Result found for “ARTHUR”
The 2018 masterpiece solo debut LP by Arthur Sher, aka ARTHUR, vocalist/guitarist of Philadelphia 's JOY AGAIN, will be reissued in 2023 with a renewed jacket.[Read More]
=Only the amount brought by Dean himself of NO AGE= A total of 8 synth music for drive BGM from sunrise to sunset dedicated to the freeway of Southern California in collaboration with RANDY RANDALL of NO AGE and photographer AARON FARLEY 2019. .[Read More]
The first 7-inch series of ARTHUR RUSSELL covers has arrived from Tin Angel, a label that covers everything from CRACK CLOUD's Meat Machine to singer-songwriters such as NICHOLAS KRGOVICH. It was recorded at the beginning of the 1986 album "World Of Echo" in collaboration with PETER ZUMMO, a New York trombonist who participated in many of his works, and PETER BRODERICK, who released works on Type and Erased Tapes. Includes a wonderful cover of the song "Tone Bone Kone" in which ZUMMO participated and "All-Boy All-Girl" from the same work (this one is by PETER BRODERICK and cellist MABE FRATTI). Limited to 200 pieces.[Read More]
There are not many people or works that can be dropped into the line here. GAL GRACEN, 2019 album. DURUTTI COLUMN ~ ARTHUR RUSSELL ~ REAL ESTATE blended with HIGH LLAMAS ~ A total of 10 songs that will attack even the finest pop fans less than the independent romance of the DUCKTAILS line.[Read More]
There are many hidden gems Earth Libraries presents the first solo album by COOPER WOLKEN from Los Angeles, 2023. It's tear-jerking. I'll be crying again tomorrow. ELIOTT SMITH ~ This man, who probably loved Arthur Russell, must have written this film to make a man on the other side of the world cry and laugh on the hill. And then cry again.
= Only the amount brought by Dean himself of NO AGE = A collaboration between RANDY RANDALL of NO AGE and photographer AARON FARLEY dedicated to the freeways of Southern California from sunrise to sunset, synth music for driving BGM, Never Press of LA. PRINT ZINE VERSION BY. Limited to 100 copies.[Read More]
-LTD. ORANGE COLORED VINYL- From MOLLY NILLSON to STRAWBERRY SWITCHBLADE's Rose's solo and former VERONICA FALLS' PATIENCE from Glasgow's Night School, the members have been No Funs since the 90's, Jagjaguwar, The Spring Press, Volcanic Tongue and more. Legend RICHARD YOUNGS, who has released more than 140 works from Alter and Root Strata, filmmaker Luke Fowler, who was nominated for the Derek Jarman Award and the Turner Prize in 2012, Norwegian female jazz double bassist MICAEL FRANCIS DUCH, and Box van AMOR by Glasgow Underground All Stars by drummer Paul Thomson of FRANZ FERDINAND, debut 2018 1st album finally completed. ROBERT WYATT, ARTHUR RUSSELL, 70's kraut rock and paradise garage are all mixed into a ...[Read More]
-先着でPLZ MAKE IT RUINS特製ゴムアームバンドとステッカープレゼント-
FRANK OCEANなどを手がける英国ロンドンのプロデューサーでありながらARTHURやOTTOなど世間のレーベルでは発見出来ない未知で今な才能をサポートしさらに多くのオファーがあるであろう自身の作品もリリースするレーベルPLZ MAKE IT RUINSを運営するVEGYN。そのPLZ Make It Ruinsからのコンピレーションが過去10年間でもっとも我々が発狂する内容。全40組が133.333BPMに合わせた1.8秒のトラックを制作(!)。しかも参加アーティストがこれ以上あるだろうかという我々とあなたな人選でショック死注意。いきます...インターネットが生んだ現代のヒーロー・デュオ100 GECS100 Gecs、性別を超えたアート人間Arca、JOY AGAINのメンバーアルバム爆発ARTHUR、問答無用Blood Orange、88risingからのEPが爆発したカリフォルニアのラッパーChannel Tres、ユーチューブから超爆発した女子Clairo、ARIEL PINK周辺から4AD経由した 兄弟ファンクInc.の片割れDaniel Aged、Z世代スターDominic Fike、ロンドンのピアノマン–Duval Timothy、100%silkから羽ばたいた Octo OctaそしてそのパートナーEris Drew、言わずもがなNinja Tuneの大人気プロデューサーFloating Points、...
=BACK IN= -LTD.2ND EDITION. 2nd edition with both. And exclusive - VEGYN from 26-year-old London producer Joe Thornalley, who has worked with FRANK OCEAN and TRAVIS SCOTT, is special. It's SOPHIE, ARCA, and JEPEGMAFIA, and it's a fresh, special feeling, like a 2010's South London guitar band, so it's very special. If you think about it, the 2019 1st full album, which also features JPEGMAFIA, is as wonderful as I said earlier. The charming sound creation that completely eliminates ego seems to be a new weapon that only you will notice that someone will imitate in 5 years. ARTHUR, a member of Delphia's indie guitar band JOY AGAIN, has released a masterpiece solo album. There is nothing more special than that, and this record ...[Read More]
僻み、妬み、恨み、肩こり...世の中の嫌なものはこのパーティ・アルバムを聴いて全て消え去る。JJULIUSの第三弾となるこのアルバムは確かにARTHUR RUSSELLのカミングアウトと The FALLのエクストリケイトがブレンドされて水蒸気となったかのような儚さがしっかりとある意味ポスト・パンクとした作品だがそうでないかもしれないとあやふやな状況こそがこのアルバムだと言い残して去っていったパートナーはもう君の元には戻ってこないといった意地悪をどうしても言ってしまう人間らしさも感じるだからこそ傑作だ。
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