僻み、妬み、恨み、肩こり...世の中の嫌なものはこのパーティ・アルバムを聴いて全て消え去る。JJULIUSの第三弾となるこのアルバムは確かにARTHUR RUSSELLのカミングアウトと The FALLのエクストリケイトがブレンドされて水蒸気となったかのような儚さがしっかりとある意味ポスト・パンクとした作品だがそうでないかもしれないとあやふやな状況こそがこのアルバムだと言い残して去っていったパートナーはもう君の元には戻ってこないといった意地悪をどうしても言ってしまう人間らしさも感じるだからこそ傑作だ。
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
OBI Strip+ Signed Sleeve + Art Flyer x 2 // LTD.77
MatadorのLIFEGUARDのメンバーKai Slaterによるソロ・バンドSHARP PINS、2025年アルバム。なぜ彼は青春の手引き書を入手した。正しきヤング・ラヴァーズから生まれた正しきメロディと正しきDIYスピリッツ。いまからでも遅くないラジオのチャンネルを回すよほら止められない。
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
LTD. Signed Inner Sleeve+Frosted Shadow Vinyl Edition.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
=BIG LOVE特典非売品ポスター=
カウンターはいつでも突然やってくる。ニューヨークの突然変異YHWH NAILGUN、待望の1stフル・アルバム、2025。乱れ飛ぶパーカッション、君の顔面に降りかかる唾、それはよだれ。叫びとダンスは激しく見えて実は君の顔面に打ち続けられるジャブジャブジャブジャブ。ただ的確なだけのジャブジャブジャブ。つまり奴らはショーン・ストリックランド。でも君は踊れ。ひとりで踊れ。友人とは君がそう思っているだけの他人だ。隣に寝ているガールフレンドだってその可能性は否定できない。そのクローゼットを開けてみろ。奥さんと娘さんの荷物が入ったスーツケースが見つかるはずだ。だから君はひとりで踊れ。他人の僕と一緒に。2025年ベスト候補。
Damn dreams and pop. The TOUGH ALLIANCE's rebellion without a cause and OPN's NEET terrorist spirit exude a sense of rebellion, and their debut album 2024 is full of the best dreams and pop music.
Belarus. Lukashenko, the president of Europe's last dictatorship, said, "Vodka and saunas are effective against Corona. Seriously. Everything is serious if it is dictatorship. So like this threesome MOLCHAT DOMA. Their 1st album released in 2017 will be released worldwide from Sacred Bones. Not so, but they just might be viruses. The Minimal Wave ~ Goth line established from the 2000s and 2010s, is this real or a product of chance? I've bet my entire fortune on longshot number three, but not long ago I'll point and laugh at you now and the world three years from now, but I'll say it again and again. What is laughed at now is the future a little ahead. This looks. A drum box that just sounds like it's ringing. Vocal mustache and action. I...[Read More]
A dream collaboration album.
2019 4th album.
2024, a cover album of TALKING HEADS' "Stop Making Sense," is released by the record label founded by A24. Featuring BADBADNOTGOOD, Blondshell, The Cavemen., Chicano Batman Feat. Money Mark, DJ Tunez, El Mató a un Policía Motorizado, girl in red, Jean Dawson, Kevin Abstract, The Linda Lindas, Lorde, Miley Cyrus, Paramore, The National, Teezo Touchdown, and Toro y Moi. Limited edition.
Another highlight from Awesome Tapes From Africa. A mix of hip-hop and early Chicago house, released only on cassette in 1994, and Ghanaian pervert electronic music that was hard work and natural in the artist's bedroom.
Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru, an Ethiopian nun and pianist, recorded her vocal albums in the 1960s and 1970s in the islands, which are highly acclaimed among the Mississippi reissues, but this is a vocal album that she recorded at home on cassette. It is a total of eight songs that she had hoped to have released before her death in March 2023.[Read More]
In the 1950s, Tanzania was completely beaten by the one and only Mississippi, who established a unique world from record stores and gained fans all over the world in reissue culture. A compilation of songs recorded by a young man, Frank Joseph Humplick, who lived in a city called Moshi, together with his two sisters. In 1959, he released a 2-track 10-inch made for a radio station. A total of 12 songs that naturally bring happiness to the thought that there is calypso that resonates so purely.[Read More]
2023 Reissue of a miraculous private AOR board produced in the living room by a 20-year-old young man in 1978 using a Fender Rhodes piano, a mini drum machine, etc., from the prestigious Numero.[Read More]
-20th Anniversary Edition-
ベルジャン・アウトロー・レーベルStroomよりINKASSO & MLによるカセット。まるでVOICE ACTORのFUCK版ごとくフィードバックとノイズとビートが地下でメランコリックするはレーベルの勢いままのインダストリアル未満のエレクトロニック。ナイス。
JOANNE ROBERTSON、2016年発表作品。あなたと私の我々のマスターピース。
ローランドのDin Syncの同期技術からインスピレーションを得て制作されたというダブ・エレクトロニック盤
アムステルダム出身バルセロナを経由Will & InkのYALEESA HALLがTimedanceにて放つベース〜ブレイクビーツ・ボム。
テヘラン・ベースのDJ、NESA AZADIKHAHによる限定カセット。UKテイストのテクノのAサイド、ダーク・ディスコ・トラックと超トリップなダブ・ビートのBサイド。
-Japanese Limited White Vinyl with Obi Strip-
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- A 2022 album by ALEX G, the singer-songwriter most admired by current musicians. How many unknown masterpieces will he leave behind in this world? A genius melody is placed with calm judgment in a miraculous space created by eliminating waste through overflowing ideas and accurate revisions, and above all, it has sounded as an era. Yes, there is no past here, no future here, only the present. How lucky is your life to come across such a pop album? A total of 13 songs on it.
1997 Release 2022 Reissue.
ポスト・ゴスの枠を超え、闇と光を纏い現代を駆け抜ける女王CIRCUIT DES YEUX、2025年最新作。
For this item, we will take extra precautions and wrap it more thoroughly than usual with protective materials before shipping. Please note that we do not accept any claims for damage incurred during transit. By purchasing, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.
Once purchased, limited items cannot be cancelled for any reason.
ANDREW INNESのリミックスが90年代バキバキ期のプライマル状態でアゲアゲ。
ロシアン・アンダーグラウンド・エレクトロニック・レジェンドKEDR LIVANSKIY、2025年アルバム。
Big Crownより完全にKHRUANGBINを食いにかかるトルコの弦楽器バグラムを用いたサイケデリック・バンドDERYA YILDIRIM & GRUP ŞIMŞEK、フルアルバムアルバム2025。
2010年代初頭にUSAにおいても支持されたウェールズはカーディフに存在したバンドJOANNA GRUESOMEのヴォーカルLan McArdleとOwen WilliamsはEX-VOIDを結成しそしてそのOwen Williamsが同じくメンバーだったGeorge Nichollsと結成しフロントマンと務めるのがThe TUBSによる2025年待望の2ndアルバム。AUSSIEのガレージ〜ポスト・パンク〜ギター・バンド・シーンを経由しながらも超FELTのアルペジオが涙の疾走しながらも男樹全開ブロンソンならこう歌ったであろう全9曲。
-One per person please- 1991 2nd Album. 2021 Reissue High quality tip-on jacket gatefold sleeve specification / Sound source mastered from 1/2 inch analog tape / 180g heavyweight vinyl.
