2018年3ndアルバムの2023年限定Repress。まるでMY BLOODY VALENTINEとPAVEMENTが思春期丸出しで疾走し続けたある時自我に目覚めた瞬間のようなアイデアとアイデアをぶつけ合う全12曲。
2017年2ndアルバムの2023年限定Repress。まるでMY BLOODY VALENTINEとPAVEMENTが思春期丸出しで疾走したかのような全12曲。
Danny Cohen監督COURTNEY BARNETTの長編ドキュメンタリー映画のサウンド・トラック。
隠れた良作の多いEarth LibrariesよりロスのCOOPER WOLKENという者の1stソロ・アルバム、2023。泣ける。明日も泣ける。ELIOTT SMITH ~ ARTHUR RUSSELLをたぶん愛したこの男は地球の裏側の男を泣かして丘でクスリと笑うために本作を作ったに違いない。そしてまた泣く。
デンマークのバンドYOUNGのMikkel Holm Silkjærによるソロ・バンドHOLM、2023年アルバム。
ECHO & THE BUNNYMENのドラムマシーンの名前からバンド名を取ったスウェーデンはマルメのネオ・ドリーム・サイケ・バンドECHO LADIES、2023年アルバム。
裏BIG THIEF的輝きをみせるフィリーのカントリー・フォーク・バンドFLORRYによる2023年アルバム。
-先着特典ブックレット- 2023年アルバム。
MatadorとサインしたHORSEGIRlに続く(弟がメンバーでもある)シカゴの若き才能LIFEGUARDが地元レーベルChunkletに残した2022年7インチ。[Read More]
"Alien Observer" 2019 Reissue, one of the two types of masterpiece "AIA" released simultaneously in 2011, which was out of print.[Read More]
Vocalist ADRIANNE LENKER's solo album received tremendous support, and the band BIG THIEF signed with that 4AD and announced the 3rd album in 2019. What's more, the brilliant development of a rare feat in the history of rock bands, which was completely brought to ADRIANNE LENKER's solo, made me cry. It's slow-core, or maybe it's different, but it's close to the outrageous feeling of BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN's "Nebraska", which made a huge hit while being a big counter while being a big private. But more than that, it's modern in this era, so this record is a new, contemporaneous music album.[Read More]
10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION. limited.[Read More]
VIOLENT CHANGE、CHILDREN MAYBE LATERのメンバーであるStanley Martinezのソロ・バンドFALSE BERRIES。コイツはマジだ。FELT直系の泣きとSarah Recordsのバンドの90%が持っていなかったDIYパンク・スピリッツがエルボーとエルボーが勝ち合うほどに静かに爆発するノイズ・アンビエントとポップ。泣いちゃう。限定。
2022年「The Loneliest Time」の姉妹的作品2023年。[Read More]
Year0001のYUNG LEANがLUST FOR YOUTHのフロントマンHannes NorrvideとのデュオKYOやPosh IsolationのボスLOKE TAHBEKと作品を発表しているデンマークはコペンハーゲンの重鎮Fredrik Valentinと作りあげる傑作別名義JONATAN LEANDOER96、2022年アルバム2023ヴァイナル1ST PRESSING。まるでMARCHING CHURCHがThe PASTELS化したかのようにマジ傑作。
ヴァンクーバー〜モントリオールのプロデューサーPhoebé GuillemotによるRAMZi、2023年アルバム。DJ PYTHON、anabasine、CZ WANGフィーチャー。
過去30年間でアフリカで最も影響力のあるミュージシャンの一人であるkuduroそして tarraxinhaパイオニアDJ ZNOBIAのアーカイブより1990年代後半から2000年代半ばにかけて制作された700曲以上の楽曲の中からコンパイルした。
Evangelia VS, also known as ABYSS X, will finally release a physical album in 2023 from AD93. Produced between his bedroom in Berlin and a studio near the Mayan jungles of Mexico, this album is like reading a love letter from an alien, as if YVES TUMOR had produced the bands EARTHEATER and CHERRY GLAZERR. A special edition that lets you feel the horror and modern times. limited.
A1 - Ascend
A2 - A Chew
A3 - Torture Grove
A4 - Oceans of Heat
[Read More]Angus Finlayson, also known as MINOR SCIENCE, a Berlin-based producer from the UK, has a different taste than anything else. Following his killer album from AD93, he released a custom-made album made from hundreds of junks made in his studio from 20...
-Not for sale mini poster bonus- A psychedelic sci-fi new age composer who has been active since the late 1950s and was active as an electronic musician from the 1960s, including the Sci-Fi Moog album "Electronic Hair Pieces" released by A&M in 1969. MORT GARSON. This work is from the archives of Patch Cord Productions, including the soundtrack of the 1970 National Geographic special and the live broadcast of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing (first shown on CBS News). An album composed of unreleased sound sources. *If you would like to send the poster by mail without folding it, please purchase [Read More]
VARG=VARG2TM by Jonas Rönnberg, appeared in Year0001. The masterpiece EP that has been so popular is finally available in physical form. GREEN vinyl from 1ST Pressing. GOLIN, whitearmor, and even a tear-jerking killer by BLADEE & ECOO2K. limited.
