Result found for “BLUR”
-LTD.JAPAN OBI EDITION- A compilation album released only in Japan in 1998, now on vinyl in 2022.
The soundtrack album for the 2017 film "Baby Driver," directed by Edgar Wright and starring Ansel Elgort. A 2-disc set with 29 songs including SKY FERREIRA, BLUR, BECK, BEACH BOYS, MODERN LOVERS, DAMNED, and more, that the director couldn't stop loving music.
=BACK IN= Everyone who signs is a big break, HEAVENLY, who is entering the second golden age, has signed as it is the momentum of the Liverpool new band HOOTON TENNIS CLUB debut first album. A total of 12 songs toasting the youthfulness of boys indie who want to believe that they were born only in the UK, like a combination of Teenage Funclub and Blur.[Read More]
I am moved. He is already fat and bald, and is no longer the cute boy he was back then. But he is overwhelmingly not Andy Partridge. He is not like Andy Partridge, who was dropped as producer by Damon one day after Blur's album was half completed, saying, "It's not a question of whether it's good or bad, but doesn't this seem a bit geeky?" Wesley Gonzales, the frontman of Let's Wrestle, a band that was active in the UK indie movement of the '00s but was only liked by fans (the president of What's Your Rupture? in the USA, which releases ICEAGE and BODEGA, also said he liked them at the time), is so moved by his 2020 solo album. He got the XTC and HOSONO lines, but he didn't become MAC Demarco, and he sings as a British guy. It's the pop ...[Read More]
-LTD.BLUE VINYL- Carrying a drum box and an old synth, he came from the USA to the UK and debuted from Speedy Wundergound led by DAN CAREY. Yes, LAZARUS KANE signed with So Young Magazine's label So Young Records and announced the 3rd single. It's like a hybrid of BLUR's Park Life and LCD SOUNDSYSTEM, and it's like PINL's This is not a Love Song while sprinkling TALKING HEADS on it. This is a youth culture board for the eternal 15-year-old you who seems to have swung. Limited to 500 pieces. One copy per person, please.[Read More]
-First come, first served original sticker-
There are geniuses in the world who are not recognized as geniuses. And the moment some genius declares that he or she is a genius, everyone suddenly worships him or her or others. And I, too, have never been called a genius by anyone. I am one of them . And I say that ETHAN P. FLYNN is a genius. But in this case, as you may have noticed, a pattern of "unnoticed genius" has been born. For you, it's a situation where there are no geniuses anywhere. In other words , there is only one problem ...
Its aesthetic sense and activity history without any blur. 24 years since debut single, 22 years since debut album. A German male and female duo ADULT. The 10th album to be commemorated in 2022 from Dais, whose rebellious neo-punk sound and overwhelming art sense that have led the scene alone since the dawn of electro clash have turned into fear and attacked.[Read More]
-LTD. COLORED VINYL- WOODS, the treasure of USA indie who plays pop music while being DIY without blurring, was forced to cancel the 2020 tour due to the pandemic.They were produced between 2009 and 2013. Era Tracks collection, compiled and released unreleased sound sources, 2021.[Read More]
I think that his bass playing has had a great influence on current musicians, for example UK's LA PRIEST. His last album, released a few months before his death, has been released on vinyl. Proof that I was sending out my own music without blurring for a lifetime.[Read More]
They are the only ones who will keep shining in the 2010s. LA LUZ led by Shana Cleveland, the 4th album in 2021 announced as a trio. It's true that they pushed the exotic flavor of their pioneers further and brought together Adrian Younge, famous for his work in soul and jazz, who seems to be a perfect match. The arrangement work and mix of South Pacific dream and psychedelic surf fuzz guitar, vintage organ, etc. that will surely fascinate KHRUANGBIN fans without blurring, has reached a new level as a band. Best work.[Read More]
2025年アルバム。ビートルズのメンバーやローリング・ストーンズのレコーディングに参加する名手JIM KELTNERはじめHAND HABITSことMEG DUFFY、SPARKSやST. VINCENTのアルバムに参加するPAT KELLY 、BIG THIEFのBUCK MEEKのバンドメンバーTIM KUHLなどが参加。
3rdアルバム「Cutouts」から2曲のリミックス・バージョン"Don't Get Me Started (James Holden Remix)"と"Instant Psalm (Robert Stillman Remix)"を収録した限定12インチ。[Read More]
L.I.E.S. 2019 Released.
L.I.E.S. 2014 Released.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
The Trilogy Tapes – TTT033。2015年 Released.
London Magazineなどで執筆する才女でありながらあのGOAT GIRLのHolly Mullineauxの後押しによりblackmidiやBLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROADなど若手バンドをサポートするプロデューサーDAN CAREYによるレーベルSpeedy WundergroundからデビューしChess Clubとサインし発表された2022年1stアルバム。
=BIG LOVE特典非売品ポスター=
カウンターはいつでも突然やってくる。ニューヨークの突然変異YHWH NAILGUN、待望の1stフル・アルバム、2025。乱れ飛ぶパーカッション、君の顔面に降りかかる唾、それはよだれ。叫びとダンスは激しく見えて実は君の顔面に打ち続けられるジャブジャブジャブジャブ。ただ的確なだけのジャブジャブジャブ。つまり奴らはショーン・ストリックランド。でも君は踊れ。ひとりで踊れ。友人とは君がそう思っているだけの他人だ。隣に寝ているガールフレンドだってその可能性は否定できない。そのクローゼットを開けてみろ。奥さんと娘さんの荷物が入ったスーツケースが見つかるはずだ。だから君はひとりで踊れ。他人の僕と一緒に。2025年ベスト候補。
LTD. Signed Inner Sleeve+Frosted Shadow Vinyl Edition.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
英国アーティストJermaine Francisによる映像作品「8001PID」のTONY BINTANAが手がけたサウンドトラックをJOAKIMとALEXIS LE TANによるデュオFULL CIRCLEとウクライナ出身のプロデューサーSHJVAが再構築したスペース・アシッド・エレクトロニック盤。
DJ PYTHON、XL Recordingsからのデビュー作品。BBC Radio 1でプレイされ既にアンセム化してるISABELLA LOVERSTORYをフィーチャーしたダーク・ラヴァーズ・レゲトン"Besos Robados"ほか全5曲。限定流通。