グラスゴーのJessica HigginsとUpset! The Rhythmから作品を出していたVITAL IDLESのMatthew WalkerdineによるGUESTSの1stアルバム、2024。LOLINAことINGA COPELANDがYOUNG MARBLE GIANTSをイジったようなDIYポスト・パンク・スピリッツが脳打つベッドルーム・エレクトロニック秀作。
Another big hit from Sacred Bones. This is the first official reissue of a legendary album that was produced in 1976 for the promotion of bed mattress manufacturer Simmons, but was not sold. MORT GARSON, a psychedelic sci-fi new age composer active since the late 60s, produced this organic ambient album using a Moog for indoor plants, just like Raymond Scott's baby music "Soothing Sounds For Baby." If you have indoor plants, you should listen to this one.[Read More]
2015年にカセットで発表し2019年にTopshelfから再リリースされその後何回もプレスされるなどの評価を受けた1stアルバムから9年の間、2016-2018そして2021年にレコーディングされたどうやらScott Hermo Jr.ひとりとなったBOYSCOTTによる2024年2ndアルバム。キラメき蠢き悲しき青春疾走爆発文句の言いようがないポップ集全10曲。
-CASSETTE EDITION- 2015年にカセットで発表し2019年にTopshelfから再リリースされその後何回もプレスされるなどの評価を受けた1stアルバムから9年の間、2016-2018そして2021年にレコーディングされたどうやらScott Hermo Jr.ひとりとなったBOYSCOTTによる2024年2ndアルバム。キラメき蠢き悲しき青春疾走爆発文句の言いようがないポップ集全10曲。
-CASSETTE EDITION- ブルックリンのニュー・シューゲイズshower curtainのFire Talkからのデビューアルバム。さすがFire Talk目の付け所がナイスなメランコリックの若干のダウナー加減がザ・今感とキュン泣きする全9曲。
CINDYやTONY JAYそしてCRUEL SUMMERなどの作品にも参加するAndy Pastalaniec率いるCHIME SCHOOL、ベイイエリアのギター・ポップ・ミュージック・シーンにて一歩抜けた評価を受けた1stアルバムに続くジャングリーもシューゲイズもネオアコひとまとめで面倒見る2024年2ndアルバム。
オークランドの3人組FAKE FRUITの2024年フル・アルバム。ガレージ系と言われる中では、いやガレージ系とは言われてないかもしれないと疑うカッティング・ギターのキレにたまに登場するサックスなどのシンプルの中に光るアレンジ、混ざることのない男女ヴォーカル、後半に向けて冴え渡るソングライティング、とにかくセンスが上、といった数年に一枚出会える系とも言える全12曲。
シカゴ・ユース・ギター・バンド・シーンにてHORSEGIRLに続くであろう、は当たり前その弟バンドLIFEGUARDSのKai Slaterが参加する別バンドDWAAL TROUPEの2021年発表2023年リリース、ヴァイナル・アルバム。
LUST FOR YOUTHとCROATIAN AMOR、共演アルバム。もはやレジェンドと言えるLFY節エレポップとCHAPTERHOUSE的ドリーム・シューゲイズに鋼鉄のインダストリアル・スピリッツそして...2025年アルバム。
Influenced by Thai funk and Southeast Asian pop music, KHRUANGBIN has been a mellow funk garage band with a unique position, and now they have signed a full worldwide contract with Dead Oceans and released their official 3rd studio album in 2020. As if to express their reason and intention, they have sounded as a guitar band that dispels those adjectives up to now, and it is a piece that will captivate listeners like me who have not dared to pay attention to them until now. While based on exo dub funk groove, they have sounded as a guitar band with chorus tracks that make the most of 60's psyche, soft rock, and 70's Italian and detective soundtracks, making it a new beginning and unquestionably their best album to date.[Read More]
The fact that soul is firmly recognized in the pop scene, not in categorized small circles (although that is still enough business) or solely in the masses (although great music is still great), is evidenced by the 80s jazz-blue eyed soul movement started by SADE and the scenes of ACID JAZZ and SOUL JAZZ in the early 90s, and can be seen in the attitude of Dead Oceans, who are likely to become a monument of the USA indie scene, trying to develop them into the mainstream and their clear potential. Durand Jones & The Indications' second album in 2019 is a total of 12 songs that will be called classics even in the future, as they have a popular CHI-LITES that anyone can listen to on the street that can approach the overground to lead...
one of riot grrrl revolution bands. 1993年発表アルバム。2024年Reissue Lemon Yellow Vinyl.
one of riot grrrl revolution bands. 2000年発表アルバム。2024年Reissue Red Vinyl.[Read More]
2025年アルバム。20年の月日を超え、ロマンスもポップもその先で手中にした過去最高傑作と言っても良い特別な内容。NICHOLAS KRAGOVICH, DAISY JABERI, KARL BLAU, STEVE MOOREそしてERIC VANDERBUILT-MATTHEWS参加。
1981年発表。DAVID BOWIEのカヴァー'Heroes'収録。2021 Reissue Lavender Vinyl
1985 live performance。2025 RELEASE. Blue Vinyl
7インチのリールにて発見された1979年のカーネギー・ホールにて演奏されたピアノ・ソロ音源がヴァイナル化。2025 RELEASE. Blue Vinyl
The SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, which released a masterpiece album in 2021 that seems to be the best ever, no, the past, and the momentum is unstoppable. It's as if DEAN BLUNT picked up the 1st demo of the 90's band ROCKETSHIP influenced by MY BLOODY VALENTINE produced by early AVALANCHES and ARIEL PINK and messed it up. Teru 2 songs.[Read More]
Fire TalkよりブルックリンのWHY BONNIE、2025年アルバム。
北欧から時代を生んだYEARN LEANと並ぶリアルBLADEE。2022年発表アルバム初ヴァイナル化。Featuring Ecco2k, Wondha Mountain.
北欧から時代を生んだYEARN LEANと並ぶリアルBLADEE。2016年発表EPコンピレーション。YUNG LEANはじめTHAIBOY DIGITALなどの仲間が参加しファンのアンセムも収録する全5曲。
北欧から時代を生んだYEARN LEANと並ぶリアルBLADEEとECCO2Kによる2022年発表共演アルバムが初ヴァイナル化。人気曲"Girls Just Want to Have Fun" 収録。
北欧から時代を生んだYEARN LEANと並ぶリアルBLADEEとTHAIBOY DIGITALによる2016年発表共演アルバムが初ヴァイナル化。ECCO2K参加。
BLADEE is a star designer, director and singer who is on par with YEARN LEAN, a member of YEAR0001, a Scandinavian band that created a new era. The first vinyl release of his first album in 2016 will be released in 2023.
Conversely, the 2017 mini-album of LA's strongest twins, The GARDEN, has never wavered.[Read More]
Among the record companies from around the world, they signed with Epitaph. The world's strongest twins, The Garden, who have charmed men and women from Hedi Slimane to us, may have released their second official album (?) on Epitaph. This work is a monumental neo-punk record that continues to be more DIY than pop and punk, introducing various instruments in addition to bass and drums, and sounds unique.
The commemorative 1st mixtape announced in 2013 has finally been released on vinyl. 2023.[Read More]
2021 released。
カナダからインダストリアルからレトロ・シンセ、さらにはフロアの住人まで世界を魅了する女性MARIE DAVIDSON、2025年アルバム。
元INTERNATIONAL PONYの、と言いたくなるEpitaphからのリリースしていた地元ベルリンのレジェンド・ロック・バンドBEATSTEAKSのArnim Teutoburg-WeißとThe DÜSSELDORF DÜSTERBOYSをフィーチャーしたDJ KOZE、ROISIN MURPHY仕事に続く渾身のナンバー。限定7インチ。
ハンブルグのクラブGolden Pudel ClubのレジデントでもあるDJプロデューサーSPECKMANによるフル・アルバム。まさにドイツの悪いところを詰め込んだようなフロアにてめえの好きなインディ・ロック感覚を丸出しで冒頭から2000年代初頭のM83とANNIEのキラーをパクってなんとなく今風に仕上げたかと思えばまさにジャーマン節のいらないポップ感でまくりのシンセ・ポップに俺もやっぱり歌いたいとマイク持つその図々しさがハッキリ言ってこのエコ時代にありえない無駄満載で最高と結局世界にディスられてもわたしだけは褒めたいさすがのPublic Possessionといった2025年ヴァイナル。
The 2024 album by RIP SWIRL, a young man from Berlin, Germany, is as if a child attending BIG LOVE remotely tried to make his dreams come true by expressing the present with determination. The fact that it was possible to feature MARIA SOMERVILLE, who will finally release an album from 4AD, TANUKICHAN, who will release a work from TORO Y MOI's label Company, shoegaze WINTER, who debuted from Burger and is currently at Bar/None, singer Alias Error of the masterpiece duo ASO with TORNADO WALLACE, and new face untitled (halo) from LA, a follower of bar italia whose debut work is eagerly awaited, is more than anything wonderful. All 11 songs that I want to love like a shoegaze band formed by EYEDRESS and JOANNE ROBERTSON's nephew and ni...
A Swedish producer who has produced tracks for Yung Lean, released singles on The Trilogy Tape, SAMO's Born Free and even XL. BABA STILTZ has since become a folk singer. He's a genius. And his album "Paid Testimony" is a masterpiece. This work, which he has worked on while betraying his listeners in the past, is a soundtrack for a Swedish movie. And whether it's true or false, it will be awarded the Best Feature Film Soundtrack of 2024 in his home country. Apparently he won a Golden Beetle . Are you the no-good Scandinavian Vincent Gallo?
2011 second album.[Read More]
1992年発表1stアルバム。2025年来日記念帯盤。[Read More]
4th studio album released in 2000. 2016 reissue Gatefold edition.[Read More]
7th album released in 2003. 2016 reissue.[Read More]
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- 2nd album released in 2007. Reissue in 2023.
=with SIGNED ART PRINT! Bonus: Signed art print=
DRY CLEANING, a four-piece band that appeared diagonally to the right of London in a counter-like way, released their first album of 2021 from 4AD. IGGY POP of course praised them highly, and even The Fall's most eccentric genius MARK E. SMITH would have said, "You're good enough for me." Florence Shaw, whose parents were visual artists and who herself had a master's degree from the Royal College of Art, was so disappointed with her life that she couldn't explain it to others, but she went out. She didn't want to be a person who just stayed there, so she walked the streets (true story). At the same time, Lewis Maynard suddenly thought, while ironing, "After al...
thought 14-year-old THOM YORKE. I want to be a black midi. Unlike the usual me in the classroom, I don't look down and stick my head out on the stage. Then, he proudly peers into the audience through his sunglasses. While looking down a little. It doesn't mean great. I just want to do it for a little while. Because of my small pocket money as usual, I listened to only jazz, musicals, and TV show soundtrack records from my father's collection, so I think I'm repeating difficult phrases in my head, but please forgive me. Even so, I'd like you to refrain from the sighs of the homeroom teacher who warns you about poor extortion. "What are you laughing about?" Even we, children, can be somewhat considerate, but why don't adults notice anythin...[Read More]
-Last one with bonus sticker! - ROMY from The xx, 1st solo album of 2023.
1982 immortal masterpiece 1st "Garlands" by Cocteau Twins, a band representing early 4AD, officially reissued for the first time in 10 years in 2020. CLASSIC![Read More]
The 2020 EXPANDED VERSION Reissue is a limited 2-disc expanded edition of the posthumous 2010 album, released to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Produced by XL Recording founder RICHARD RUSSELL. In addition to the original, Includes the unreleased song "King Henry IV" and an unreleased cover of "Handsome Johnny" by RICHIE HAVENS.
A sudden release from 2015.
YVES TUMOR is amazing. I have been a big supporter of his looks and worldview for a long time, but this album is so amazing that I worry that his character is getting in the way of the reviews. I am so surprised by the album and songs that have reached such an incredible position as music, or rather as rock music (not electronic music). I know that people who buy records as much as you do rarely think that way, because they know that there are more great songs that make them think "I want to sing" than cool rock songs that make them think "I can't sing," but when we come across a song that makes us want to sing, we end up singing along with our noses bleed, and just having those two songs on this record, "Jackie" and "Crushed Velvet," is...[Read More]
7th album released in 2003. 2016 reissue.[Read More]
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- 2003年Released 2025年 Reissue.
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- 2001年Released 2025年 Reissue。
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- 1999年発表6thスタジオ・アルバム2025年Reissue。
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- 1997年Released 2025年 Reissue.
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION- 1996年Released 2025年 Reissue.
-JAPAN EDITION- 1993年Released 2025年Remastered Reissue.
