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-先着でPLZ MAKE IT RUINS特製ゴムアームバンドとステッカープレゼント-
-先着でPLZ MAKE IT RUINS特製ゴムアームバンドとステッカープレゼント-
天才だと気づかれていない天才ETHAN P. FLYNNと天才だと気づかれた天才VEGYNによる奇跡の必然的なる共演盤。アナログではなくフレキシディスクです。
GEORGE RILEY, who debuted from VEGYN's PLZ Make It Ruins, has signed with Ninja Tune and released a 12-inch with 6 songs in 2023. Limited edition.[Read More]
He started working as a musician at the age of 14, signed with BIG DADA at the age of 20, and released the finest ballad "If + When", but five years passed with only data. In 2023, which has already become a stately look, JOHN KEEK finally appears from VEGYN's PLZ Make It Ruins (exactly!). A blue-eyed soul pop collection by a real genius who doesn't notice the world, who added TODD RUNDGREN, DARYL HALL and DRAKE and sprinkled perverted powder right next to EDDIE CHACON and ETHAN P.FLYNN. limited.[Read More]
The cassette that sold out in an instant is back in stock = ZOEE's 2021 cassette album by London's Harriet Zoe Pittard, who has been featured on HOT CHIP's Joe Goddard's work, has been involved with PC Music, and released a digital single on VEGYN's PLZ Make It Ruins in 2018. Limited.[Read More]
Singer GEORGE RILEY, who has been active in the so-called South London jazz scene with ANZ and JOE ARMON-JONES, has finally released her first vinyl album with 8 tracks from VEGYN's label PLZ Make It Ruins. Her pop yet somewhat sad R&B melodies are perfectly matched with VEGYN's nostalgic synth arrangements, making this the perfect album we've been looking for.
JOHN T. GAST under the name YOUNG DRUID This extremely rare work, produced in 2017 in only 150 copies, will finally be released on limited edition vinyl in 2023. A DIY neo-synth electronic record that will instantly grab the attention of VEGYN ~ PLZ MAKE IT RUINS fans. I don't know how many they're making.[Read More]
-先着でPLZ MAKE IT RUINS特製ゴムアームバンドとステッカープレゼント-
FRANK OCEANなどを手がける英国ロンドンのプロデューサーでありながらARTHURやOTTOなど世間のレーベルでは発見出来ない未知で今な才能をサポートしさらに多くのオファーがあるであろう自身の作品もリリースするレーベルPLZ MAKE IT RUINSを運営するVEGYN。そのPLZ Make It Ruinsからのコンピレーションが過去10年間でもっとも我々が発狂する内容。全40組が133.333BPMに合わせた1.8秒のトラックを制作(!)。しかも参加アーティストがこれ以上あるだろうかという我々とあなたな人選でショック死注意。いきます...インターネットが生んだ現代のヒーロー・デュオ100 GECS100 Gecs、性別を超えたアート人間Arca、JOY AGAINのメンバーアルバム爆発ARTHUR、問答無用Blood Orange、88risingからのEPが爆発したカリフォルニアのラッパーChannel Tres、ユーチューブから超爆発した女子Clairo、ARIEL PINK周辺から4AD経由した 兄弟ファンクInc.の片割れDaniel Aged、Z世代スターDominic Fike、ロンドンのピアノマン–Duval Timothy、100%silkから羽ばたいた Octo OctaそしてそのパートナーEris Drew、言わずもがなNinja Tuneの大人気プロデューサーFloating Points、...
