Result found for “TONSTARTSSBANDHT”
Limited Reissue 2022 from Fire Talk, an album released in 2009 that was released only on cassette and CD-R by Florida genius brothers TONSTARTSSBANDHT.[Read More]
TONSTARTSSBANDHT by the White brothers from Montreal, Canada. Vinyl is a cassette edition released on their own label Does Are of their 2011 8-track album released on Canada's Arbutus, GRIMES' home label. A psychedelic dream in which PANDA BEAR's euphoric and STOOGES' explosive feedback guitar lightning strike against the environment of DIRTY BEACHES's best friends. A-2 'SHOT TO LA PARC' is an aggressive drag bike rock like NO AGE produced by DIRTY BEACHES. It's not even on Discogs yet.[Read More]
Limited Reissue 2022 from Fire Talk, an album released in 2011 where only cassettes and CD-Rs were released by Florida genius brothers TONSTARTSSBANDHT.[Read More]
TONSTARTSSBANDHT's Andy White's solo name ANDY BOAY released the first cassette in 2011. Outrageous acid psychedelic experimental rock that sounded the madness and amazement of the world discovered beyond drugs on the street. Limited, there is only.[Read More]