Milan W., aka, was a member of several local indie bands. Milan Warmoeskerken's 2024 album released by the country's masterpiece label Stroom. Factory Benelux and Les Disques Du Crépuscule's Bethjan post-punk ism and the strongest lonely youth spirit of a former indie youth, with a guitar that is like FELT or rather MAURICE DEEBANK's direct descendant, will make you cry, cry, cry, and of course, cry alone. BUY all 12 songs.
VANISHING TWIN、そしてRAIMEのMOINのドラマーVALENTINA MAGALETTIと同じくVANISHING TWINのメンバーでもあるでた!ZONGAMINことSusumu Mukai氏によるニュー・デュオその名もV/Z、AD93からの傑作LP以来の限定テープ。2024年年末に発売され即完。2025年のリプレス。
INGA COPELAND aka real name LOLINA, who no longer needs the explanation of former HYPE WILLIAMS, 2016 official full album. Five years ahead of the times, INGA COPELAND's solo album "BECAUSE I'M WORTH IT."・The music of God is here that will give it the meaning of electronic music...She is the most wonderful in the world I really think.[Read More]
The most important and most difficult thing is to continue, which means evolution for us as humans. As the 2010s began, LOLINA created the foundation for the next 10 years as a member of HYPE WILLIAMS, and as a solo artist, she was thrown various aspects of herself at us, and we had no choice but to accept them face to face, but LOLINA continues to keep a firm eye on the times, not only herself, but also the world and society. Before her solo album masterpiece "Because I'm Worth It" was released in 2014 on her own label Relaxin Records, INGA COPELAND's first and last album "Higher Powers", which was released only as data, was released on limited vinyl. After this, the one who laughed = the origin of the Nike cap that all human beings ...
LOLINAのレーベルRelaxinの本命great areaによる2024年アルバムがついに初ヴァイナル2025。ダウナーな青春、キラメキ以上の憂鬱、誰にもわかってもらわなくて良いのに軽々しく差し伸べられた手を掴むいつもと同じ自己嫌悪。買ったか買わぬかで人生違う(自己責任)限定ヴァイナル。
裏切らないAD93よりロンドンのCafe OTO周辺を拠点に活動するポーランド出身のプロデューサーWOJCIECH RUSINによる錬金術三部作を完結させる3枚目の作品が素晴らしい。中世 ~ ルネサンスそしてモダニズムをベースにした1980年初頭から中頃にかけての4ADのTHIS MORTAL COILそしてLE MYSTERE DES VOIX BULGARESの世界観を踏襲するかのようなメランコリック・ダークネス。全10曲。
これまでDAFT PUNK、SOLANGE、DEAN BLUNT、JAMIE XX、BLAXE+FALCONなど幅広いアーティストにラブコールを受けたヴォイスを武器に本作はCINDY LEEが参加し更なる深みと高みへ2025年アルバム。
-先着特典特製ステッカーシート- 彼女の作品を聴いたVEGYNは即連絡を取りメッセージを取り合うも実は何度も会ったことのある者同士だと気づきPLZ Make It Ruinsからデビューしそして彼女の噂を聞きつけたあのDEAN BLUNTのBABYFATHERはVEGYNとともに彼女をフィーチャーそしてそしてYoungへと素晴らしい契約後ついにリリースされたフル・アルバム2025。VEGYNのメランコリックにジャブとジョブとラブが交互に現れるリリックにマジック飾りづけるこれぞザ・カルチャー。とまとめて正解といった全12曲の25分。
4th Studio Album released in 1996. Repress Edition.[Read More]
First album released in 1993. 2016 reissue.[Read More]
-LTD.JAPAN EDITION: OBI+ZINE+INSERT- The band was launched with their third original album "Man Alive!" but was forced to suspend their performances due to the pandemic. This album contains 17 best takes from their performances in Paris and Amsterdam just a few weeks before the lockdown. In addition to the songs from "Man Alive!", the album also includes early anthems such as "Easy, Easy" and "Baby Blue", as well as "The Ooz", "Slush Puppy", and "Half Man Half Shark" from their second album, covering their entire discography.
-JAPAN EDITION+先着特典ステッカー付き-
元black midiのフロントマンGEORDIE GREEPによる2024年1stソロ・アルバム。
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-BIG LOVE Special Offer: Make your car smell nice with AMYL'S CAR AIR FRESHENER [MORE IMAGES]-
AMYL AND THE SNIFFERS, the strongest Aussie counter, has jumped over the wall that the current punk-hardcore scene, led by New York in the 2010s, could not overcome with the help of KING GIZZARD, and they are attacking here. Rough Trade's 2nd album in 2021. AMYL's perfect looks, character and vocals, overwhelming punk icon, and super straight-forward punk & garage, old school R&R, AC/DC, MOTORHEAD, and current power Aussie punks, and the weapon that was revealed most in this work is the influence of rap music by AMYL, which created an incredibly original and powerful sound...
1988年Album。 2021年Reissue。
Most people in culture, music, and especially guitar band music, lose themselves in the middle of life and either turn to drugs, alcohol, family, lovers, gambling, or become depressed, and while that may be what rock is all about, it's certainly true that rock isn't for that. (SANDY) ALEX G's 2019 album is amazing, and while it's not like, say, SYD BARRET or ELLIOT SMITH, it's music that's completely different from his predecessors and that we've never heard before, and it's also pop, and what makes it a masterpiece is that it seems to hate adults. It's not just a folk guitar, but the blatant reverse rotation and kitschy arrangements are dazzling, and it has incredible ideas and incredible talent. It doesn't rely on either of them, an...
Vocalist ADRIANNE LENKER's solo album received tremendous support, and the band BIG THIEF, in which she acts as a vocalist, signed with 4AD and released their 3rd album in 2019. From that wonderful piece, the 4th album, the second work in 2019, was announced without delay. While the previous work was a work that completely followed ADRIANNE LENKER's solo and made it into a band, this work approaches us vividly from the band, but the songwriting is not close to ADRIANNE LENKER, and yet it is past. The best composition of the song, which has the feeling that it has come to complete the masterpiece, the highest positive feeling ever, and the original such as unrefined melancholic is kept. All 10 songs that can be conveyed.[Read More]
AMYL AND THE SNIFFERS, the last Aussie counter of the 2010s, who borrowed the shoulders of KING GIZZARD to completely transcend the current punk-hardcore scene of the 2010s into the 2020s and signed with Rough Trade, will release their memorable 1st album of 2020.
コロンビアで生まれ12歳の頃からハードコア・バンドのドラマーとして活動。その後19歳でコロンビアを離れボストンの音楽大学に入学。卒業後はニューヨークのCritter & Guitariでシンセサイザーの設計と開発に携わっていたGabriela Jimeno CaldasことELA MINUSが自分の作品のサウンドはコンピュータでは作らないというルールを設け制作され評価を受けた1stアルバム「acts of rebellion」以来5年ぶり2025年アルバムはあえてのポップにそしてアッパーと振り切ったに違いないテンションとユーフォリックが隠し持つDIYスピリッツを武器にフロアと通勤通学を天国へと変えるであろう全10曲。
The collaborative album by two Belgian musicians MAOUPA MAZZOCCHETTI, who has a completely original sense with experimental reggaeton CLARA! and eccentric industrial beats, is LES DISQUES DE LA, a dance hall division of LOW JACK's label Editions Gravats. From BRETAGNE. Don't make reggaeton an upper class, smile in a slimy, different-dimensional space, scream darkly, but even the serious team will be blown away. JACK's third techno dancehall album. Limited edition clear vinyl edition with 2 discs, 8 songs with vocals and 8 instrumentals.[Read More]
CHAINES by Manchester-based Cee Haines, 2018 first album. Dark electronic like MICA LEVI taught darkness to FELICIA ATKINSON at the church and The CARETAKER Qigong. Limited to 500 copies.[Read More]
=BACK IN= -US EDITION- Kya and I and a few of you will scream in your heart with Tim Presley of WHITE FENCE. Post-punk around 1979 It's like a combination of LUDAS and GIRLS AT OUR BEST. - Post-punk.[Read More]
=BACK IN= 2016 6th album. DIY post-punk that is more than a return to the origin ~ The secret of dub sound is a total of 10 songs that Martin Thulin of EXPLODED VIEW, led by ANIKA who debuted from Sacred Bones, participated in the mix.[Read More]