Mysterious BAR ITALIA in London, to the world. Debuted from VEGYN's PLZ Make It Ruins, and with the full support of DEAN BLUNT, in a moment of genius, NICO's daughter and son took over early PAVEMENT, and when you hear the relay vocals of three men and women, like a SALEM-like cover of PULP, you'll seriously think that they've surpassed everything, past and future.[Read More]
-先着特典特製ステッカーシート- 彼女の作品を聴いたVEGYNは即連絡を取りメッセージを取り合うも実は何度も会ったことのある者同士だと気づきPLZ Make It Ruinsからデビューしそして彼女の噂を聞きつけたあのDEAN BLUNTのBABYFATHERはVEGYNとともに彼女をフィーチャーそしてそしてYoungへと素晴らしい契約後ついにリリースされたフル・アルバム2025。VEGYNのメランコリックにジャブとジョブとラブが交互に現れるリリックにマジック飾りづけるこれぞザ・カルチャー。とまとめて正解といった全12曲の25分。
After SOPHIE passed away, you are the only one left behind, a newcomer to PLZ Make It Ruins led by London producer VEGYN. East London rapper JOHN GLACIER, who realized that he was with someone and made his debut, debut album in 2021. This work was completed in 2019 with the participation of HOLLY, PSCHEDELIC ENSEMBLE, and TN_490, with VEGYN serving as the producer. BABYFATHER of that DEAN BLUNT who heard the rumor of her features her with VEGYN. The melancholic that flickers the ceiling of the bedroom to VEGYN's echo, her lyrics that give a glimpse of the inner side that mixes social issues and ordinary everyday life, and the extraordinary life that is fueled by rap music that makes it look nothing special A trick that invites you to a r...[Read More]
=BACK IN= -LTD.2ND EDITION. 2nd edition with both. And exclusive - VEGYN from 26-year-old London producer Joe Thornalley, who has worked with FRANK OCEAN and TRAVIS SCOTT, is special. It's SOPHIE, ARCA, and JEPEGMAFIA, and it's a fresh, special feeling, like a 2010's South London guitar band, so it's very special. If you think about it, the 2019 1st full album, which also features JPEGMAFIA, is as wonderful as I said earlier. The charming sound creation that completely eliminates ego seems to be a new weapon that only you will notice that someone will imitate in 5 years. ARTHUR, a member of Delphia's indie guitar band JOY AGAIN, has released a masterpiece solo album. There is nothing more special than that, and this record ...[Read More]
The 2018 masterpiece solo debut LP by Arthur Sher, aka ARTHUR, vocalist/guitarist of Philadelphia 's JOY AGAIN, will be reissued in 2023 with a renewed jacket.[Read More]
T-shirt by PLZ MAKE IT RUINS, organized by VEGYN. Available in sizes S, M, L, and XL. Body is made of GILDAN ULTRA COTTON.[Read More]
FRANK OCEAN's "Endless" and "Blonde", super rapper & R&B artists such as TRAVIS SCOTT and KALI UCHIS, contemporary jazz & electronic right-wing DUCVAL TIMOTHY, and recently our ETHAN P. FLYNN London who announced a collaboration. Newcomer pigbaby's debut EP from PLZ Make It Ruins, a label led by producer VEGYN. Sentimental chaos dream as if DANIEL JOHNSTON was produced by VEGYN. Limited to 500 pieces.[Read More]
-Limited 100 BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE 8 cm CD single by SHARE with PLZ MAKE IT RUINS. The design is engraved on both sides of the case. The PLZ label has already sold out immediately - VEGYN's 2019 masterpiece album "Only Diamonds Cut Diamonds" by Joe Thornalley, a young London producer who has worked with FRANK OCEAN and collaborated with JPEGMAFIA. The long-awaited vinyl since then. A miraculous electronic music that descended into the present age through a new London independent feeling built by the current South London guitar bands after going underground with SOPHIE, a lost friend of mankind, and DEAN BLUNT and BURIAL. and unique dance music. A euphoric who doesn't want sarcasm, vanity, or power, and a mel...[Read More]
A collaboration T-shirt between BIG LOVE RECORDS, PAM and PIGBABY of PLZ MAKE IT RUINS. The body is GILDAN.[Read More]
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION with Obi Strip+Signed-
-先着でPLZ MAKE IT RUINS特製ゴムアームバンドとステッカープレゼント-
FRANK OCEAN、TRAVIS SCOTTそしてJAMES BLAKEとの共作などの説明はもはや必要なし我らがVEGYNがスポークンワード・アーティストFrancis Hornsby Clarkとの最新プロジェクト。しかもジャケット・デザインはこちらもまさに我らがCALI DEWITT。といったHEADACHE名義の唯一の作品となるであろうクラシック行き盤。1枚はインストヴァージョンを収録した2枚組。
VEGYN, BIG LOVE EXCLUSIVE T-shirt. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL. Body is made of GILDAN ULTRA COTTON.