Result found for “WICHITA”
Former WORKING MEN'S CLUB member JULIA BARDO, debut album from Wichita, 2021. Produced by YOUNGHUBAND's Euan Hinshelwood.[Read More]
London Youth OSCAR, signed with WICHITA, has already released their second album following their debut in 2015. It's almost as if EDWYN COLLINS participated in CRIBS as a vocalist and recorded a cover of BELL AND SEBASTIAN and SMITHS in the bedroom. board.[Read More]
1990年代をオタク感覚のままDIYインディのど真ん中でいそうで結局は青春時代同様ひとりぼっちであったMarc BianchiによるHER SPACE HOLIDAYをあのNumero GroupがDUSTERに続きまさかの再評価。2000年にUKではWichitaより発表されたアルバムにDUSTER, BRIGHT EYES, MICROMARSそしてMAHOGANYによるRemix曲を加えたアルバムを追加した2枚組にてReissue。
-LTD. SUN YELLOW VINYL- SHANNON LAY is a member of the band FEELS, which is a direct descendant of OH SEES and has released an album from Wichita. The album since the 2017 album "Living Water" released from KEVIN MORBY's label Mare was newly signed and announced in 2019 by that long-established No. 1 USA label Sub Pop.[Read More]
The first vinyl album of 2017 by QUEEN MOO, a quartet from Harford, Connecticut. This is US indie energetic rock with the best local feeling as if STROKES and ARCTIC MONKEYS were added and firmly divided by MERCHANDISE. Quite nice. If Wichita or Matador signed it, it would be big. limited.[Read More]
=BACK IN= 2019 album.[Read More]