CTM by cellist Cæcilie Trier joins Posh Isolation from Tambourineoceros, which supports the Copenhagen scene from a somewhat major position in Denmark, which has released ICEAGE's first CD in their home country. She was a member of CHOIR OF YOUNF BELIEVERS and is currently a member of MARCHING CHURCH. A total of 12 songs like THIS MORTAL COIL produced by CROATIAN AMOR beyond romance.[Read More]
The 2020 album of Austin's young band The CUCKOOS, which seems to be a psychedelic version of the popular The CLASH and The STROKES.[Read More]
In the 1950s, Tanzania was completely beaten by the one and only Mississippi, who established a unique world from record stores and gained fans all over the world in reissue culture. A compilation of songs recorded by a young man, Frank Joseph Humplick, who lived in a city called Moshi, together with his two sisters. In 1959, he released a 2-track 10-inch made for a radio station. A total of 12 songs that naturally bring happiness to the thought that there is calypso that resonates so purely.[Read More]
2020 first album by Aussie female vo punk band COLD MEAT from Static Shock.[Read More]
オージー最先端インディペンデント・レーベルDero Arcadeよりジェンダー・エレクトロニック・アタックGus McGrathによるCALIFORNIA GIRLS 2020アルバム。
オージーBedroom Sucksより2015年の隠れた一枚。
Born in Santiago, Chile, where members of FOLLAKZOID, who have released works from Sacred Bones, are also enrolled. Currently living in Berlin, CHICOS DE NAZCA, a psychedelic band around The HOLYDRUG COUPLE. A total of 11 songs that will not be removed from labels such as BYM. The next arrival is strictly limited to 400 pieces.[Read More]
-GOLD VINYL EDITION- The 2nd album released from Rough Trade in 1982 has been remastered and reissued by Chris himself. 2019 Edition.
-VIOLET TRANSPARENT VINYL EDITION- Great 5th album released in 1987 by CHRIS CARTER and COSEY FUNNI TUTTI of THROBBING GRISTLE. 2019 Remastered Reissue.[Read More]
=BACK IN= THROBBING GRISTLE, COUM TRANSMISSIONS before that, and COSEY FANNI TUTTI, who was active as a member of Chris & Cosey, released his only solo work in 1983, finally officially vinylized. A limited deluxe edition that includes a 12-inch 16-page booklet containing remastered, clear vinyl, gatefold jacket, original cassette sleeve and unreleased color photos.[Read More]
CHRIS FARREN's solo album 2019 on Polyvinyl from FAKE PROBLEMS and ANTARCIGO VESPUCCI. AC/DC meets 80's high school movie level youth Power Dream Pop. 12 songs in total.[Read More]
He is the best actor and musician this world has ever produced, but the world doesn't notice. That's always the way it is. Important people and important things are always put off. It's unfortunate, but I think that's probably because humans are not meant to evolve all at once. But we'll let it go all at once. Today and tomorrow, we'll leave humanity behind. CALEB LANDRY JONES' music is the best. It takes the best parts of punk and glam rock, lands firmly in the art world, and the barrier to entry is not high. That's what street music is, and if it's not street music, it has no meaning. It's the same as saying that you don't have time to think about what happens after you die, so people who don't get along with you might not think so, bu...[Read More]
VINCENT GALO is more genius than people think, but even if you say you like VINCENT GALO now, culture will not be born. Even 20 years ago, it was barely a story. Anyway, this work, which is the first musical solo work of the famous actor CALEB LANDRY JONES, which the world will not notice anyway, but the world will notice greatly, will return, but it has become a masterpiece that the world will not notice anyway. I'm tired of saying that after ARIEL PINK, I'm tired of lo-fi magic and DUNGEN. But everyone's self-satisfaction level work is the limit, but this guy has finished serving in a ridiculous place. Anyway, when I was in trouble in the first half of the 2020s, I could say that I was paying attention only to CALEB LANDRY JONES. He's ...[Read More]
BIG PINKのドラマーでもあったAkiko Matsuura嬢によるCOMANECHI、2013年アルバム。