Result found for “COLLEGE”
COLLEGE's 3rd album in 2017, which exploded when "A Real Hero" featuring ELECTRIC YOUTH was used as an insert song for the movie "Drive" starring Ryan Gosling. A synth romance album with the theme of Shanghai as the title suggests.[Read More]
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION -DRY CLEANING, a four-piece band that countered London from the right diagonal with even more color, is the second album from 4AD in 2022, following the first album that was selected as the best album of 2021 by many media. Florence Shaw, who became a musician while earning a master's degree at the Royal College of Art, would want to come back and say, "Hey, I'm good enough for you now," even though he was the world's most eccentric genius, and his voice melody has been further refined, and Lewis Maynard and other members quickly understood their position, eliminated waste, and came to fight only with sounds that pierce the heart. The super FELT guitar riff of A2 "Kwenchy Kups" is a masterpiece. And al...[Read More]
=with SIGNED ART PRINT! Bonus: Signed art print=
DRY CLEANING, a four-piece band that appeared diagonally to the right of London in a counter-like way, released their first album of 2021 from 4AD. IGGY POP of course praised them highly, and even The Fall's most eccentric genius MARK E. SMITH would have said, "You're good enough for me." Florence Shaw, whose parents were visual artists and who herself had a master's degree from the Royal College of Art, was so disappointed with her life that she couldn't explain it to others, but she went out. She didn't want to be a person who just stayed there, so she walked the streets (true story). At the same time, Lewis Maynard suddenly thought, while ironing, "After al...