A1 : Demon Time : 600 Hästar (LSP Intro)
A2: Without Waves / Disappear (feat. Golin)
B1 : Smutskastad (feat. whitearmor)
B2 : DNA Play (feat. Bladee & Ecco2k)YUNG SHERMAN, who has been an important member of Year0001 as a producer since the early days of YOUNG LEAN, has not had a physical release until now. His masterpiece, which was released only digitally in 2017, has finally been released on vinyl. 1st Pressing YELLOW Vinyl, a limited edition with numbers that can be said to be living in the era of Year 0001 if you don't suppress this. Featuring EVIAN CHRIST, BLADEE & ULI K, KAMIXLO.
A1: Innocence
A3 : Sometimes I Can´t Sleep
A4: Frozen
A5: Creep
B1 : Frozen (Kamixlo Remix)
B2 : IDC (Evian Christ Remix)
B3 : Invisible (f...THAIBOY DIGITAL, one of the main characters of Year0001, Ally Album released in 2022 with full participation of YUNG LEAN and BLADEE . 1st Pressing, PINK vinyl that makes you cry the moment it's gone.
A1: Dreamworld
A2: Back 2 Life
A3 : All the Way (feat. Bladee, Yung Lean)
A4: Angel
A5: Alive
[Read More]The first album released in 2016 by THAIBOY DIGITAL, an important member of Year0001, has finally been released on vinyl. YUNG LEAN participated" Diamonds" , BLADEE participation" Gtblessgo" is included on this disc. 2nd Pressing, Green Vinyl.
-MULTI COLOR MARBLE VINYL 2ND PRESSING- As many people are aware of (even if no one else is aware of), one of the things that made underground, internet and street culture alive in the late 2010s Sweden must have been YEAR0001 in Stockholm. The central character is YUNG LEAN, but the fact that the other characters are definitely alive is proof that they are alive, and one of them, THAIBOY DIGITAL, is a 2019 work. A new way of fighting that uses sentimentalism as a weapon, going beyond the violent and new generation of emo to dreamy eras. In addition to the YUNG LEAN producer team including YUNG SHERMAN and WHITEARMOR, BLADEE, ECCO2K, and of course YUNG LEAN also participated. Special hard vinyl package limited edition.
The 1st album in 2023 by an American musician called SYDNEY SPANN. This is a rare sensation. It is said that her experience in care work as a therapist, nurse, and sex worker has given her unique musical knowledge, showing that she is not the type of person to fool around with ambient music, and has also produced some wonderful vocals. For those of you who are tired of this kind of atmosphere-filled type (?), this is a limited edition of 200 copies with a gin included.[Read More]Goth mellow gospel & soul SPELLLING, 2023 album by Bay Area woman Tia Cabral.[Read More]SO YOUNG MAGAZINE, September 2023 issue cover is FAT DOG!!!!!!
4AD signed Boston-based queer musician ANJIMILE's 2023 album.
New York female soul singer KENDRA MORRIS, whose talent has blossomed after signing with Karma Chief under Colemine, will release her 5th album in 2023.
A 2023 album by Chris McDonnell, a member of Olympia's CCFX and TransFX, as well as members of CCFX and CC DUST, who emerged from the American hardcore and punk scene in 2020.[Read More]Texas signed with Austin's HOLY WAVE and Suicide Squeeze and released a 2023 album. I see, Suicide Squeeze is signing the song, and it's as if EYEDRESS formed a psychedelic band and covered BROADCAST, with dreams and tears. I thought I had been fooled, but when I listened to it, it became my favorite album.[Read More]The WORMHOLES, a trio from Dublin who formed in the early 1990s, signed with Roadrunner in 1995 and released a single, originally recorded their second album in 1996 but never released it, 2023. Released on vinyl in 2017. The budget was so tight that it wasn't even enough to buy master tapes , and relations with the label deteriorated. Furthermore, as soon as the A& R man was signed, the contract was canceled. [Read More]
LES IMPRIMES from Northern Europe and Norway, 2023 album released by Big Crown. Ah... AARON FRAZER's position-targeting Big Clown section.[Read More]2006 masterpiece 1st. 2016Repress.[Read More]I made a slip mat for the first time in a while. It's thicker than the one I made before.[Read More]The one and only CRACK CLOUD from Vancouver, Canada, who must have had a lot of influence on the current UK guitar band scene, will be performing in London in October 2022. A gatefold jacket with obi featuring a pattern performed by a band of 17 people including strings at Evolutionary Arts Hackney. Live album included in a 2-disc set. Limited to 1,000 pieces, sold only at limited stores worldwide.
2023 album. DANNY BROWN, WIKI, LIL B, SHABAZZ PALACES, NICK HAKIM, LAURA MVULA, THEO CROKER and others.[Read More]Debut Full Album released in 2006, 2023 limited crystal clear vinyl reissue.[Read More]- Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh.