Result found for “LUMP”
-LTD. TRANSLUCENT GREEN VINYL- TUNNG's Mike Lindsay and LAURA MMARLING special duo LUMP, 2018 first album.[Read More]
-TURQUOISE/WHITE SWIRL VINYL- Collaboration LUMP by BRID Award winner LAURA MARLING and Mercury Prize winner TUNNG's MIKE LINDSAY, 2nd album in 2021.[Read More]
=BACK IN= A debut EP from the new band PATSY and Total Punk by members of MYSTIC INANE from New Orleans/Chicago who have released singles on Negative Jazz and Lumpy. Female vo straight hardcore punk that doesn't need any decorations is running with outstanding sense. Limited to 500 pieces.[Read More]
A new band from New Orleans/Chicago, MYSTIC INANE, which has released singles from Negative Jazz and Lumpy, is a new band PATSY. . Female vo straight hardcore punk with outstanding sense. Exciting. Limited to 500 pieces.[Read More]