Result found for “M83”
-LTD. PINK CANDY FLOSS VINYL- 2019 album.[Read More]
=BACK IN= -LTD. BLUE VINYL EDITION- Single cut of 'Go!' featuring singer MAI LAN from 2016 7th album 'JUNK'. 8-Bit Version included in ANIMAL COLLECTIVE/DEAKIN Remix.[Read More]
=BACK IN= ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK. French movie "LES RENCONTRES D'APRÈS MINUIT" starring Alain-Fabien Delon, son of Alain Delon. It was the M83 that I worked on. Limited vinyl with CD.[Read More]
¥890M.CRAFT , who appeared more than 10 years ago and was active at 679 Recordings, has signed and announced his 3rd album for the first time in 7 years. M83's crying ballad-like aesthetic ground piano pop still makes me cry.[Read More]
=BACK IN= Solo project BLANCK MASS by BENJAMIN JOHN POWER of FUCK BUTTONS, 2017 3rd album released from Sacred Bones. A synth attack that mixes nightmare and euphoric, as if ONEOHTRIX POINT NEVER and M83 were combined. The potential of the back DAFT PUNK class.[Read More]
The 2024 work by TRENTEMOLLER, a leading Danish electronic artist, features the Icelandic female singer DISA, and is a place that everyone can't miss, with synths, post-punk spirits, and dreams. However, he uses his inquisitiveness for new music and his sense of constantly updating to create a synth dream that M83 could not reach, even though the times are different. I cried over the 10 songs that 4AD, who seem to float between The CURE and DAUGHTER, really wanted to release.
ハンブルグのクラブGolden Pudel ClubのレジデントでもあるDJプロデューサーSPECKMANによるフル・アルバム。まさにドイツの悪いところを詰め込んだようなフロアにてめえの好きなインディ・ロック感覚を丸出しで冒頭から2000年代初頭のM83とANNIEのキラーをパクってなんとなく今風に仕上げたかと思えばまさにジャーマン節のいらないポップ感でまくりのシンセ・ポップに俺もやっぱり歌いたいとマイク持つその図々しさがハッキリ言ってこのエコ時代にありえない無駄満載で最高と結局世界にディスられてもわたしだけは褒めたいさすがのPublic Possessionといった2025年ヴァイナル。
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The 2018 work "Age Of" was announced with a gorgeous guest after the soundtrack of the movie "Good Time". He tried to look at his feet firmly because it was an important time, but he felt like he was slipping on the contrary. It's a euphoric song with something different that you can't help but think it's because of that, a melody that is a pop that attacks something and yet has a rebellious spirit. it will be yourself. You see, it is the original human being who realizes it, and the real life is what is made. ONEOHTRIX POINT NEVER, the 2020 album is like ARIEL PINK and SABADOH standing proudly in a place where various people can't, for example, FOUR TET and M83, can no longer change even if they intend to. Like the new "KIDS" soundtrack...[Read More]A collection of rare tracks left by The GIST from 1980-83 by Stuart Moxham of YOUNG MARBLE GIANTS, released in 2017.
=BACK IN= =Record Store Day 2019= Nigel Ayers, an early 80's neo-industrial artist who made art while hiding in the shadows of THROBBING GRISTLE and CABARET VOLTAIRE, reissued his only solo work from Blackest Ever Black in 2016. NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS, formed in 1984 with Caroline K and later husband Daniel Ayers, is the first reissue since the original. In this era they are completely on board. Mutant raw attack industrial like the lo-fi punk version of GIRLSEEKER, which gains more popness and pastoral from the previous 83 album and sings nakedly. The first vinyl reissue gatefold specification since the original.[Read More]=BACK IN= The 6th edition of Contort Yourself, a Glasgow compilation label that has a wonderful mix of 80's~90's original industrial/EBM and current upcoming artists, and makes you listen to industrial without getting bored. In addition to NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS' 2 songs from 1983, which have a great sense of 80's real industrial, LIES boss Ron Morelli performed a wonderful noise space beat remix under the pseudonym U-202. In addition, a great track featuring PENELOPE'S FIANCE's guitar at the beginning, LA Club Resource's INNSYTER who is also active under the name of SEIXLACK's undulating bass is a perverted and goo noise techno, and TORRENT's EBM track is a wonderful piece.[Read More]-LTD.WHITE VINYL + SPECIAL EDITION with a special badge (with a special bag) designed by members RAILEY on a first-come, first-served basis- The GOON SAX, Australia's 3rd album in 2021, transferred to Brisbane trio The GOON SAX, that Matador. The fact that he fought against the fate of having ROBERT FOSTER of The GO-BETWEENS for his father and completed this work in this place is a miracle that Otani has maintained his dual wielding to the present day. No matter how much I appeal to him, he will only be seen as a bad guy, so I would like you to keep it to yourself that I am saying that, but this work is as if it was released in 1985 after The GO-BETWEENS. Early 1981 studio demo album "Very Quick On The Eye...[Read More]
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